Israel has forcibly driven out two thirds of Palestinians in 1948, and has since made the area spanning between the Jordan river and the Mediterranean Sea a jigsaw puzzle of illegal settlements, ensuring the impossibility for Palestinians to achieve national or territorial cohesion.
With illegal settlements, Israel fragmented the West Bank into landmasses, restricting over 3 million Palestinians from accessing their lands and moving freely by building an apartheid wall over 85% of the land. In Gaza, Israel crammed 2 million Palestinians in a 141 square miles concentration camp and placed them under a brutal siege, controlling their air, sea and land crossings and subjecting them to routine military assaults. Then in East Jerusalem, Israel subjects 360,000 Palestinians to ongoing removal campaigns from denying the majority of building permits to Palestinians who since 1991 only received 30% of the building permits issued altogether, to straight up removing them from their homes. Even within Israel, an explicit effort is being made and has been to remove Bedouins from their land, on top of creating discriminatory laws that only apply to Israel's "Arab" (Palestinian) population, like banning reunification of spouses/families if they happen to be from the West Bank or Gaza.
And that's barely scratching the surface of Israel's incremental genocide and ethnic cleansing in Palestine.
Yet, somehow Zionists have the audacity to brand Palestinians' call to break free from Israel's brutality and occupation which Israel imposes on them for simply existing in the area between the river and the sea, as a call of/for violence. This contradiction indeed defies basic logic; a projection that aims to distract from the many tragedies unfolding right before our eyes every day.
So as a reminder: from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free within our lifetime, because this brutality is unsustainable.