
Fatphobia Busters

@fatphobiabusters / fatphobiabusters.tumblr.com

| Welcome to Fatphobia Busters | CW: Fat Antagonism, Diet Culture, Weight Loss and Eating Disorder Mentions, Ableism, Healthism, Aggression, and Concern Trolling. | Please Read Our Ask Policy and Our Submissions Policy Before Interacting. | Do Not Interact if You Are a TERF/SWERF, Exclusionist, Anti-Feminist, Weight Loss Blog/Diet Blog, Pro-Ana, Pro-Mia, and/or Thinspo Blog, Fitspo/Fitness/Fitspiration Blog, a Troll Blog, or if You Are Anti Fat Acceptance. | No exceptions | Concern Trolls and Bigots will be Blocked. | Note: This is Not a Place for You to Debate the Humanity of Fat People with Us or Try to Spread Weight Loss Tips, Fat Antagonistic Rhetoric, or Messages that Harm Fat People, Disabled People, Unhealthy People, and People with Eating Disorders. | This Blog is For Fat People to Openly Discuss Our Negative Experiences and Call Out Bigotry Against Us. | Here, We Respect Fat People, Fat Anger, and the Diverse Experiences of Fat Individuals. | This Blog Calls Out Weight, Size, and Health Related Bigotry, Fat Antagonism, Diet Culture, and Weight Loss Scams. | We are Dedicated to Shedding Light on and Challenging Thin Privilege and Fat Antagonism in Many Different Forms and Places.| Thank You, Everyone, and Enjoy. |

Alt health clowns: all doctors just diagnose whatever fake diseases they need to push evil toxic pills!!!

Actual doctors: wow sorry to hear that your bones dissolved and your eyes flew out and exploded and all your skin fell off, try drinking more water and sleeping better and if the pain gets worse in 6 months we'll do some tests to see if you deserve a aspirin

This is one of those "A broken clock is right twice a day" scenarios because "ob*sity" is a fake disease that doctors do push evil, toxic pills for. Weight loss pills have been taken off the market in the past for even killing people. Medical fatphobia is a severe problem. The oppression that fat people endure is perpetuated by all areas of society but especially by doctors. Even when others finally listen to us fat people, like about how the BMI scale is bigoted pseudoscience, progress is only made when people talk about how BMI also affects XYZ marginalized group. You know, because fat people being killed by medical fatphobia isn't enough.

There is nuance to every situation in society, and that includes here. Yes, it's important to listen to doctors. No, doctors should not be treated as a monolith of authority that doesn't ever indulge in oppression. Fatphobia makes big bucks for the medical field. If whoever reads this currently knows nothing about fatphobia, please educate yourself. Fat people are being underrepresented, underpaid, mutilated, harassed, starved, and murdered. Fat people have to deal with police brutality, job discrimination, fat children being put into the foster care system purely because they're fat, and the list goes on.

Do not let our oppression continue to be swept under the rug.

-Mod Worthy


Hi hi! I’m working on some inclusive (size, race, disability, LGBTQ+, etc) fantasy stuff - magic and knights type fantasy, I mean. Is there anything you all would like to see in that, especially in terms of body diversity? Besides the obvious (like including fat characters in all kinds of roles, not shoehorning them into the tank/dwarf/evil monster roles) - maybe some specific fantasy character tropes you’d like to see with fat characters? Thanks in advance, I'd love any suggestions!


I'm very glad to hear you're already planning not to force fat characters to be tanks, dwarves, and evil monsters. I'm especially glad about the tank part since that's a very-often overlooked aspect of fatphobia. If there's ever a fat character, the character has to be a slow tank with tons of HP. The fat person can't be a rogue or graceful or anything that isn't "This guy can take a lot of hits!" Along with dwarves, not resorting to making every fat person an ogre would also be great. I scour the internet for positive fat representation, and I cannot begin to tell you how many people will only represent fat people if they're writing/drawing an ogre or dwarf. I'd love to see a fantasy media with a fat main character being the chosen one and the hero. I'd even love to see a thin main character romantically end up with a fat character. Some general advice I have for portraying fat characters is if you make the thin characters do it too, you'll probably manage to avoid accidental fatphobia. For instance, a fat character who's constantly shown eating food is a fatphobic trope. You can likely avoid that trope by making sure other characters are also shown eating food and giving all of the characters personality beyond eating. If anybody else has stuff they'd love to see in size-inclusive fantasy media, you can let us know in the notes of this post.

-Mod Worthy


Commission for someone on Deviantart It's been how many years since my last Steven Universe fan art ? Three years I think ? It was a great show for sure. Also, this is technically another themed beach drawing, but since most of SU's episode already take place at the beach, I guess it's a normal episode then ? No ? Steven Universe (c) Cartoon Network and Rebecca Sugar Artwork made by me.


I was tagging an ask I answered about skiing as a fat person, and these were the first two tag suggestions Tumblr gave me:

All I wrote was "ski" and Tumblr listed for me two different thinspo tags. Tumblr staff truly does not care about the cesspool of thinspo blogs they allow to infest this website. That's why they secretly make the report button "magically" stop working when you try to report more than two thinspo blogs at a time. They know they've allowed their thinspo problem to fester to the point of being a lot of work to fix. So, instead of doing something to make this website a safe place for fat people, people with eating disorders, and especially fat people with eating disorders, they'd rather pretend to not know the problem exists.

Tumblr staff needs to actually work on the problems with this website. And I'm tired of Tumblr staff targeting fat people while allowing shit like this to continue.

-Mod Worthy


Oops didn’t bring my art tablet to house sitting so it’s time to go over some pencil sketches with biro, starting with 41 year old Nathan 🧡💜

There’s something about letting your OC happily grow older than you’d considered :’3


This is an ask that wanted to be kept anonymous:

Sorry for multiple asks (please keep anonymous) but just wanted to know - is it appropriate to tag art as "plus sized" "fat positive" "body positive" or other such tags if not every character is fat, but there are fat characters present as the main focus (or part of the main focus) of the artwork? Or would that only be appropriate if there are only fat characters in the work?

No need to be sorry! I just wish I was better at answering asks. My ADHD and the shortage of medicine for it make me not the best at answering messages quickly.

I think so, yes! I especially think that's okay because it is very difficult to find fat representation, including for this blog. If more people tagged their works involving fat people with those types of tags, it would be much easier for me and other fat people to find fat representation. Even if a fat person isn't the exact main focus of the work, I still think you can use those tags.

One thing to be wary of is making sure the characters are actually fat when you use those tags. I very, very, very often have to see thin people in fat-related tags because they tagged themselves or thin characters as words like "plus size" when they objectively aren't, and there'll be no other fat people in the post. And I truly mean objectively. Like somebody a size 2 tagging themself as "plus size." This is sadly an extremely common problem when looking through fat-related tags. If the post has both fat people and thin people in it, then that's okay.

I hope this answer helps!

-Mod Worthy


Hi! I’m a peds resident and your blog has been a wonderful resource to understand medical fatphobia for my peers and I. As someone who was raised by a mother who almost died because of medical fatphobia, I believe that combating medical fatphobia is one of the most important things that we have to do as young doctors. Hopefully things will get better and no one will suffer like my mom did.


Asks like this from medical students and doctors new to the medical field really help give me hope. I wish more people were like you, and I appreciate you spreading information about medical fatphobia. Your work is going to be incredibly important to the fat liberation movement and any fat patients you have. Thank you for this ask

-Mod Worthy


This is your reminder to not say fatphobic shit about Trump. Yes, he's a horrible person. No, that does not mean it's okay to support oppression. And if that isn't enough to sway you, then think about all of the other fat people who have to hear you say BS about Trump's body.

There's a million things you can criticize or joke about Trump. An oppressed body type is not one of them.

-Mod Worthy

Trump being fat isn’t what makes him terrible and dangerous. His actions and political agenda make him terrible and dangerous. Being fat is normal and morally neutral. Citing someone’s fatness as something that makes them bad or worse is equating being fat to being immoral, undesirable, and wrong.

Being thin(ner) does NOT mean you’re a better person. Putting down people who are fat - or simply just fatter than you - is proof that you still have a lot of growing, learning, and healing to do.

Bad people come in all shapes and sizes, but so do good people. Stop moralizing and villainizing fat bodies. Your fat friends are listening and we DO NOT appreciate it.

Thank you for posting this. 💖


As long as you breath you can survive. I don't know what the future holds but this isn't the end. You have value, are worth equal rights and the world deserves better than this. I'm mad as hell, and if you feel despair that's okay too. Feel your feelings, cry your tears. But this isn't the end of our fights- whatever they look like.

Do some Self-Care today if you need. Watch a comfort movie. When you're ready there's always the rest of today, always tomorrow. So let's see the next dawn and the next together. I pray that 'hope' and 'anger' become twin flames in your soul that can sustain you through this.

-mod squirrel

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