
HowSplendid Arts

@h0wsplendid / h0wsplendid.tumblr.com

Just posting stuff I have on deviantart to here. Speaking of which my deviantart: http://howsplendid.deviantart.com/

Just wanted say hi. Damn..... :ohnoes: Well I felt compelled to draw more of Rat. I even have him on my art board now. Figured I'd draw a couple of them during my art class to have a more customized look to my board. and yeah Caroline is on there too. I might scan it one of these days. :) Rat Label (c) HowSplendid


OH MAH GAWD!!! A DRAGON!!!!! He's so CUTE! Ima keep him, feed him and call him George!!! Not really, but I swear I was close to calling him Drago. :I Blaze will have to do for now. Blaze (c) HowSplendid

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