
Why Dont They Just Kiss?

@finndoesntwantthis / finndoesntwantthis.tumblr.com

Honey Bee. Bi. 30. She/Her. Wrestling and Drag are the same thing. Personal blog: beeandtheholograms //

wrestling is so fucking weird. i sat there and watched that texas death match and had a genuine moment of softness like “oh it’s so nice that cd chose hangman for this last match” and then i looked up again and theyre both covered in cd’s blood and theyre trying to kill each other and it was just like aww. how sweet :) this has to mean a lot :)


“We assume in that briefcase is the Aew world championship.” New theory that not only can Mox not open the briefcase cause he lost the key, but also he lost the world title in a poker game weeks ago and is just doing all this so he doesn’t have to pay to buy a new one but his plan has gone too far and now he’s the face of a rebellion…….

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