
get out of my house

@girlmuppet / girlmuppet.tumblr.com

im normal | my pronouns are none of your business | Queers and weirdos only | despite appearances this is not a moomin blog

im in a dd/dd relationship and we just fucking whip our bed with our belts every night before passing out 


i know some naughty words that will really knock your socks off

But I’m not wearing socks??

i know some caring words that will put socks on you


advice i think we should tell children is that when adults say stuff like ‘now that i’m an adult i get really excited about stuff like coffee tables and bathrooms and rugs etc’ they don’t mean ‘and now i don’t care about blorbo and squimbus from my childhood tv shows anymore’ bc your average adult still loves all the same pop culture stuff they always did; they just have a greater appreciation for the mundane as well. growing up just means you can enjoy life twice as much now. you can get really excited about a new stuffed animal AND about a new kitchen sponge. peace and love

You get bigger so you can store even MORE love and appreciation for the world inside of you


I'm like barely on here anymore but if any of you are using bluesky I might start using that idk tho maybe not


Gonna be fr grown adult queers should know better than to engage in crazy fear mongering telling other people it’s over and we’re all gonna be sent to camps and lose our rights and be criminalized and whatever like hey how about don’t tell a group of people with unbelievably high suicide rates that there’s no hope and life is over


gen z has to reckon with its radicalization problem. you are not a morally pure and superior generation of youth come to save the world, your men and boys are radicalized at an unprecedented level and you ignore it because it’s too hard to address but you have to. these boys are in your classes, they date your friends, you know them and you cannot continue to pretend this is an “old white guy” problem

girls are contributing, too. the coquette aesthetic, the “i don’t want to girlboss i want a man to pay my bills”, girlmath girljob girlmoney. it’s a joke, it’s clothes, it’s whatever, i get it but it is driving a mentality of traditional gender roles and you know you’re joking but your boyfriend doesn’t. your kid brother doesn’t. you have to stop this shit it is a contributing factor


anybody paying attention saw the rise in conservatism among the youth over the last few years. the return of the r slur, modesty/ tradwife content, rampant fatphobia, misogynistic twitch streamers...the writing was on the wall

The New York Times made it crystal clear recently:

genZ males are as conservative as 65 year old men.


A good reminder that not everyone in red states has shit beliefs. Please remember that before you make your jokes about red states being backwards. There’s literally vulnerable groups who are terrified rn

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