
About Draconym

Hey tumblr, I’m Mel. I’m an old millennial who works in public parks. In the past I’ve been a ranger and a technician. Sometimes I post pictures of the animals that I get to work with. I also post art, comics, and weird dreams. Here's some FAQ.

Common Tags


The White Knight (2010)

Hard to believe I never posted these old comics here. Revisiting them now as I reflect on grief, healing, and forgiveness, and how much @huduvudu and I grown as people since we were teenagers.

This is why I don't provide much of an explanation! These are comics about my feelings told in the language of dreams, but they are less about my experiences than they are about reaching out to those feelings in other people.


Hey you know how I said I was going to make a workbook on the kind of bullshit you need to do when someone you love dies? I actually did that.

Featuring Helpful Sections such as:

  • Death Certificates – What you need, why you need them, and how to get them
  • Prepare to spend a long and miserable time on the phone
  • What the Everloving Fuck is Probate
  • Some Simple Dos and Don’ts
  • Shitty Mad Libs – Templates for writing Obituaries and Memorials
  • How to plan a non-religious death party
  • So you suddenly have to become some sort of hacker or some shit

This is an eighteen page book that you can print out, download, share, and give away; it is meant to be used to collect information about funeral planning and account management after a death OR you can use it BEFORE you die and give people information so they’re not stuck playing Nancy Fucking Drew while trying to keep seventeen cousins who crawled out of the woodwork from gutting each other in front of the fucking casket as they argue about who’s inheriting grandma’s favorite dentures.

It’s not exactly cheerful and it’s full of things that are probably going to feel really fucking raw if you’re processing a fresh death.

I’m sorry! I love you! Death is shitty! I’m trying to laugh about it a little and I hope you can laugh a little too because otherwise we’re all just going to cry together.

Good luck!

(in memory of my weirdo mother and her weirdo siblings who all died too fucking young and left me holding this flaming bag of dogshit)

Death sucks, hope you’re doing okay out there.


90s movies: Psychopharmacology is as good as a lobotomy. If you take pills to treat your mental illness it will literally murder your imaginary friends and you will become a boring, lotus-eating conformist drone.

Me after taking my meds: drives the scenic route home to see if there are any geese on the pond and does a little dance in line at the grocery store and comes home to throw everything​ in my fridge into a stew pot because I can finally taste food again while singing songs at my birds in which I replace all the instances of "she" with "Cheese" and doing a Dolly Parton impression on the phone to my sister

"What were you like before taking the meds tho"

Two weeks ago I was posting about eating cake frosting for dinner.

I feel like it's worth mentioning that being on The Wrong Meds can indeed do the 90s movie thing to you.

Like, if you go on meds and that happens, it's not because whatever's going on with you is jut Too Severe or that you're doomed or only people with Other Illnesses get to have meds that make them feel actually good and you have to settle for "miserable but somehow so hollow I no longer care about the misery" and be grateful you're no longer actively suicidal or whatever.

If that shit happens to you, tell your fucking doctor. And if your doctor doesn't take you seriously, or acts like That's Just How Being On Meds Is, ditch them! Find a new doctor!! Because that is NOT how being on meds is supposed to work! That means the meds are not working correctly!!

Reblogging to agree and say that what was happening to me was (and to an extent still is) severe and was the result of manifold health problems and has taken the better part of a year to effectively treat. I did not expect medication to be this effective. But it is. So if you think that you are untreatable, get a second opinion.


90s movies: Psychopharmacology is as good as a lobotomy. If you take pills to treat your mental illness it will literally murder your imaginary friends and you will become a boring, lotus-eating conformist drone.

Me after taking my meds: drives the scenic route home to see if there are any geese on the pond and does a little dance in line at the grocery store and comes home to throw everything​ in my fridge into a stew pot because I can finally taste food again while singing songs at my birds in which I replace all the instances of "she" with "Cheese" and doing a Dolly Parton impression on the phone to my sister

"What were you like before taking the meds tho"

Two weeks ago I was posting about eating cake frosting for dinner.


no but seriously I still get chills thinking about turning off my headlamp in the cave and The Hand That I Did Not Actually See, and it’s been twelve years since it happened

it’s such an unreal experience


you turn off your light in a cave and wave your hand in front of your face


you can see this shadowy thing moving in the black space where your hand is

it looks like the same shadowy thing you would see in your room at night if you waved your hand in front of your face, it’s there and vaguely hand-shaped, and your brain recognizes it as your hand because your brain is aware of where your hand is and what it is doing

But You Are Not Seeing Anything

Inside a cave, there is No Light. No matter how far your pupils spread, there is no light for them to draw in, no light to put an image on your retina.

But your brain just Fucking Assumes that because it knows where your hand is and what it is doing, clearly it can see it.

So it creates a shadowy thing for your eyes to be seeing.

Brain is like “there’s a hand there”

Eyes are like “yup sure thing brain I can totally see it”

Brain is like “nice”

but there is no hand, you cannot see the hand, you are seeing a literal actual hallucination in the cave because your brain thinks it knows best

Caves are awesome, but also terrifying. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.


we once went spelunking, and a our guide said that once he was in a cave with a stream, so he could hear running water, and his brain was like ‘oh, running water? that means there must be Ducks out there’. and he saw like…low light shadows of ducks. that his brain just Put There.

As a cave guide: we call that ‘cave blindness’! True darkness absolutely wigs your brain out - we’re such visual creatures that after a while our brain throws a hissy after not seeing anything. Sensory deprivation is a very real kind of torture. We have a huge, deep cave system at work and there are a lot of places where you’re hundreds of meters in solid rock in this tiny, dark, still space.

I like to turn my torch off, sit down with my back against the wall,  and wait to see how long it takes before I start seeing things or feeling like the ground is moving, or hearing things. Because I know I’m not - I’m in complete darkness, utter silence, sitting in rock that hasn’t moved in hundreds, if not thousands, of years.

Proof that brains are Ridiculous and over-react to a lot of stuff!


During the most recent caving trip I went on, our little group took a break in a large chamber to sit down and turn off our head lamps and wait in silence until we started hallucinating. It only took a few minutes for most of us to start "seeing" lights, shadows, or one another. I like to imagine this was a pastime for paleolithic people as well.


90s movies: Psychopharmacology is as good as a lobotomy. If you take pills to treat your mental illness it will literally murder your imaginary friends and you will become a boring, lotus-eating conformist drone.

Me after taking my meds: drives the scenic route home to see if there are any geese on the pond and does a little dance in line at the grocery store and comes home to throw everything​ in my fridge into a stew pot because I can finally taste food again while singing songs at my birds in which I replace all the instances of "she" with "Cheese" and doing a Dolly Parton impression on the phone to my sister


on the phone with god rn to make sure im not on his “strongest warriors” list again for 2025


Based on traits from real pigeon breeds. Lower values = smaller part, or in the case of frillback normal feathers rather than curly ones

Anonymous asked:

Your spouse facts list was very cute! I can’t help but wonder, as someone who has also often lamented the imprecision in water temperatures for proofing yeast, what was the result of the experiments? If you and your spouse are willing to share, of course!

Thank you! Unfortunately the answer is mostly "it depends on the brand of yeast," AND "the temperature at which the yeast produces the most carbon dioxide is not necessarily the best temperature for proofing bread dough."

Fleischmann's active dry yeast produces the most CO2 at 120° F. However, 110° or so is generally a little better for proofing dough, if you don't want huge vacuoles in your loaf. If a recipe does specify a temperature, I would go with it.


Exhibit A: this disappointing loaf of store brand bread.

Anonymous asked:

Your spouse facts list was very cute! I can’t help but wonder, as someone who has also often lamented the imprecision in water temperatures for proofing yeast, what was the result of the experiments? If you and your spouse are willing to share, of course!

Thank you! Unfortunately the answer is mostly "it depends on the brand of yeast," AND "the temperature at which the yeast produces the most carbon dioxide is not necessarily the best temperature for proofing bread dough."

Fleischmann's active dry yeast produces the most CO2 at 120° F. However, 110° or so is generally a little better for proofing dough, if you don't want huge vacuoles in your loaf. If a recipe does specify a temperature, I would go with it.


Since you all had so many kind things to say about my spouse on this post, I will provide you with ten Spouse Facts:

  1. He has a pet rabbit that we found as a stray, which he has clicker trained to do various tricks. He also wrote the rabbit a theme song which he frequently sings to him (when he is not baby talking at him). The rabbit loves this.
  2. He plays the guitar, piano, and dizi (Chinese transverse flute). When I got very sick a few months ago, he wrote a song for me and has sung it to me nearly every day since. He also wrote a (beautiful, heartbreaking) song for his mother who has dementia and whom he visits every day, because music is retained much longer than other kinds of memories.
  3. He doesn't have a car. He is anti-car. He has two bicycles: a Raleigh Record Ace (with a custom paint job featuring a rabbit) and a Lightspeed. He has a lot of biking gear that makes him look like a Pokemon trainer.
  4. He eats raw onions whole like they are apples.
  5. He got serious about baking as a hobby a few years ago, when he was irritated by the imprecision of bread recipes for not stating the optimal temperature of warm water to proof yeast. He created a gas displacement chamber out of jars and aquarium tubing and ran a series of experiments to find out the answer himself. We ate a lot of bread that month.
  6. He taught himself tablet weaving in an afternoon. He also knits, and one time he sewed himself an entire ballroom gown for a Halloween costume because they don't make ballroom gowns in his size.
  7. He's conversational in Spanish, French, Japanese, and Mandarin.
  8. He learned to beatbox in his college a cappella group. (I also beatboxed for my college a cappella group, but my parrot prefers his beatboxing over mine.)
  9. The first time we met in-person was at a Humans vs. Zombies nerf gun LARP. I asked him out to dinner a few weeks later and at the end of the evening I said "let me know if you want to do this again" and before I even finished the sentence he said "I want to do this again."
  10. The last time he ate eggs was about twenty years ago, when he ruined a batch of chocolate merengues and then tried to recombine them with the yolks, creating Chocolate Scrambled Eggs. Apparently it was terrible.

Thank you for subscribing to Spouse Facts. Here are five more:

  1. He drinks loose-leaf green tea every day, which he brews in a little flower patterned teapot.
  2. He designs his own papercraft patterns using a program he wrote to flatten low poly 3d models. He once used this method to create a glowing trilobite puppet for him to puppeteer when he played an immortal magical trilobite in a rock opera about Kaiju falling in love (I played the Kaiju who fell in love).
  3. He is a 1 kyu go player, meaning he is one rank away from the dan ranks, or master ranks. Basically this means he is almost a black belt at a very difficult ancient board game. He bikes to an old folks' home every week to play go with his elderly friend (and one of the few people local to us who plays at his same level).
  4. He likes to tinker with vintage doohickeys. After he made an oscilloscope out of an old CRT we found at Saver's, our housemate and I got him a function generator and an antique adding machine from 1907 (as Fishmas gifts).
  5. He is a twin.

Thank you for renewing your subscription to Spouse Facts. Here are 5 additional facts.

  1. He figure skates. Not too often anymore, and he will tell you he is "not very good and never mastered backwards crossovers," but he betrays himself by commenting on the technical skill of other figure skaters whenever I show him a video of figure skating. He was pretty unimpressed by Yuri on Ice.
  2. His figure skating skills are apparently non-transferrable to ballroom dancing.
  3. He is pretty good at lockpicking. One time when we were walking through a graveyard we noticed that the mausoleum was in disarray, so he picked the lock on the gate and we cleaned it up. (The next time we visited, we noticed someone had replaced the lock with a newer, beefier lock).
  4. We have written several one-page RPGs together. We both enjoy tabletop roleplay but we don't really care about stats or leveling up, we just want to play pretend with our friends.
  5. He does recreational math in graph paper notebooks. The first time I ever saw him doing this I asked what he was working on and he replied "I'm just having fun :)"

This tag is really funny to me because he did watch most of The Untamed and he summarized it for me and if you met him I think you would agree he is definitely more of a Wei Wuxian


Since you all had so many kind things to say about my spouse on this post, I will provide you with ten Spouse Facts:

  1. He has a pet rabbit that we found as a stray, which he has clicker trained to do various tricks. He also wrote the rabbit a theme song which he frequently sings to him (when he is not baby talking at him). The rabbit loves this.
  2. He plays the guitar, piano, and dizi (Chinese transverse flute). When I got very sick a few months ago, he wrote a song for me and has sung it to me nearly every day since. He also wrote a (beautiful, heartbreaking) song for his mother who has dementia and whom he visits every day, because music is retained much longer than other kinds of memories.
  3. He doesn't have a car. He is anti-car. He has two bicycles: a Raleigh Record Ace (with a custom paint job featuring a rabbit) and a Lightspeed. He has a lot of biking gear that makes him look like a Pokemon trainer.
  4. He eats raw onions whole like they are apples.
  5. He got serious about baking as a hobby a few years ago, when he was irritated by the imprecision of bread recipes for not stating the optimal temperature of warm water to proof yeast. He created a gas displacement chamber out of jars and aquarium tubing and ran a series of experiments to find out the answer himself. We ate a lot of bread that month.
  6. He taught himself tablet weaving in an afternoon. He also knits, and one time he sewed himself an entire ballroom gown for a Halloween costume because they don't make ballroom gowns in his size.
  7. He's conversational in Spanish, French, Japanese, and Mandarin.
  8. He learned to beatbox in his college a cappella group. (I also beatboxed for my college a cappella group, but my parrot prefers his beatboxing over mine.)
  9. The first time we met in-person was at a Humans vs. Zombies nerf gun LARP. I asked him out to dinner a few weeks later and at the end of the evening I said "let me know if you want to do this again" and before I even finished the sentence he said "I want to do this again."
  10. The last time he ate eggs was about twenty years ago, when he ruined a batch of chocolate merengues and then tried to recombine them with the yolks, creating Chocolate Scrambled Eggs. Apparently it was terrible.

Thank you for subscribing to Spouse Facts. Here are five more:

  1. He drinks loose-leaf green tea every day, which he brews in a little flower patterned teapot.
  2. He designs his own papercraft patterns using a program he wrote to flatten low poly 3d models. He once used this method to create a glowing trilobite puppet for him to puppeteer when he played an immortal magical trilobite in a rock opera about Kaiju falling in love (I played the Kaiju who fell in love).
  3. He is a 1 kyu go player, meaning he is one rank away from the dan ranks, or master ranks. Basically this means he is almost a black belt at a very difficult ancient board game. He bikes to an old folks' home every week to play go with his elderly friend (and one of the few people local to us who plays at his same level).
  4. He likes to tinker with vintage doohickeys. After he made an oscilloscope out of an old CRT we found at Saver's, our housemate and I got him a function generator and an antique adding machine from 1907 (as Fishmas gifts).
  5. He is a twin.

Thank you for renewing your subscription to Spouse Facts. Here are 5 additional facts.

  1. He figure skates. Not too often anymore, and he will tell you he is "not very good and never mastered backwards crossovers," but he betrays himself by commenting on the technical skill of other figure skaters whenever I show him a video of figure skating. He was pretty unimpressed by Yuri on Ice.
  2. His figure skating skills are apparently non-transferrable to ballroom dancing.
  3. He is pretty good at lockpicking. One time when we were walking through a graveyard we noticed that the mausoleum was in disarray, so he picked the lock on the gate and we cleaned it up. (The next time we visited, we noticed someone had replaced the lock with a newer, beefier lock).
  4. We have written several one-page RPGs together. We both enjoy tabletop roleplay but we don't really care about stats or leveling up, we just want to play pretend with our friends.
  5. He does recreational math in graph paper notebooks. The first time I ever saw him doing this I asked what he was working on and he replied "I'm just having fun :)"
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