
HowSplendid Arts

@h0wsplendid / h0wsplendid.tumblr.com

Just posting stuff I have on deviantart to here. Speaking of which my deviantart: http://howsplendid.deviantart.com/

Just working on a fun story idea, while working on the current one. David is an assassin or hitman, but doesn't share that information with the rest of his team. Regardless of his questionable past, he's a good guy deep down and trying to change himself for the better...maybe. :la: The walker part's intentional since I have a couple of characters with that last name already. :) Just another part of the story idea that I'm working on. This dude's involved with these two: http://howsplendid.deviantart.com/art/Ollie-stuff-551210798 http://howsplendid.deviantart.com/art/Kat-McPherson-the-Zephyr-Series-40-576526075?q=gallery:HowSplendid/12338359&qo=11 I'm not sure what I plan to do with this especially since this isn't part of the comic I'm currently working on, but I'll figure out something.

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