
my heart too ebbs and floods

@dazaiapologism / dazaiapologism.tumblr.com

no alcohol no music

I can’t say I “like detective novels” bc then everyone will ask oh what’s ur favorite agatha christie novel and I have to admit that I’ve never read an agatha christie novel but I watched a lot of pbs poirot when I was younger I guess? by the way the detective story I love most is a 2007 visual novel longer than war and peace and spends the first hours discussing 1980s japanese business politics and how to spell like twenty peoples names


I will read tarot if you ask me nicely tho. but my messages are true cassandrian divination that sounds like bullshit until it’s been three years and you see that my wisdom guided you the entire way like a brilliant burning arrow of fate


tarot was fun when I was 19 and needed to be told to trust my own judgement more but at 29 I’m very aware that my “deeply felt intuition” is wrong as hell sometimes and most people just want to get gently therapy confessionaled from it. or have an excuse to release their 72 piece illustration set on nice cardstock


everyone gets mad at me bc I say I can read tarot and then they’re like read for me!!! and I pull the hanged man and pronounce them a raging masochist. like “that’s not a real reading you have to interpret it!” Sorry did you want me to therapyspeak validate your neuroses? I pulled the hanged man the cards said you’re a fucking masochist what else am I supposed to say

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