
GazaVetters 🪙🇵🇸


We understand the vital role that trust plays between donors and fundraising campaigns. To address this, we created GazaVetters, a blog dedicated to helping both donors and campaign organizers build and maintain that trust. Our goal is to ensure that every contribution is used effectively and transparently, giving donors peace of mind that their support is making a real difference in the right hands.

Sometimes, time seems to move in a vicious cycle, repeating itself in a painfully astonishing manner, as if mocking humanity’s ability to learn from its mistakes. Two images are separated by 75 years, yet they appear as though no time has passed as if the gap between them is merely a few fleeting moments.

The first image: A Palestinian elder holding the keys to his home, from which he was forcibly displaced after the Nakba of 1948. An image filled with pain, with tears that dried on faces, and hearts that collapsed under the weight of loss. Yet, hope for return still filled those hearts.

The second image: A recent photo that tells the same story, but this time, the protagonist is my young sister, Maryam, holding the keys to our home from which we were displaced after the Nakba of 2023.

There is no difference between the two stories, except that this time, the story is even harsher and more painful.

History seems to repeat itself, but this time, it comes with a level of suffering that humanity has never witnessed before. The killing and destruction that have ravaged both the land and its people have become more brutal at a time when many believed humanity had learned from the lessons of the past.

I'm human, and I'm asking you to act from your humanity.

Also supported by @nabulsi Here. Here




I sincerely apologize to everyone for using AI in my post never did before, but I didn't have the luxury of waiting a few more days for my friend to complete the drawing for me. I hope you can understand my situation and accept my apology until that day comes. Thank you.

Five days. Five long, agonizing days without a single donation. Five days of holding on, of trying to keep hope alive as it flickers and fades before the innocent eyes of our children.

We have tried everything everything within our power, but still, there’s a missing piece, a lifeline we can not find.

These are not just words; they are a cry for help from a family of seven, shattered by war and weighed down by unbearable hardship. Every day, we stare at our phones, praying for relief, for someone to hear our plea, for someone to extend a hand and lift us from this abyss.

With every passing moment, our suffering grows heavier, yet we cling to the belief that compassionate hearts still exist hearts that will answer our call.

We need you. We need your support. We need you to feel our pain as if it were your own.

We are human. We are asking you to act from your humanity.

Also supported by @nabulsi

Happy New Year to everyone! Wishing you all success, joy, and countless blessings in 2025.


هام: غزة – لأصحاب الحملات الموثقة والموجودين في قائمة انتظار التوثيق

هذا المنشور يتناول النقاط التالية:

1. طلبات التوثيق الجديدة: الآلية المتبعة للتوثيق السريع.

لضمان السرعة والسهولة في إضافة الحملات إلى قوائمنا، مع الحفاظ على المصداقية في التحقق، سنعتمد أسلوبًا جديدًا في التوثيق، كالآتي:

كيفية تقديم الطلب:

يُرجى إرسال رسالة لحسابنا في @gazavetters تتضمن التفاصيل التالية:

اسم صاحب الحملة (باللغة الإنجليزية)

رقم الجوال أو الهوية الوطنية

رابط الحملة

جديد: صورة حديثة تجمع الأشخاص المذكورين في تفاصيل الحملة (لا يشترط ظهور جميع الأفراد، لكن يُفضل أن تكون الصورة تمثل نصف الأشخاص المذكورين في الحملة على الأقل). يجب أن تكون الصورة في مكان معلوم مثل خيمتك، منزلك، أو أي مكان له علاقة بتفاصيل الحملة. كما يُشترط وجود ورقة مكتوب عليها gazavetters وتاريخ اليوم.

ملاحظة مهمة:

يُرجى إرسال جميع البيانات المذكورة أعلاه متتالية في رسالة واحدة. سنعمل بسرعة كبيرة على توثيق الحملات المرسلة إلينا والموجودة في قوائم الانتظار.

2. القواعد والقوانين وضوابط الاستخدام السليم للتطبيق: لتجنب الإضرار بالآخرين أو الإساءة لأي شخص، وما يترتب على المخالفين من عقوبات. (على الأقل للقائمة الخاصة بنا، وسنسعى لتطبيقها أيضًا على القوائم الموثوقة الأخرى بالتنسيق مع أصدقائنا المسؤولين عنها).

وذلك لحماية الحملات وضمان احترام الآخرين وعدم الإضرار بالمجتمع الداعم، نُؤكد على الالتزام بالقواعد التالية:

1. عدم التعليق بطلب المساعدة في منشورات الآخرين:

لا يجوز استخدام منشورات الآخرين، سواء المتعلقة بفلسطين أو بموضوعات أخرى، لنشر تعليقات استغاثة أو طلب مساعدة. هذا السلوك يضر بالجميع، وقد يؤدي إلى حظر أصحاب الحملات أو إغلاق التعليقات على المنشورات، مما يسيء إلى صورة الحملات الفلسطينية عامة.

2. عدم ابتزاز المدونات الداعمة وغير الداعمة:

تلقينا شكاوى من مدونات أجنبية حول محاولات ابتزاز وشتم. أي شخص يثبت قيامه بذلك سيُعاقب بتدابير صارمة لضمان عدم تكرار هذه السلوكيات.

3. الامتناع عن الإشارة (منشن) إلى المدونات المُغلقة للتواصل:

عند الحاجة، يُمكنك ذكر المدونات في منشوراتك فقط وبطريقة محترمة، دون إحراج أو تهديد.

4. عدم نشر منشورات تهديد أو اتهام للمدونات:

لا يحق لك اتهام أو تهديد أي مدونة لم تستجب لطلبك.

عقوبات المخالفين:

في حال مخالفة القواعد، سيتم وضع ملاحظات بجانب اسم الحملة في القوائم، مثل:

"احذر التعامل مع هذه الحملة بسبب سوابق ابتزاز الناشرين".

"احذر التعامل مع هذه الحملة بسبب سوابق إزعاج الناشرين المتكرر".

"احذر التعامل مع هذه الحملة بسبب سوابق نشر استغاثته على منشورات الآخرين".

"احذر التعامل مع هذه الحملة بسبب سوابق تهديد الأشخاص".

ستُكتب هذه الملاحظات باللون الأحمر وبوضوح.

ملاحظة ختامية:

الالتزام بهذه القواعد يُساهم في تقديم صورة محترمة ومشرّفة عن فلسطين وغزة. كن داعمًا بطريقة تليق بحاجتك للمساعدة دون الإضرار بسمعتك أو سمعة بلدك.

Important: Gaza – For Verified Campaign Owners and Those on the Verification Waiting List

This post addresses the following points:

1. New Verification Requests: Streamlined Verification Process

To ensure speed and ease in adding campaigns to our lists while maintaining credibility, we are introducing a new verification method as follows:

How to Submit Your Request:

Please send a message to our account on "gazavetters" containing the following details:

The campaign owner's name (in English).

Phone number or national ID.

Campaign link.

New Requirement: A recent photo showing the individuals mentioned in the campaign details. (It is not necessary to include all individuals, but the photo should represent at least half of the people mentioned.) The photo should be taken in a recognizable location, such as your tent, home, or any place related to the campaign details. Additionally, a piece of paper with "GazaVetters" and today's date written on it must be visible in the photo.

Important Note:

Please send all the above-mentioned details in one message. We will expedite the verification process for campaigns submitted to us, especially those on the waiting list.

2. Rules, Regulations, and Proper Use of the Platform

To avoid harm or offense to others and to ensure fairness, the following rules must be adhered to. Violators may face penalties within our list, and we will coordinate with trusted lists to extend enforcement:

1. No Commenting to Seek Assistance on Others' Posts:

It is prohibited to use others’ posts, whether about Palestine or other topics, to comment with pleas or requests for help. This behavior harms everyone and could result in campaign owners being banned or comment sections being closed, tarnishing the reputation of Palestinian campaigns in general.

2. No Harassment or Blackmailing of Supporting or Non-Supporting Accounts:

We have received complaints from foreign accounts about attempts at blackmail or insults. Anyone found guilty of such behavior will face strict penalties to prevent recurrence.

3. Do Not Tag (Mention) Closed Accounts to Communicate:

If necessary, you may mention accounts respectfully in your posts without embarrassment or threats.

4. Do Not Post Threatening or Accusatory Content About Accounts:

You are not allowed to accuse or threaten any account that has not responded to your request.

Penalties for Violations:

If any of these rules are violated, notes will be added beside the campaign's name in the lists, such as:

"Avoid this campaign due to prior incidents of blackmailing publishers."

"Avoid this campaign due to repeated nuisance to publishers."

"Avoid this campaign due to prior incidents of seeking help in others' posts."

"Avoid this campaign due to previous threats to individuals."

These notes will be written in red and clearly displayed.

Final Note:

Adherence to these rules contributes to presenting a respectful and honorable image of Palestine and Gaza. Support in a manner that reflects your need for assistance without tarnishing your reputation or that of your country.

برجاء ملاحظة //الصورة الخاصة بالتوثيق ليست للنشر فقط للتحقق ومطابقة الحملة بالصورة وعليها تاريخ اليوم واسم صفحتنا .. وكذلك لنتاكد من ان من يستخدم هذه الصور والاسماء هو نفسه من وكل صفحة gazavetters بمراجعة وتوثيق الحملة .

لن يتم النظر الا بالطلبات المكتملة من حيث البيانات .


هام: غزة – لأصحاب الحملات الموثقة والموجودين في قائمة انتظار التوثيق

هذا المنشور يتناول النقاط التالية:

1. طلبات التوثيق الجديدة: الآلية المتبعة للتوثيق السريع.

لضمان السرعة والسهولة في إضافة الحملات إلى قوائمنا، مع الحفاظ على المصداقية في التحقق، سنعتمد أسلوبًا جديدًا في التوثيق، كالآتي:

كيفية تقديم الطلب:

يُرجى إرسال رسالة لحسابنا في @gazavetters تتضمن التفاصيل التالية:

اسم صاحب الحملة (باللغة الإنجليزية)

رقم الجوال أو الهوية الوطنية

رابط الحملة

جديد: صورة حديثة تجمع الأشخاص المذكورين في تفاصيل الحملة (لا يشترط ظهور جميع الأفراد، لكن يُفضل أن تكون الصورة تمثل نصف الأشخاص المذكورين في الحملة على الأقل). يجب أن تكون الصورة في مكان معلوم مثل خيمتك، منزلك، أو أي مكان له علاقة بتفاصيل الحملة. كما يُشترط وجود ورقة مكتوب عليها gazavetters وتاريخ اليوم.

ملاحظة مهمة : الاشخاص الي يرسلون صور مرة بدون ورقة ومرة ورقة لحالها .. يقراء هالشىء ١٠مرات

صورة حديثة للاشخاص المذكورين بالقصة في الخيمة او بيت او اية مكان يوحي ويثبت انك في غزة مع ورقة مكتوب عليها تاريخ اليوم واسم gazavetters في نفس الصورة والصورة بالاسفل اشبه للكلام الي مش مفهوم للبعض

ملاحظة مهمة:

يُرجى إرسال جميع البيانات المذكورة أعلاه متتالية في رسالة واحدة. سنعمل بسرعة كبيرة على توثيق الحملات المرسلة إلينا والموجودة في قوائم الانتظار.

2. القواعد والقوانين وضوابط الاستخدام السليم للتطبيق: لتجنب الإضرار بالآخرين أو الإساءة لأي شخص، وما يترتب على المخالفين من عقوبات. (على الأقل للقائمة الخاصة بنا، وسنسعى لتطبيقها أيضًا على القوائم الموثوقة الأخرى بالتنسيق مع أصدقائنا المسؤولين عنها).

وذلك لحماية الحملات وضمان احترام الآخرين وعدم الإضرار بالمجتمع الداعم، نُؤكد على الالتزام بالقواعد التالية:

1. عدم التعليق بطلب المساعدة في منشورات الآخرين:

لا يجوز استخدام منشورات الآخرين، سواء المتعلقة بفلسطين أو بموضوعات أخرى، لنشر تعليقات استغاثة أو طلب مساعدة. هذا السلوك يضر بالجميع، وقد يؤدي إلى حظر أصحاب الحملات أو إغلاق التعليقات على المنشورات، مما يسيء إلى صورة الحملات الفلسطينية عامة.

2. عدم ابتزاز المدونات الداعمة وغير الداعمة:

تلقينا شكاوى من مدونات أجنبية حول محاولات ابتزاز وشتم. أي شخص يثبت قيامه بذلك سيُعاقب بتدابير صارمة لضمان عدم تكرار هذه السلوكيات.

3. الامتناع عن الإشارة (منشن) إلى المدونات المُغلقة للتواصل:

عند الحاجة، يُمكنك ذكر المدونات في منشوراتك فقط وبطريقة محترمة، دون إحراج أو تهديد.

4. عدم نشر منشورات تهديد أو اتهام للمدونات:

لا يحق لك اتهام أو تهديد أي مدونة لم تستجب لطلبك.

عقوبات المخالفين:

في حال مخالفة القواعد، سيتم وضع ملاحظات بجانب اسم الحملة في القوائم، مثل:

"احذر التعامل مع هذه الحملة بسبب سوابق ابتزاز الناشرين".

"احذر التعامل مع هذه الحملة بسبب سوابق إزعاج الناشرين المتكرر".

"احذر التعامل مع هذه الحملة بسبب سوابق نشر استغاثته على منشورات الآخرين".

"احذر التعامل مع هذه الحملة بسبب سوابق تهديد الأشخاص".

ستُكتب هذه الملاحظات باللون الأحمر وبوضوح.

ملاحظة ختامية:

الالتزام بهذه القواعد يُساهم في تقديم صورة محترمة ومشرّفة عن فلسطين وغزة. كن داعمًا بطريقة تليق بحاجتك للمساعدة دون الإضرار بسمعتك أو سمعة بلدك.

Important: Gaza – For Verified Campaign Owners and Those on the Verification Waiting List

This post addresses the following points:

1. New Verification Requests: Streamlined Verification Process

To ensure speed and ease in adding campaigns to our lists while maintaining credibility, we are introducing a new verification method as follows:

How to Submit Your Request:

Please send a message to our account on "gazavetters" containing the following details:

The campaign owner's name (in English).

Phone number or national ID.

Campaign link.

New Requirement: A recent photo showing the individuals mentioned in the campaign details. (It is not necessary to include all individuals, but the photo should represent at least half of the people mentioned.) The photo should be taken in a recognizable location, such as your tent, home, or any place related to the campaign details. Additionally, a piece of paper with "GazaVetters" and today's date written on it must be visible in the photo.

Important Note:

Please send all the above-mentioned details in one message. We will expedite the verification process for campaigns submitted to us, especially those on the waiting list.

2. Rules, Regulations, and Proper Use of the Platform

To avoid harm or offense to others and to ensure fairness, the following rules must be adhered to. Violators may face penalties within our list, and we will coordinate with trusted lists to extend enforcement:

1. No Commenting to Seek Assistance on Others' Posts:

It is prohibited to use others’ posts, whether about Palestine or other topics, to comment with pleas or requests for help. This behavior harms everyone and could result in campaign owners being banned or comment sections being closed, tarnishing the reputation of Palestinian campaigns in general.

2. No Harassment or Blackmailing of Supporting or Non-Supporting Accounts:

We have received complaints from foreign accounts about attempts at blackmail or insults. Anyone found guilty of such behavior will face strict penalties to prevent recurrence.

3. Do Not Tag (Mention) Closed Accounts to Communicate:

If necessary, you may mention accounts respectfully in your posts without embarrassment or threats.

4. Do Not Post Threatening or Accusatory Content About Accounts:

You are not allowed to accuse or threaten any account that has not responded to your request.

Penalties for Violations:

If any of these rules are violated, notes will be added beside the campaign's name in the lists, such as:

"Avoid this campaign due to prior incidents of blackmailing publishers."

"Avoid this campaign due to repeated nuisance to publishers."

"Avoid this campaign due to prior incidents of seeking help in others' posts."

"Avoid this campaign due to previous threats to individuals."

These notes will be written in red and clearly displayed.

Final Note:

Adherence to these rules contributes to presenting a respectful and honorable image of Palestine and Gaza. Support in a manner that reflects your need for assistance without tarnishing your reputation or that of your country.


مرحبًا جميعًا،

نودّ مشاركتكم بعض الأخبار والقرارات الجديدة التي تتضمن تغييرات جذرية.

الخبر الحزين:

بسبب ظروف خاصة وقاهرة، قرر أبو أحمد @dawoudi التقاعد من منصبه العزيز على قلبه في @gazavetters . وقد اختار تسليم الراية لفريق مميز من الكفاءات، الذين سيبذلون قصارى جهدهم لمواصلة المسيرة وسد الفراغ الذي سيتركه.

الإجراءات الجديدة:

سيتم إدارة الصفحة من قِبَل فريق جديد مكوّن من مبادرين جدد.

سيتم تطبيق سياسات جديدة تتعلق بإضافة أصحاب الحملات الجديدة.

ستُتخذ إجراءات تأديبية بحق المخالفين لسياسات العمل، وسيتم توضيح هذه السياسات بالتفصيل في مقال لاحق.

شكرًا لتفهمكم ودعمكم المستمر.

Hello everyone,

We would like to share some updates and decisions that involve significant changes.

The Sad News:

Due to special and compelling circumstances, Abu Ahmed @dawoudi has decided to retire from his cherished position at @gazavetters . He has chosen to hand over the baton to a distinguished team of skilled individuals who will do their utmost to carry on the journey and fill the significant void he will leave behind.

The New Measures:

The page will now be managed by a new team consisting of new initiators.

New policies will be implemented regarding the addition of new campaign owners.

Disciplinary actions will be taken against those who violate the working policies. These policies will be detailed in a later article.

We will also reach out to all lists to ensure compliance with the new instructions.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support.


Amir and his family have been displaced 7 times since this war began, and are under threat of being displaced again. Two days ago Israeli planes dropped leaflets over their camp saying they would be bombing the area. It is already incredibly difficult to live in these conditions even without the threat of being bombed. Please help Amir and his family by donating so they can continue purchasing basic necessities for their family! (verified, #174)


Please listen to the voice of the 6-month-old baby Amir! 💟✌️


I am Salem from Gaza, married with 4 children. My home and my family's 5-story home were destroyed and we lost our source of income. We lost everything and now we are 20 people. My father, my brothers, their wives and children, and my sister and her children. We are now living in Deir al-Balah tents in central Gaza. I told you my story before this update, in the donation program. Given that the Rafah land crossing has not been opened yet due to the Israeli military operation in Rafah, and until it is reopened and we can travel, I decided to update the goal of assistance and donation, and put you in this situation. We now need to stay alive only until the end. We have been suffering from the horrors of war in Gaza since October 7. We are still suffering from continuous displacement from one area to another. Our lives have become very difficult and unbearable. We have been living in tents since October 7 and are suffering from a severe shortage of medicine, food and water. In addition, we suffer from many skin diseases due to the harsh living conditions. We are in dire need of your help to provide us with a safe place to stay, food, clean water, medicine and clean bedding. As the days go by, I still dream of peace and stability. I dream of the day when my children can go to school without fear, and when we can return to our homes and rebuild our lives. Until that day comes, I will continue to hold on to hope and faith that brighter days lie ahead.

Please support me and my children who are enduring the hardships of war in Gaza. Your donations will provide them with basic needs such as a safe place to stay, food, clean water, medicine, and clean bedding.

Contribute to supporting my children and their mothers, even if it costs a cup of coffee, it helps us

Support link


✅️Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #310 )✅️

Vetted by us ❤️💖❤️

I was told that tragic images are the key to drawing public sympathy they evoke emotions and capture attention. Yet over the years, a question has lingered in my mind: When did we start enjoying being photographed in the midst of our tragedies? When did pain become a scene for the lens to capture?

How did our tears become a spectacle to display, and our wounds an image to share? Is it our need for a voice, for an echo? Or is it a hidden desire not to be alone in our sorrows?

❤️ @catnapdreams ❤️ @oediex @jezior0 @bloodbornebutch @soft-sunbird @disasterhimbo @ahm-gaza @dawoudi @drdarine @gazavetters

@stuckinapril @appsa @irhabiya @nabulsi @el-shab-hussein @buttercuparry @fatenfamilygaz @sayruq @timeunraveled @frostedpuffs @frostedforest-arts @frostedfondle @amethystal @dahyun @silverstone-gp @punkitt-is-here @rainy--blog


Today is Rafif's birthday! She's turning 9 today! Wishing for her to have many many more birthdays in safety, peace, and joy in a free Palestine. Drew a Barbie for her since Ameera told me she loves Barbie toys!

It would mean the world if you could send her well wishes and donations to her family's fundraiser dedicated to their survival in Gaza 🕊🩷 A Barbie doll typically sells for around $15 (from what I found online), so imagine if everyone seeing this was able to pitch in that amount to their fundraiser!

Source: tinyurl.com

أعزاؤنا أصدقائنا، ا

يسرنا في فريق Gaza Vetters ان نعلمكم باننا جاهزين لاستقبال طلبات توثيق الحملات وفقًا للمواعيد التالية:

السبت، الاثنين، والأربعاء ا

من الساعة 11 صباحًا حتى 3 مساءً ا

لمن يحتاج إلى خدمات التوثيق، يرجى مراسلتنا عبر رسائل الصفحة لطلب رقم الهاتف للتواصل عبر مكالمة جوال عادية . نود التنويه أنه لا يمكن التواصل عبر الواتساب أو أي وسيلة أخرى.

نحن في Gaza Vetters على أتم الاستعداد لاستقبال طلباتكم وتقديم المساعدة قدر الإمكان، ونعبر عن شكرنا العميق لكل من يدعمنا في هذه المسيرة.

بكل فخر واعتزاز،

فريق GazaVetters

ملاحظه مهمه

نحتفظ بالحق الكامل في حذف أي حملة مخالفة أو وضع علامة تحذير ⚠️⚠️⚠️ أو أي تنويه يوضح عدم شرعيتها، إذا ثبتت مخالفتها، وذلك حتى بعد إتمام عملية التوثيق.

Dear Friends,

We are pleased to announce that the Gaza Vetters team will resume accepting campaign verification requests starting next Saturday, following the schedule below:

Saturday, Monday, and Wednesday

From 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM

If you require verification services, please message us via our blog messaging to request the direct contact number. Please note that communication through WhatsApp or any other platform is not available.

At Gaza Vetters, we are fully prepared to receive your requests and offer assistance to the best of our ability.

With pride and gratitude,

The Gaza Vetters Team


We reserve the full right to delete any violating campaign or to place a ⚠️⚠️⚠️ warning label or any notice indicating its illegitimacy if a violation is confirmed, even after the vetting process has been completed.

GazaVetters was founded by

فريق Gaza Vetters تأسس من قبل

أبو أحمد Abu Ahmed @dawoudi

محمد الأنقر Mohamed Alanqar @nourasbasha i

سامر أبو رأس Samer AbuRas @samerpal


Stand with Darine @drdarine and her family in their time of need. Pin this post to your blog and be a part of a heartfelt journey to make a difference. Together, our compassion can create hope.

Israel has taken more members of Darine’s extended family. Are they next? Does it even matter anymore? It feels like nothing does. They just need to know.

Their home, car, and belongings have been destroyed repeatedly, leaving them with nothing but a tent for shelter. They have endured hunger, a severe lack of drinking water, and over 14 months without education no schools, no hope for a future. Now, they live with no money, struggling daily for even the most basic necessities.

Yet, despite these unimaginable hardships, Darine has managed to complete the first semester of her third year in medical school, thanks to your unwavering support. She’s a bit behind, but progress, no matter how small, is still progress. Every step forward counts.

Darine continues to fight for her family, helping them survive while holding herself together. She refuses to give up, no matter how overwhelming the pain. Your support could be the lifeline they so desperately need during this relentless wave of suffering.

Her brother Ahmed created a video that Darine wanted to share with all of us. It’s a collection of memories from their lost lives, and watching it brought tears to our eyes. Perhaps we’re just emotional.


Stand with Darine @drdarine and her family in their time of need. Pin this post to your blog and be a part of a heartfelt journey to make a difference. Together, our compassion can create hope.

Israel has taken more members of Darine’s extended family. Are they next? Does it even matter anymore? It feels like nothing does. They just need to know.

Their home, car, and belongings have been destroyed repeatedly, leaving them with nothing but a tent for shelter. They have endured hunger, a severe lack of drinking water, and over 14 months without education no schools, no hope for a future. Now, they live with no money, struggling daily for even the most basic necessities.

Yet, despite these unimaginable hardships, Darine has managed to complete the first semester of her third year in medical school, thanks to your unwavering support. She’s a bit behind, but progress, no matter how small, is still progress. Every step forward counts.

Darine continues to fight for her family, helping them survive while holding herself together. She refuses to give up, no matter how overwhelming the pain. Your support could be the lifeline they so desperately need during this relentless wave of suffering.

Her brother Ahmed created a video that Darine wanted to share with all of us. It’s a collection of memories from their lost lives, and watching it brought tears to our eyes. Perhaps we’re just emotional.



🚨🚑🚨Please help my innocent sick son evacuate from Gaza, his health status is on the line.🚨🚑🚨

Hi! I'm Mohammed Al-Habil,31 years old. I have a family of 3 members.

I'm from Gaza but I've got displaced so many times from Gaza. I've got injured in the first week of this ongoing war, since that time I've been forced to leave my home to UNRWA center as a shelter. The nightmare hasn't finished, my dad has got killed in the fourth month of the war, leaving my mum and two sisters so we've taken responsibility of them in addition to my family.

This nightmare "war" has taken everything, my dad, my work, my belongings, my home which has been destroyed, my peaceful life, my peace of mind, everything!

We live in extremely hard circumstances. We have no water, no healthy food, no electricity, no healthy place, no source of money, no health care, nothing!

We live in an unhealthy environment full of diseases. I live in a tent that neither protects us from sunshines nor protects us from rain. I need a new waterproof tent which costs 1000$, my current tent is made from clothes, it doesn't protect us from rain and cold, I'm sure you'll help.

I've faced so many diseases including hepatitis and viral infection "causing fever" due to unhealthy food and environment. The food we eat is canned food although it is unhealthy and expensive.

In addition to that, my wife has faced hepatitis due to dirty bathrooms, unhealthy food and unhealthy environment we live in.

In addition to that my little innocent son, 2 years and 10 months old, has had an operation on his eyes. In brief, my life has become a miserable nightmare!

⚠️🚑Urgent medical update about my little innocent son, his health status is getting worse and worse.🚨 Recently my little son has visited the clinic, he has been suffering from a urinary tract infection "he has taken a medicine, co-trimoxazole" and this is as a result of the only canned food he eats because we can't buy healthy food.🚑⚠️

We are about to face famine, basic goods are extremely expensive even vegetables are extremely expensive and we can hardly find them.

Some kinds of food aren't available, for example, egg, baby formula, frozen meat, bottles of water.

🚨⚠️Btw, my current vetted campaign is moving extremely slowly, donations are very few, low funds, so could you spread my vetted campaign and donate even little amount of money?

145€ out of 50k€ after 10 days⚠️🚨

We need more donations.

My campaign is ✅️Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #298 )✅️

So please donate and help my little son and family.

Your donation helps us!

@90-ghost @el-shab-hussein @sayruq @nabulsi @neptunerings @flower-tea-fairies @appsa @a-shade-of-blue @sar-soor @commissions4aid-international @paper-mario-wiki @dlxxv-vetted-donations @writerqueenofjewels @the-ballerina-battle @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @girlinafairytale @khangerinedreams @maoistyuri @dykesbat @acepumpkinpatrick @thetownwecallhome @tsaricides @feluka @brutaliakhoa @kordeliiius @queerstudiesnatural @the-bastard-king @aria-ashryver @malcriada @vakarians-babe @bat-luun @mangocheesecakes @violetlyra @nightowlssleep @self-hating-zionist @staretes @friendshapedplant @yokohama-crackhouse @omiteo777

@timetravellingkitty @meaganfoskin @socalgal @briahyu @briahrogersss-blog @chilewithcarnage @aces-and-anime @ghelgheli @mahoushojoe @mahouprince @northgazaupdates2 @rhubarbspring @schoolhater @pcktknife @transmutationisms @sawasawako @terroristiclyscreaming @irhabiya @wellwaterhysteria

Vetted by us ♥️ ✨️ ❤️

Lubna is a mother of three children and lives in Gaza. Her children are Mohammed, Hassan and Yazan. Like thousands of people in this great nation, she suffers from war, pain, hunger and cold. Lubna lives in a tent made of torn cloth. She lives in the rain and cold and suffers from high prices.

And other suffering

Lubna launched a campaign that reached 10,000 and then for unknown banking reasons the campaign was closed, but she did not despair and launched a new campaign to help her children overcome life’s difficulties

I ask everyone to donate and participate

Campaign link to reach more people

Vettrd by us at # 1 in the list

Hello every one ♥️

My name is Shatha, a mother of three children from Gaza 🍉🇵🇸, living through extremely harsh conditions. We have been displaced over 15 times, searching for safety, but to no avail. I have two daughters, Toleen (6 years) and Layan (2 years), and my young son Walid (3 years), who was born with a disability and is unable to walk. Walid used to receive regular physical therapy before the war, but now his condition has worsened due to the current crisis.

✅️ Vetting info

#1000 in the Butterfly Project spreadsheet [here]

#246 in the @gazavetters spreadsheet [here]

#259 in the Pali.Pals spreadsheets [here]

Vetted by @turtletoria

Today, we are enduring severe humanitarian conditions, lacking access to food, clean water, and medicine💔. My children need basic essentials like milk, diapers, and clean clothes💔.

My husband also lost his job and source of income in the war, and his workplace was destroyed. He worked in the academic field at the university. 💔💔

Walid suffered severe burns to his head during the war😓, and also many kidney diseases, and my little girl Layan was infected with hepatitis😓💔 due to malnutrition and polluted water.💔

I have launched a support campaign for my children to provide for these basic needs, especially for Walid, who urgently needs to continue his treatment and receive the necessary medical supplies. So far, donations have been few, and I am hoping you can help us by donating and sharing the campaign. Any help, no matter how small, will make a big difference in my children’s lives. 🥺🙏🙏🙏

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.❤️❤️

✅️ Vetting info

#1000 in the Butterfly Project spreadsheet [here]

#246 in the @gazavetters spreadsheet [here]

#259 in the Pali.Pals spreadsheets [here]

Vetted by @turtletoria

Sending love to you 💞💞💞💞

🩵 Walid’s Family 🩵
Camping Title :

Help walid's family to evacuate from Gaza for treatment

✅️ Vetting Done ✅️

Our team at #GazaVetters has rigorously vetted and approved this campaign, earning it a spot on our official list at #259 .


Hello dear, I'm remas from gaza and you're the only that I have 🙏😢

I'm asking your conscience please help me and my family to get out this tragedy life .

The famine is taking hold and my siblings are so young they can't hold this and also my dad is a cancer patient and my mom is pregnant so no one can hold our responsibility but me .

And I'm just a fourteenth old girl 😢

Please go to our linke and consider sharing or donating 😢

✅️Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #311 )✅️

Vetted by us ♥️ ✨️ ❤️
Camping Title :

Help Remas Family to Rebuild a New Life

✅️ Vetting Done ✅️

Our team at #GazaVetters has rigorously vetted and approved this campaign, earning it a spot on our official list at #311 .

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