So I had a new boiler fitted the other day. The old one had done its job for a long time but finally gave up.
It wasn't until the damn thing was all installed and ready to go that I was told that I would need to download an app on my phone and register my details and prescise location in order to set my heating.
I would no longer have a thermostat in my house. I would only be able to control it from my smart phone.
I am 36 years old and I went mad - not at the poor boiler engineer of course, but I refused to do what he was asking. I asked for an alternative. He initially said there wasn't one. I told him to check with the company. He phoned the company and eventually someone spoke to me about it. Explaining that this was the standard for all new boilers. I told them it was ridiculous. What if I was an elderly person living alone who didn't own a smart phone? What if I lost my phone? What if the wifi failed? What if there was an electrical fault?
It took over half an hour of exasperated bargaining before someone agreed to swap out the smart app connected parts of the boiler with a "standard issue thermostat". At first they were gonna charge me an extra £100 to swap it out, but I argued my case there as well.
After a lot of back and forth and effort that totally drained my energy, eventually I got a standard thermostat fitted. No smart phone app or registration needed. No extra charge. Just a lot of extra effort that someone a bit less stubborn and determined to avoid this technological attack on basic living would have easily backed down on.
We are already living in a world run by tech companies, where every. single. thing. in our lives is slowly being transformed into another system where they can track our every move, steal our personal information, and make life that little bit more complicated.
The fact that even white goods like refridgerators and washing machines are starting to require app connections is worrying. It's not a good thing, and its not being done for convenience. It's being done for data tracking, location tracking, and finding new ways to inflict ads on us.
Sorry if this rant derailed the post a bit, but the memory is still fresh and so apparently is my anger! But at least this is an example where being persistent and stubborn does heed results against them!