
free palestine.

@fairuzfan / fairuzfan.tumblr.com

O u no,,,, vibin. I'm in my 20s. Palestinian. Call me Med. You can use pronouns. tme. zionists dni and also free palestine.

Posts on Learning about Palestine

I recommend checking out this list of links about Palestine either from me or other posts that I think are especially well said.

Note: I am less active these days.

Help Gaza Children No Longer Active

GoFundMe has deleted the campaign. Now, please focus on fundraising for Husam and his family at @abo-ataa

Visit https://helpgazachildren.notion.site/ for more information

I also do not verify fundraisers unless I explicitly post them.

Blinkies below the cut. Warning: gifs contain flashing colors and lights below read more


there's few things i hate more than people watering down what it means to be antizionist. it's in the fucking name. if you believe there's any capacity to reconcile palestinian liberation with the existence of israel you're not an antizionist, you might as well take that watermelon emoji out of your bio.

it is not enough to be "pro-palestine," we're over a year into a live broadcasted genocide, recognizing and denouncing the genocide and siding with its victims is the bare minimum and should be the standard at this point. after 15 months of live streamed genocide, you'd think that would prompt people to investigate what led us to this point, how we all failed palestinians, and what it means to truly stand by them, but no not really. some dumb fucking cunts really think they're well and truly antizionist by advocating for a ceasefire and politely asking israel to pull their rabid, bloodthirsty settlers out of the westbank. as if the settler colonialism started in '67, and the ethnic cleansing that preceded is always either left not acknowledged or outright justified.

palestinian liberation means the abolition of the settler colonial, apartheid nation state that is israel, and giving the land back to its rightful owners, nothing less, not even an inch less.


i honestly don't know how to say this but the survival of an entire group of people who are going through a active genocide should not have to depend on how well they are able to articulate and present their condition to you in a post.

but it is. a person gets donations to buy necessities if their post ends up being eye catching or something that grabs the reader's attention. what happens to those who cannot make such posts? no one's survival should depend on something like this.

i urge you to help alaa and her two young children. she needs to buy food and other necessities which are very expensive. she also needs to buy firewood regularly to keep warm.

her fundraiser has been verified.


Please my friends I need your help to raise some money not to go out but to save and buy some food for my family we are running out of food Also water as well I need 500 euros just to provide all these things I am a child and I am trying to save my family and keep them alive donate even 5 euros I am not greedy and I am only asking for a little to provide food and water

Share I want this post to reach as many people as possible This is my wish that it reaches a large number of people so that they donate I want to eat and drink some clean water 😭😭

My friends, we are close to this goal. Only 100 euros remain. Please, someone donate.

I fuckin hate Jake gyllenhaal so much

Fuuuuck you dude

I hate his acting i hate his face i hate his style everytime he's in a movie his character pisses me off STOP EMPLOYING JAKE GYLLENHAAL!!!!!


Hello friends on Tumblr, I’m reaching out to you today with a heavy heart after a tough winter day filled with heavy rain that has flooded our tents. Just think about how a small child feels waking up in the middle of the night to find their bed soaked, or how a mother feels watching her children suffer from the cold and illness. The water has overwhelmed our tents, and we are facing challenges that are hard to bear. The biting cold is relentless, and our children are paying the price. We urgently need your support to provide new tents that can keep rainwater out, so we can protect our families and give our children the safety and warmth they deserve. Please, share this appeal and be a voice for those who have none. Every bit of help, no matter how small, will make a significant difference in our lives. Thank you from the depths of our hearts for your support and for standing by us.

Or send directly to https://paypal.me/rhmahh


I fuckin hate Jake gyllenhaal so much


I want to tell you more about me and why this campaign has taken a toll on my mental and physical health. I'm sure you understand me if you also suffer from social anxiety. I am living through introvert hell and I just want it to stop 💔

My exhaustion can't be described with words. Every day I wish I had died when this all started. Everything exhausts me. Please help, please. I'm constantly annoyed with my family because we've been packed in the same room for months while we're all on edge, but they're still my family. I can't let them die. I can't let my younger siblings and my grandmother down🥹

My campaign is now vetted! So please don't hesitate to help me anymore.

✅️Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #347 )✅️


The good news is I have a new temp job and I’m going to have it through February. The bad news is while I wait for my first check I don’t get unemployment and my food stamps will take another week to arrive.

Until then I am working hard and hoping for help to keep our lights on and ourselves fed. @riotbard and I are a queer couple eking out a living in Portland, I am a formerly undocumented Salvadoran migrant, journalist and translator who is generally looking for work and they are a trans woman working as a union steward at a homeless shelter.

Any help for food to make it to the end of the week is appreciated.

Cash app is $writeswrongs or $phoenixsinger

Venmo is writeswrongs

Puppy photo for tax and good luck.


Even if we could get $45-80 so we can afford food for our workdays until our checks come in, that would be more than enough. Please share and thank you everyone.


There should be more diamond boycotts of Israel since it's considered one of their top exports alongside "machinery". Ther are no diamond mines in Palestine so what israel does is steals from African countries.

If you are looking for a ring or a piece of jewelry, you should investigate where the jeweler got their metal stones from. Avoid UAE and Israeli jewelry at all costs.


There should be more diamond boycotts of Israel since it's considered one of their top exports alongside "machinery". Ther are no diamond mines in Palestine so what israel does is steals from African countries.



Not like settler violence has been at an all time fucking high with israelis shooting palestinians like they're fucking target practice!


operation olive branch reporting former volunteers to the FBI?!

Where did you hear about this?

If this is true, this honestly pushes me to believe that my initial reticence towards the OOB - which led me to start doing my own verifications - were somewhat founded even if they were based only on speculation and skepticism.

I learned it from volunteers speaking out on tiktok.

Theyre talking about how a lot of gaslighting and toxic bureaucracy goes on within the core which is keeping aid from actually getting to Palestinians. If you demand accountability for the money and what's it's being used for, you're isolated, the families you help are not given aid At All in retaliation, or now you're reported to the FBI I guess.

Tumblr is uploading one of the videos (since I know a lot of people don't have tiktok but still think you should be able to see this) and I'll be uploading a few more.

That said

Part 2 where the same user reads a statement clarifying they were reported for defamation of the core member's reputations among other "cyber crimes."

Besides that they've been speaking out for awhile about the lack of ethics within OOB. so this here is a link to the organized playlist they made of each tiktok they made about it. It's 71 parts/videos.

Screenshot of the complaint that ChyGunn posted.

Since the links are bouncing, these are 3 of the 4 ex volunteers where I got my info

Chygunn is reading the complaint and has the OOB playlist. Their videos about being reported to the FBI are also labeled as such and they're also recent (within the last day) so you don't have to scroll forever to find them.

This user, acabforcutet, is another ex volunteer who confirms that almost everything chygunn has experienced was also true for her. as well as having a back and forth with someone else which amounts to a clear cut incident of being gaslit by OOB

Faith has posted about the way OOB treated her, families she's sponsored, and how OOB refused to address any concerns she brought up. They're the vids with the red labels and yellow marks.

I did post a lot of these videos to my Tumblr for people without tiktok so they're all up now under #Operation Olive Branch if anyone wants to see them.


@el-shab-hussein i watched a few videos (thanks for linking them sibeblog side b!!) And Chy says the list of families is legit no matter what. Apparently OOB had donations to the org (?) Or something that they took for themselves but the list of families is separate from that. Here's the link where they said that:

Wanted to chime in that I’ve seen a tik tok from @ Clarke.Jones of her discussing the paying directly thing.

But also that OOB may not actually be a non profit organisation as they’re calling themselves.

She states that as an American born organisation it should be monitored under the IRS (IRS Tax Empt Tool online) like other non profits like Heal Palestine.

She records herself doing the search and OOB isn’t there. I just did the search myself and got nothing.

She also commented on one of OOB’s TikTok’s about their lack of nonprofit status and they basically called her a liar.

I’m not the most knowledgeable about all that but I wanted to share.

She also did say that the list for the families is legit.

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