Oh on we gotta dew someting to sthap this ebil! :ohnoes: So this is someone who I've really been wanting to draw for many years now. I used to play Ninja Gaiden 2 a lot back when I was little and remembered all the of the great and frustrating times I used to have playing it. Ashtar was one of the main villains in the game. I remember thinking how awesome Ashtar was and is still one of my most favorite villain of all time. =w= I just wish he wasn't killed off so quickly just for Jaquio's return. -.- Regardless, It was honestly a pleasure drawing this one. He looks different because I used 2 references for the drawing: one from the original concept from the game and the other from a fan concept. So credit goes to both the original owners for that. Might end up drawing him again real soon. :) Drawing (c) HowSplendid Ashtar (c) Ninja Gaiden 2/Tecmo