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@halalchampagnesocialist / halalchampagnesocialist.tumblr.com

🇵🇸🇵🇸 Kowther. Australia. Palestine, politics, and feminism. 🇵🇸🇵🇸

Birthday donations for Gaza

Hi! In honour of the one year anniversary since Oct 7 coinciding with my birthday, I'm making a second fundraiser match post and I'd appreciate if you all matched me if you have the means to do so. If you missed my first fundraiser match post, you can find it here.

These have all been vetted and verified. As always if you're unable to donate, PLEASE SHARE AND BOOST!!

Receipts under the cut:


Dude Palestinian liberals and normalisers are so fucking annoying. This is such an awful take and a weird lens in which to view current events through. It also implies that Palestinian resistance is the reason for Israel’s destruction and ethnic cleansing rather than something that was already occuring. I mean, it was only in the past year Israel completely destroyed Tulkarem refugee camp. Israel constantly carries out invasions of Jenin refugee camp and has killed several Palestinians in the camp who weren’t even militants.


Hi, I hope you're doing well. ❤️ I'm writing to you with full of hope to help me and my family. My family is in a very danger situation due to the ongoing war, and I've launched a GoFundMe campaign to save them. 😢 Could you please share my campaign post from my profile? Each share could be a lifeline for my family. 🙏 Feel free to share it in any other social media platform if you would like. Our campaign has been verified by operation olive branch, and is entry number 26 on their spreadsheet. From the bottom of my heart I want to thank you in advance for all of your support and kindness.



€303 away now!!


Almost every Palestinian currently has or has had relatives in Israeli jails. Some are jailed for loose affiliation to certain groups whilst some are jailed for their activism against the occupation. There are many, however, that are jailed "just because." They've committed no crime. If they did, they certainly weren't indicted for any. Even the ones arrested and imprisoned for their activism rarely get indicted or if they do, it's on bullshit charges. Palestinians are also tried in military courts compared to Israelis who are tried in civilian courts. Israel can imprison anyone it likes for however long It likes "just because." This includes children. In the West Bank, Israel is the judge, jury, and executioner. It effectively runs a police state through its occupation. According to Bt'Selem's statistics from June 2024, Israel currently holds over 9, 000 Palestinian prisoners, with over 3, 000 who are "administrative detainees" i.e. held without charge or trial. It gets even more sinister when you consider the conditions inside Israeli jails, how many "confessions" are extracted through torture, how many prisoners are raped and tortured to death. So much of this is conveniently left out or falsely reframed as "innocent hostages vs criminal prisoners" when people call for the release of the hostages. I want the hostages to be home with their loved ones as soon as possible but the thousands of Palestinian prisoners deserve the same as well.

oh god, my thoughts are with their families. i'm also glad she was finally released. the exact same thing happened to my cousin 6 months or so ago where he was abducted by the iof in the middle of the night whilst on his way home from work. my uncle's family know where he is but he hasn't even had his trial yet because they keep cancelling and moving his court dates. so he's also been in Israeli prison for months on end now for no reason at all. he was imprisoned before so he is known to them but that's about it.


Almost every Palestinian currently has or has had relatives in Israeli jails. Some are jailed for loose affiliation to certain groups whilst some are jailed for their activism against the occupation. There are many, however, that are jailed "just because." They've committed no crime. If they did, they certainly weren't indicted for any. Even the ones arrested and imprisoned for their activism rarely get indicted or if they do, it's on bullshit charges. Palestinians are also tried in military courts compared to Israelis who are tried in civilian courts. Israel can imprison anyone it likes for however long It likes "just because." This includes children. In the West Bank, Israel is the judge, jury, and executioner. It effectively runs a police state through its occupation. According to Bt'Selem's statistics from June 2024, Israel currently holds over 9, 000 Palestinian prisoners, with over 3, 000 who are "administrative detainees" i.e. held without charge or trial. It gets even more sinister when you consider the conditions inside Israeli jails, how many "confessions" are extracted through torture, how many prisoners are raped and tortured to death. So much of this is conveniently left out or falsely reframed as "innocent hostages vs criminal prisoners" when people call for the release of the hostages. I want the hostages to be home with their loved ones as soon as possible but the thousands of Palestinian prisoners deserve the same as well.


I hate these slimy worms so much but this guy is one of the worst. Imagine claiming that wanting to liberate Jerusalem so Palestinians have freedom to access their holy sites is synonymous with “ethnically cleansing jews.” when Palestine is free your Egyptian Zionist ass is not stepping anywhere near it, you ugly worm.


Have probably made a million posts about this over the past year or so but it will never not annoy me how Zionists always frame pro-Palestine protests as ones "cheering on Hamas atrocities" like it's very clear what the intention here is. I think I care probably less about the framing or insinuation of Palestinians/Arabs/Muslims as "terrorists/terrorist sympathisers" but more about the obfuscation of the daily suffering and massacres of our people. Israel has murdered far more Palestinians in the last 400 days than Hamas has ever killed Israelis in the last 40 years, but even so, (mis)characterising protests in this way also implies that not only do Palestinians have no right to protest as Israel is justified in its atrocities against Palestinians, but Israelis are the primary victims here. It just makes me so mad.


للأسف اليوم تم تأكيد اصابة والدتي بمرض السرطان الخبيث 😔💔 ، كم هذا مؤلم وصعب جدا سماع ذلك

ما أصاب والدتي هو بسبب ما نعيشه من فقر الغذاء والدواء والمجاعة ومن الحرب والدمار وغبار الصواريخ السامة  التي تتساقط علينا في غزة

أطلب منكم اليوم أن تقفوا بجانبي وبجانب امي لكي نستطيع علاجها 💔💔😔😔😔

Unfortunately, today it was confirmed that my mother has been diagnosed with malignant cancer 😔💔, how painful and difficult this is to hear. What happened to my mother is because of the poverty of food and medicine, famine, war, destruction, and the dust of toxic missiles that are falling on us in gaza

Today I ask you to stand by me and my mother so that we can treat her 💔💔😔😔😔

Last donation was in 3 days!!

It’s now been 4 days with no donations!!

It’s now been 6 days with no donations!!


One of the weirdest yet predictable courses of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and Zionists weaponising Islamophobia to not only appeal to right wingers but to mischaracterise this “conflict” as a religious one (or even invoke a “clash of civilisations” narrative) has been the inversion of anti-Semitic canards against Palestinians. Many examples of this, of course, but one of probably the most annoying is the equation of Islamist terrorism with the Palestinian cause. Even if the actor in question isn’t Palestinian or didn’t commit the attack in the name of Palestinian resistance, they’ll still blame Palestinians. “This is what globalise the intifada leads to!” My guy, in this day and age, intifada has a very specific context and meaning. It refers to Palestinian uprisings against the occupation, it does not mean “terrorist attacks against random Westerners in the West.” But seriously, how is this any different to blaming Jews for things that have nothing to do with Jews?

Anonymous asked:

Hi, is tumblr search working for you? like anything showing up on tags? it’s been hours and i don’t see any new posts when searching or clicking on any tag.

Hey! My search appears to be working fine. Try clearing your cache or cookies and that might help. If you're on the app, it might be an issue with the app but on desktop it appears to be working as normal.


it really bothers me how so much liberal Zionist energy has always been focused on emphasising that israelis are not their government etc as if israelis are the one being systemically persecuted / occupied by palestinians when that same energy could be spent countering the Zionist right wing propaganda that every Palestinian in Gaza deserves to suffer for what Hamas did or because of the hostages, especially when those liberals unlike the right recognise that israel is carrying out war crimes and atrocities in their name.


Israel has forcibly driven out two thirds of Palestinians in 1948, and has since made the area spanning between the Jordan river and the Mediterranean Sea a jigsaw puzzle of illegal settlements, ensuring the impossibility for Palestinians to achieve national or territorial cohesion.

With illegal settlements, Israel fragmented the West Bank into landmasses, restricting over 3 million Palestinians from accessing their lands and moving freely by building an apartheid wall over 85% of the land. In Gaza, Israel crammed 2 million Palestinians in a 141 square miles concentration camp and placed them under a brutal siege, controlling their air, sea and land crossings and subjecting them to routine military assaults. Then in East Jerusalem, Israel subjects 360,000 Palestinians to ongoing removal campaigns from denying the majority of building permits to Palestinians who since 1991 only received 30% of the building permits issued altogether, to straight up removing them from their homes. Even within Israel, an explicit effort is being made and has been to remove Bedouins from their land, on top of creating discriminatory laws that only apply to Israel's "Arab" (Palestinian) population, like banning reunification of spouses/families if they happen to be from the West Bank or Gaza.

And that's barely scratching the surface of Israel's incremental genocide and ethnic cleansing in Palestine.

Yet, somehow Zionists have the audacity to brand Palestinians' call to break free from Israel's brutality and occupation which Israel imposes on them for simply existing in the area between the river and the sea, as a call of/for violence. This contradiction indeed defies basic logic; a projection that aims to distract from the many tragedies unfolding right before our eyes every day.

So as a reminder: from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free within our lifetime, because this brutality is unsustainable.


I can’t tell you how much I loathe the reduction of Palestinian identity, culture, history to its modern iteration, which is usually reduced to the last century or so, and erases much of what came before. “Palestinians have no history because they were invented in X” that’s not how history works at all and any historian will tell you that you can’t analyse history in a vacuum. The idea that history, including Jewish history, preceding the Arab conquests can’t be Palestinian at all is false. It’s also very reductive and denies Palestinian their heritage. The history of the Byzantine empire in Palestine would be as much Palestinian as it is Greek. So why do Zionists love to claim that certain aspects of Jewish history cannot be Palestinian at all? Would you claim that Roman history isn’t Italian just because the nation state of Italy as we know it didn’t exist back then? No, that would be ridiculous. Even if our ancestors didn’t identify as Palestinian some few hundred years ago or a millennium ago, that history or culture doesn’t just cease to exist. It continues, even as the land, its inhabitants and their material conditions change and evolve over time. To assume that Palestinians cannot claim any history before X period as “Palestinian” is just ahistorical nonsense.

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