
Dr Medic's Game Surgery Official

@drmedicsgamesurgery / drmedicsgamesurgery.tumblr.com

Official Tumblr for Dr Medic's Game Surgery. Blog maintained by SeriousSeiko.

Salvage Showcase: Jutaro Akafuku

To end the year, for the minor novel side of things, we got the 'lightest' main antagonist in the Danganronpa series, yet one who acts as quite the foil for Makoto Naegi nonetheless: Jutaro Akafuku the villain of Makoto The Secret File: Makoto Naegi's Worst Day Ever!!

Credit to @drmedicsgamesurgery for the pic above and giving permission to use it! Jutaro lacks an official design, so in this instance he's being represented by the salaryman looking fella getting grappled by Tengan.

Fun fact: The salaryman design is actually Tokuichi Towa's beta look before UDG's story went through some major changes and de-badassifed Tokuichi into who he was now.

link to the game for the cg used

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