
sculpte, lime, cisèle

@elucubrare / elucubrare.tumblr.com

El, of the House of the Dzur ※ 30s ※  she/her ※ practically and aesthetically vain ※ BURGUNDIANS DNI ※

The Current Collected Works :)

Satia Te Sanguine”, in which a tourist visiting Rome meets a vampire and gets a good story about History and absolutely no answers.

Versions of the Sun”, in which a woman who might be the prophesied savior founds a city.

When I See the Skylark Rise”, in which a spaceship captain makes a choice that will, apparently, doom her crew to death. 

Learning Tiluhan in the Fourteenth Century”, a story about whether pure academia is enough; about a dying woman and a dying language, and, maybe, an attempt at human connection. 

 In “Lead But to the Grave,”a deified empress wrestles with her new divinity, and with what comes after divinity fades.

Not writing but do me a huge favor and check out my bigcartel store, selling hand knit hats, cowls, and sometimes fingerless gloves.


"At church he will ever sit where he may be seen best; and in the midst of the sermon pulls out his tables [notebook] in haste, as if he feared to lose that note; when he writes, either his forgotten errand, or nothing"

Rare 1600s complaint about people Being on Phone

(Joseph Hall, Characters of Virtues and Vices, 1608)


18 pattern repeats so I’ve got a System going on here - 12 down, adding my next locking stitch marker after the next one


when Order of the Phoenix came out my brother managed to get his hands on it early & i read it in one night, as one does. somehow a news station heard about it & ran a cute little interview with me. unfortunately they were thinking " harry potter superfan" and not "judgmental fantasy genre reader" so they asked me at the end what grade i would give it. and i said "C ".


constantly making airy offhand comments to my preferred younger son about how he’s next in line for the throne after his brother but he still hasn’t killed my detested firstborn for me. kids these days have no fucking initiative.

I keep sending them off on “boar hunts” together and wouldn’t you know? they keep coming back after with big smiles and boar heads and the unmistakable stench of brotherly camaraderie. what sick sad days are these!

Anonymous asked:

Imo, christians would have an easier time with the trinity if they described it as like, “my god has three faces” or “jesus is the feet on the earth, the spirit the hands, and god the head” instead of restating polytheism verbatim

We should have a gathering in a place called Nicaea and have this discussion with the various Church leaders, cause I think you're on to something


standing outside in the second snow in a t-shirt and pyjamas to take a picture of the apartments across the parking lot from me, their windows illuminated with cold blue christmas lights, and above the gables of the building a strip of clear violet-blue sky framed by pearl-gray cloud; taking a picture to remember that once i stood there, the cold of the night settling into me, knowing that the beauty i saw would not be captured by my camera, hoping that the blurry facsimile will recall this night some day months later; feeling an emotion i couldn't name in the same imperfect way my camera set down the still of the snow


like most things the u.s. takes its fire safety systems from welsh mythos – fire alarms correspond to gwyn ap nudd, lord of dragons, and the sprinkler system is a manifestation of caswallawn, whose tears caused the flooding of the whole earth after he abandoned his lover to pursue kingship


the second the internet decided "language prescriptivism" was always classist and elitist, then descriptivism became always righteous and good, and any time language changed or evolved one must simply accept it because that is what language does, there is never any need to examine why it changed, what that change means, or who it serves.


artists of classics tumblr, someone should illustrate some of the characters from theophrastus. for example there is a description of the kind of person who "is apt to keep a jackdaw as a housepet, and buy it a little ladder and make it a tiny bronze shield to hold as the bird hops up the ladder" (characters 21)

thank you to people in the notes for pointing out that this is very similar to the "type of guy" genre of tumblr post. some other types of guy from theophrastus:

  • guy who, when he and someone else are going to see one of his friends, runs ahead and says “he is coming to your house!” then he runs back and says “I have announced you.”
  • guy who, when he is going to swear an oath, tells everyone “I’ve sworn oaths many times before."
  • absentminded guy who makes a calculation with an abacus and determines the total, and then asks the person sitting next to him, “what’s the answer?” also, if he is a defendant and intends to appear in court, he forgets and goes to the countryside instead.
  • guy who sits down every hundred yards and counts how much money he has with him to make sure he hasnt lost any
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