
HowSplendid Arts

@h0wsplendid / h0wsplendid.tumblr.com

Just posting stuff I have on deviantart to here. Speaking of which my deviantart: http://howsplendid.deviantart.com/

Quick drawing of my character Rat Label. I need to get around to drawing him more. I saw an old drawing of him from last year and I figured it was best to kinda update it. Been a while since I've also drawn a gun of some kind. =3=

Rat Label (c) HowSplendid


"Can I pay you in food stamps?" Rat: "Wha- NO!" "AWWWWWWWWWWW. D: " Rat: "Why the f**k would you think that, you freakin' idiot" "Because yo sorry ass be always needin' money, which i bet is for food too." :ohnoes: Rat: >.o "why you little.........FINE! Just this once." "Yay bribing!" :la: Rat: "*Sigh* so hungry.... >s< DAMN IT! Rat Label (c) HowSplendid

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