
Set Women Free



PLers can't genuinely tell me THAT has a heartbeat

What they call a "heartbeat" is actually cardiac pole activity. It means that someday, if the pregnancy is allowed to continue without disruption, there could be a heart in there that could have a heartbeat.

Which is obviously an OK thing to make a woman lose her bodily autonomy for. This. A clump of cells.

Can’t believe this ⬆️ fucker has more rights in this country than I do

No matter if you're pro abortion or not the truth is very important. This is a miscarriage at 5 weeks.

No, it really isn’t. You are spreading misinformation. Images like that are created by prolifers specifically to appeal to our emotions and encourage us to humanise the tissue, and yes, the internet is rife with these images, but it’s not the truth.

The original post and the commentary from the article that I’ve added below is truth.

The nascent embryo isn’t even visible to the naked eye until around 9 weeks. And this truth makes some people uncomfortable because we have all been conditioned to think that an embryo is a tiny baby, and it’s shocking to see what the tissue actually looks like, but there it is. For women who are excited about their pregnancies it might be disappointing, and that’s also why so many diagrams and info sheets about pregnancy development show the embryo as more humanised, because it appeals to the soon-to-be mothers. But like the article says their purpose here isn’t to please everyone, it’s to spread the truth and combat misinformation, even if some people find it shocking or disappointing.

not 2 b a h8er against the wonder of making new life or smth, but that looks disgusting lmao like mold or a dead jellyfish........ nah thanks


"White flight is a term that describes how white people move out of neighborhoods when more people of color move in.

White flight is especially common when minority populations become the majority. That neighborhood then declines in value.

Male flight describes a similar phenomenon when large numbers of females enter a profession, group, hobby or industry—the men leave. That industry is then devalued.

Take veterinary school for example:

In 1969 almost all veterinary students were male at 89%.

By 1987, male enrollment was equal to female at 50%.

By 2009, male enrollment in veterinary schools had plummeted to 22.4%

A sociologist studying gender in veterinary schools, Dr. Anne Lincoln says that in an attempt to describe this drastic drop in male enrollment, many keep pointing to financial reasons like the debt-to-income ratio or the high cost of schooling.

But Lincoln’s research found that “men and women are equally affected by tuition and salaries.”

Her research shows that the reason fewer men are enrolling in veterinary school boils down to one factor: the number of women in the classroom.

For every 1% increase in the proportion of women in the student body, 1.7 fewer men applied.

One more woman applying was a greater deterrent than $1000 in extra tuition! (…)

Since males had dominated these professions for centuries, you would think they would leave slowly, hesitantly or maybe linger at 40%, 35%, 30%, but that’s not what happens.

Once the tipping point reaches majority female- the men flee. And boy do they flee!

It’s a slippery slope. When the number of women hits 60% the men who are there make a swift exit and other men stop joining.

Morty Schapiro, economist and former president of Northwestern University has noticed this trend when studying college enrollment numbers across universities:

“There’s a cliff you fall off once you become 60/40 female/male. It then becomes exponentially more difficult to recruit men.”

Now we’ve reached that 60% point of no return for colleges.

As we’ve seen with teachers, nurses and interior design, once an institution is majority female, the public perception of its value plummets.

Scanning through Reddit and Quora threads, many men seem to be in agreement - college is stupid and unnecessary.

A waste of time and money. You’re much better off going into the trades, a tech boot camp or becoming an entrepreneur. No need for college. (…)

When mostly men went to college? Prestigious. Aspirational. Important.

Now that mostly women go to college? Unnecessary. De-valued. A bad choice. (…)

School is now feminine. College is feminine. And rule #1 if you want to safely navigate this world as a man? Avoid the feminine.

But we don’t seem to want to talk about that."


Is Lily Phillips, the young woman who slept with 101 men in 24 hours and now plans to do the same with 1,000, a vulnerable victim of exploitation? Or is she a free agent, making her own choices about her body and what to do with it?

I don’t think the answer to this is remotely complicated. Sure, it is possible to claim that unless Phillips describes herself as a victim, she cannot be one. It’s possible to claim that if feminists fought for a woman’s right to make her own choices, they cannot criticise this one. It’s possible to claim that anyone expressing pity for Phillips is judgemental, “whorephobic”, a dried-up old prude. It’s possible to claim all of these things, but none of that changes what we can all see right in front of us.  

As Julie Bindel has written, “no woman has a fantasy to end up with the type of injuries that will occur from such extreme activities”. One does not have to have any particular expertise in trauma, sexual abuse or disassociation to recognise self-harming behaviour. While false consciousness can be a tricky area for feminists — how close is the protective “you don’t want this really” to the patriarchal “you don’t know your own mind and have no desires of your own”? — there are times when the damage is much too obvious to leave any room for doubt. I cannot look at clips of Phillips in the immediate aftermath of what she “consented” to and think “yes, that woman is fine”. To be able to do so would take some effort. Indeed, I think you’d have to train yourself. 

What worries me in the case of Phillips — and far more broadly, in some branches of feminism and leftist politics as a whole — is that this training has begun to be seen as a virtue. Closing off feelings of compassion has become a way of managing the disconnect between #BeKind, right-side-of-history sloganeering and the abject cruelties of “progressive” industries: the sex trade, commercial surrogacy, “gender-affirming” care. Can’t cope with the cognitive dissonance that comes from witnessing pain caused by your side’s definition of freedom? Then learn not to see it. Learn not to feel. Teach yourself to regard this very feeling as a mark of moral immaturity. 

As I’ve been exploring in my book (Un)kind, there’s an area of “progressive” thought which prides itself on not feeling pity or compassion for any victim of sexual, medical or reproductive exploitation about whom it can be said “but it was a choice”. Even though this flies in the face of what feminists (and others) have long argued about the nature of power and coercion, there are certain choices — frequently ones relating to the bodies of women or children — which get placed in some magical, depoliticised zone. Thereafter anyone who might have a natural, human reaction to another person hurting themselves — at least for “liberatory” reasons — can be dismissed as the possessor of an unsophisticated, lower-order moral sensibility. To their “progressive” betters, feeling sad for the likes of Lily Phillips is all a bit knee-jerk, a bit vulgar, a bit “won’t somebody please think of the children” conservative. 

If you want to demonstrate your superior moral instincts, you must develop the capacity to switch your empathy on and off — off when it comes to the boring, obvious stuff (say, women who are selling their babies or demanding to have their breasts cut off), and on for the more “exciting”, challenging subjects (say, terrorists or sexual abusers threatened by the “carceral state”). Why clutch your pearls over migrant women in mega-brothels when you can be out there demanding restorative justice for rapists?

There is something deeply inhumane about this. It matters to tune into that instant awareness that another person is in pain, even if that person is denying it. It matters to know that some actions are wrong, coercive, abusive, even if the individual who is at the heart of them makes no complaint. I am not saying that “responding” is the be all and end all. The excuses other people make to ignore another person’s suffering can often be the same ones the sufferer herself makes in order to cope with her pain. When no other exit seems possible, “I chose this — I wanted it” can seem like the only way of maintaining dignity. That doesn’t mean everyone else has to buy it, though it does make challenging it fraught.

Thinking about Lily Phillips has also set me thinking about the actor Elliot Page. You may notice that I don’t use Page’s “old” name – the “dead name” — as that would be deemed unkind and dehumanising, not least by those currently cheering on Page’s supposed transition to living his best life as a man. I don’t think I’m alone in looking at Page and seeing someone in tremendous pain, with a history of abuse, taking it out on a body that was never, ever to blame. I hesitate to write more because, well, it’s done now. The same can be said when I see images of teenage females who have had “top surgery” or women who claim to be perfectly happy to indulge the abuse fantasies of male partners or actresses who’ve starved themselves to next to nothing. What’s there to say? It’s done now. They’re even smiling. Why take from these women the stories that they need in order to believe this was what they wanted, and that there was never any other way? Likewise, why say anything about Lily Phillips? Why not let her get on with the 1,000 man challenge and if it appals you, don’t think about it? 

Because this is how we learn to approve atrocities. Even if we cannot save individuals, it’s essential that we remain sensitive to unspoken pain. It’s a pre-requisite to creating the world in which “choices” which are no choices at all never have to be made. Silence isn’t virtuous, even if it has been repackaged as respecting the autonomy of others. We know what’s before our own eyes. We mustn’t ever learn not to see it.

@capybarad co-signed and underlined


Pregnancy is one of my greatest fears. If you are against abortion, I see you as an active threat to the safety, sanity, and well-being of every woman I've ever known or will know.

Women's bodies are not sacrifices for your god or the "greater good". We are not collateral damage.

Pregnancies should only be carried to term when the pregnant woman wants them to be. Full stop.

Abortion on demand, for any reason, at any point.

If you cannot agree to that, then you are declaring women's time, energy, and bodies to be collateral damage to suit your agenda. And therefore you support the subjugation of women and are not a feminist.

Because women just spontaneously become pregnant at random and there's nothing that can be done to prevent them from becoming pregnant in the first place...

You sound totally hinged and mentally stable...


You're right! In order to prevent unwanted pregnancies, men should get mandatory vasectomies in their late teens and then when they're in a committed relationship, they can have it reversed with the consent of their female partner.


I often see & hear women talking of "why the second wave failed". Why the radical feminism of the 70s "didn't work". What feminists "did wrong". I don't think the radical feminism of the 70s failed. Women didn't do anything wrong. What happened was that the backlash from men was too swift, too strong. The movement grew quickly. Finally, a mass movement of the oppressed fighting back against their oppressors. But when men realized what was happening and began to push back, women got scared. Like frightened troops on a battlefield, women scattered. The movement grew too fast and there was not enough groundwork, not enough planning to prepare for how to handle the huge numbers of mobilized women who were terrified of men's threatened or actual punishment for women's mass disobedience. But how could feminists have prepared for such a backlash? How can we blame them? There was no groundwork because a feminist movement of that scale hadn't happened before.

The radical feminists of the 70s were the groundwork. What they built then, we have now. We have it all, access to almost everything, from almost anywhere in the world, via the internet. In the 70s, feminists did not have the trove of feminist insight that we have now. They created it for us. We have their legacy. We have Mary Daly, Andrea Dworkin, Audre Lorde, The Combahee River Collective, Sheila Jeffreys, Catharine MacKinnon. We have a history now that literally did not exist in the 1970s. The second wave did not fail. It inspired a generation of women to learn about ourselves. We can do now what they could not; we can prepare. We know what a backlash looks like. We know what it looks like when men are frightened and how they threaten us. We know how women respond to these threats. We have foundational knowledge. We can try again. We have a whole library's worth of information, strategies, insight, analysis, history, theory, most of which did not exist 50 years ago. What a gift that is. All is not lost. We have the knowledge and the reach to organize. In time, if we stay strong, never waver, and remember the tools that the second wave gave to us, we have the power to create a movement even stronger and more explosive than the second wave.


I'm not sure if this has made the rounds on Radblr yet. Indian feminist Vaishnavi Sundar has released a four-part documentary on gender identity and its effects on girls and women. You can watch it for free here.

You can donate to her paypal to support her. She was also the creator of the documentary 'But What was She Wearing' - the only film of its kind about sexual violence in India. Refer to this post for more info on that documentary.

This post has been blowing up. I wanted to use the opportunity to call attention to her YouTube channel. She interviews women who are on the ground doing grassroots work and research in women's rights. If you're interested in feminism in India or Asia, it's a really insightful source of information.


UK Feminist Events in 2025

Friday 30th May-Saturday 31st May : Women Create!

Women Create! Is the world’s first ever conference exclusively for cancelled female and feminist artists from across the political spectrum

Saturday 14th June : Race, Sex, and Class

Join us for Race, Sex, and Class - a thought-provoking conference on how these factors intersect and how to chart a way forward

Sat 26 July - Sun 27 July : The Global Silencing of Women

This conference will help us share information about how to defend women's rights. The conference theme will be the Global Silencing of Women. If you can’t attend in person you can join us online.

10th-12th October : FiLiA

Learn about Women’s Rights and Global Feminism Meet the women who are challenging sex-based injustices across the world. Build your Feminist Network. Leave inspired.

Please feel free to add any events I have missed. I am not affiliated with any of the above organisations and cannot guarantee any of the events.

Anonymous asked:

IF and ONLY IF she apologized genuinely, donated a large sum of money to appropriate charities, and showed genuine and sincere efforts to remedy and repair her behavior: would you forgive JK Rowling?


Forgive her for what? She's literally FOUNDED charities! She founded Lumos and Biera's Place herself, she donated hundreds of thousands of pounds to support women and their families fleeing from Afghanistan after it fell to the Taliban, she donated so much money she took herself off the Forbes billionaire list, she donated tons of money to charities for the disabled, the poor, and battered women. She's a goddamn miracle of a woman and she is what most people would want to be if they came into the kind of wealth she has

The ONLY reason people hate her is because she doesn't believe men can become women and that women need female only spaces. If she were a man, everyone would love her.

The hilariousness of the poll that said 80% would forgive a nazi and this one that says only 30% would forgive jkr


uber now offers a “woman riders” option after numerous sexual assaults of intoxicated women as well as the murder of a woman except it’s just “drivers who identify as women and nonbinary” this is so fucking insulting at this point

“we see you and we hear you 🫶🏼 we acknowledge that our female customers feel unsafe due to the rapes and the murder but unfortunately people on twitter will be really mad at us if we actually create a woman only option so here’s a completely useless option instead”


"What are you going to do, have genital inspections to use the bathrooms?"

-a TRA

Males truly cannot conceive of the idea of simply respecting the space and boundaries of women. It literally doesn't cross their minds, so their minds immediately jump to whether or not women can forcibly stop them. The belief is that if a woman cannot forcibly prevent it, you may take anything you like from her with impunity.

- Marian Rutigliano


men should be banned from adopting


watch them blame it on the fact that they are gay and not the fact that they are men


Their mugshots say it all. Jesus.

Men adopt girls just to rape them constantly and it doesn’t make headlines.

The outrage is over the fact they were raping sons. Not that they had adopted a child specifically to rape.

Right? I mean, 100 years? Do men who rape girls ever get anywhere close to that long? (I'm genuinely asking bc I've never heard of anyone getting more than like 20 and usually more like a couple years -- or months).

Don't get me wrong, these sick fucks should be in prison forever. It's just that wow yeah, I've never seen this kind of outrage when the victim is female.

I personally know someone who was raped by her step father from ages 4-12 and he sexually abused several other girls including an infant. he only got 10 years despite his victims giving impact statements begging for him to be kept in.

Josh Duggar only got sentence to 151 months despite having a history of sexually abusing girls. he was also in possession of massive amounts of child abuse imagery including one of the single worst videos ever created in which a little girl is murdered. this particular video is so bad that the country it was filmed in almost brought back the death penalty specifically to execute the demon who made it. imo anyone in possession of this video should get a life sentence, if they’re turned on by it then it’s clear that they have a desire to rape and kill children.

of course these disgusting freaks deserve life prison and worse, what they did was straight up evil. but the sentence never would’ve been this long if they weren’t gay and the victims were girls, nor do I believe it would’ve made even the local news let alone national headlines.


Men not being able to control themselves is false. They just don't think they need to. Men can wait to kidnap or fight a women, before raping them. They have control. Otherwise they would be running around with their dicks free begging for some.

Women/lesbians are taught to see others as humans.

The reason men rape and sexually harass women isn't bc they can't control themselves. The fact that they don't see women as humans and only potential hits or fuckable is, in itself the problem. It is not normal to be so porn driven.

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