PLers can't genuinely tell me THAT has a heartbeat
What they call a "heartbeat" is actually cardiac pole activity. It means that someday, if the pregnancy is allowed to continue without disruption, there could be a heart in there that could have a heartbeat.
Which is obviously an OK thing to make a woman lose her bodily autonomy for. This. A clump of cells.
Can’t believe this ⬆️ fucker has more rights in this country than I do
No matter if you're pro abortion or not the truth is very important. This is a miscarriage at 5 weeks.
No, it really isn’t. You are spreading misinformation. Images like that are created by prolifers specifically to appeal to our emotions and encourage us to humanise the tissue, and yes, the internet is rife with these images, but it’s not the truth.
The original post and the commentary from the article that I’ve added below is truth.
The nascent embryo isn’t even visible to the naked eye until around 9 weeks. And this truth makes some people uncomfortable because we have all been conditioned to think that an embryo is a tiny baby, and it’s shocking to see what the tissue actually looks like, but there it is. For women who are excited about their pregnancies it might be disappointing, and that’s also why so many diagrams and info sheets about pregnancy development show the embryo as more humanised, because it appeals to the soon-to-be mothers. But like the article says their purpose here isn’t to please everyone, it’s to spread the truth and combat misinformation, even if some people find it shocking or disappointing.
not 2 b a h8er against the wonder of making new life or smth, but that looks disgusting lmao like mold or a dead jellyfish........ nah thanks