
i will never be satisfied

@ehonauta / ehonauta.tumblr.com

neither fish nor fowl nor good red herring. I'm old; get off my lawn. Avatar by eyesthatslay via LJ.

Periodic reminder that I am generally happy to tag things on request, to the best of my ability, but I do not preemptively tag things other than autoplaying videos, flashing gifs, spiders, and nsfw content, for which my “this is too much and needs a tag” bar is fairly high. Blood/gore, religion, nudity (real or art), explicit fic/words, politics, and kink content are common enough that i will *probably* tag but you shouldn’t expect it.

This has been a PSA. Edited to add: I’m queer and jewish and hate terfs. Just in case you were going to ask for that kind of nonsense.


For those curious:

  • Our lowest 3 smash are
  1. 2.4 for the Elon Musk poll
  2. 2.7 for the charles III
  3. 4.6 dor Ellen Degeneres
  • Our highest 3 smash are
  1. 95.5 for the second Sigourney Weaver poll
  2. 93 for the Appalachian Moutains
  3. 92 for the type 30 rotary phone

makes perfect sense


Me trying to flirt: would you like to watch The Lord of the Rings (extended editions)

Would work on me

Me trying to flirt: would you like to pause the LOTR extended editions so I can read you a poem from the books that wasn’t included in the movie, and then another poem, and then this other passage, and then

Would work on me

Me trying to flirt: would you like to pause the LOTR extended editions so I can read you this passage from the Silmarillion and talk about how it connects to LOTR and also to an abandoned draft that Tolkien wrote in 1920, and


While I'm posting here and no longer under any obligation to rep the company, I might as well share this incredibly funny story from behind the scenes that I don't think ever got out: Due to the constant problems we had around "The Chaser" being also a name of a sex thing online (you would not BELIEVE the kind of confused fan mail I had to sort through), in 2019 we had very seriously planned to rebrand our online channels.

After a laborious process whittling down hundreds of potential names we settled on another alcohol related term, a popular Australian slang term for wine, as we thought that was in the spirit of "The Chaser" but also uniquely Australian.

Literally the only reason we didn't end up rebranding was the whole company fell into an omnishambles in 2020, and we were all too busy both figuratively and literally putting out fires to even think about doing a full company rebrand.

And that, my friends, is how The Chaser through sheer dumb luck, managed to avoid what would have gone down as possibly one of the worst company rebrands in the history of everything, when that same name came to mean something else VERY different a few years later:

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