
HowSplendid Arts

@h0wsplendid / h0wsplendid.tumblr.com

Just posting stuff I have on deviantart to here. Speaking of which my deviantart: http://howsplendid.deviantart.com/

Rat: "And why did you take my underwear!?" Caroline: "Oh that? Ah, just for a bit of insurance and they're panties, by the way." :la: Rat: "Insurance? What the hell youse talkin' about?" Caroline: "Well you can keep going on with this....or I have you tied and bound and left in a questionable alleyway naked by my hired peeps. Your call." :la: Rat: "U-um on second thought, Little Miss Princess would like to have more tea. " ^^; Caroline: "Shame. All that money down the drain, but much better, princess." :la: Rat: *mumbles* I'll show you "much better" little b***h.." Caroline: "What was that, princess?" D:< Rat: N-NOTHING, nothing! Please don't strip me!" Caroline: "I'll think about it." *sips tea* Awww they're getting along just fine. :D Caroline Soulfire and Rat Label (c) HowSplendid


Because F**K dah police! :la: Interrupting the Solatorobo marathon for page 5 of my comic, The Zephyrs! I know it took a while, but school and work have really been killing, nevertheless I'll do my best to finally get through this damn prologue section of my comic. Stay tuned and Enjoy! The Zephyrs (c) HowSplendid


You scream, I scream, we all scream for icecream! :la: So yeah here's page 4 of my comic, The Zephyrs. Man I wasn't sure if I was going to finish this before the end of the week, because I barely started on it yesterday and finished it today. Regardless, I'm much happier with the quality compared to page 3. :) So now each new page will come every 2 or 3 weeks due to the fact that I'm starting college and my first job tomorrow plus I have 2 commission to work on. I might post sooner if I get the hang of my new schedule, but no promises. The Zephyrs (c) HowSplendid


Man they really like to aim for the faces. :la: So here's page 3 of my comic: The Zephyrs. Sorry this one took longer than expected as well as the panels being a little crooked ^^; I'm hoping to have another page out by next weekend before school starts. After that, pages will start coming out within 2-3 weeks each, because of college classes(and possibly work), so it'll be hard to get the pages finished faster.  If I'm able, I'll get them out earlier, if I manage to finish them before then. Enjoy! The Zephyrs (c) HowSplendid

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