
frolicking dirt child

@goblinpartyy / goblinpartyy.tumblr.com

mostly reblogs but i draw sometimes - they/he my art tag


Hey guys, with so much love, and as someone with an actual English degree:

Please just use Sparknotes if you're going to do this. I get it. I do. But chatgpt or other genAI shit doesn't actually know what's important for you to know, and in some cases it might fully make shit up. Use sparknotes. Failing that, talk to someone who did read it. I'm begging.


fuck everyone who's started saying the r slur again i hate you and i hope your life falls apart and you die alone

"it used to be a medical diagnosis" yeah so did an imbalance of the fucking humours. many slurs used to be used in some official way, they're still slurs. stop fucking saying it.

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