


My crazy funsies site.

When Dick first became Robin, he was still losing his baby teeth. He obviously used that to mess with villains.

Dick, held by a rogue: “You’ll never get any information out of me! I won’t break!” *spits out tooth*

Rogue: “I didn’t even hit you yet what—“


When he realizes he's running out of teeth he buys fake ones and just puts them in his cheek or sneaks it in his mouth when he gets picked up.

You can't tell me that he still doesn't do this and immediately smiles afterwards to show that all of his teeth are still there

Oh absolutely, just spits a tooth in someone's face and grins maniacally. People start wondering if he's somehow like king shark or was experimented on and his teeth regrow faster than they can blink.

You saying King Shark made me think up of him and Constantine's little fling. I got psychic damage thinking of it so I'm going to inflict on you as well.

What if there's a rumor that started going around that Nightwing is a magic or science baby between King Shark and John Constantine that got sent to the past but somehow ended up in the care of Batman?

God Dick would think it's hilarious and go with it. Start calling King Shark dad. And King Shark, ever the one for drama and chaos, goes along with it

How to get two new dads for the price of fake teeth by Nightwing -a video about committing to the bit for the newer generation of heros probably

God, why am I just imagining Beast Boy walking up to King Shark and saying "hi dad" and getting auto adopted? He doesn't even do anything with fake teeth, he just walks up and dads at the man and gets adopted.

Batman being dad shaped is so two days ago, King Shark is the dad shape

King Shark has strong arms to hug his children. Gives deep pressure therapy with just one squeeze.

King Shark loves his children that just keep appearing out of nowhere. They're his now and no one can say otherwise

(the child heros totally make threats to have King Shark adopt them to keep their parents/guardians/mentors in line lmao)

King Shark would treat them so well as long as he's not fighting against them. All his guppies are strong, they can handle being thrown around, but if they stay out of the fight he just praises them as they fight those around him.


I can't, King Shark would be such a good father figure to all his guppies

Such a good dad, I love him so much lmao


They really thought we'll be too distracted by Shiguang holding hands to notice his eyes are golden huh??

(An insanely perceptive sleuth (u are the goat btw) pointed it out on twitter, I went to check the episode and IT'S TRUE Y'ALL???)



not doomed by the narrative but saved by the narrative. yeah i know you'd rather die than keep suffering but the story doesn't actually care what you want. you have to keep going, even when it hurts. even being erased from existence won't stop you from being salvaged from the wreckage of un-being. get up. keep pushing. keep bleeding. keep living.

Lu Guang Core


Sometimes wild attraction shit happens when you learn to separate masc/fem from man/woman. I’ve known queer women find the femininity in a man attractive. I’ve known gay men get so hot and bothered by the masculinity of a woman.

There was once a guy who was not really my type but then he did drag and was suddenly wildly attractive to me. And since I’m bisexual it doesn’t give me a crisis when someone is suddenly hot to me in an unconventional way. I used to think this was particularly a bi experience.

Then I’ve met plenty of gay men and lesbians who are also chill about that sort of thing. Sometimes life is like that “oops made out with a twink in Brighton who turned out to be a lesbian who thought I was a lesbian” and sometimes it’s like “hey, I’m not normally into men but this guy has got something hot going on.”

Getting a lot of traction again on this post. What it all boils down to is examining a few things:

1. Men and women are not opposites and if one or more isn’t your bag, you may sometimes find some aspects appealing and you don’t have to make it a big thing if you don’t want to.

Straight people will be like “oh haha if I was into women/men…” and it doesn’t make them not straight. It doesn’t have to change your label. Sometimes a person will exhibit aspects of your attractive gender without being it. Maybe it awakens something for you, sometimes it causes a funny/awkward mixup, sometimes it makes you go “huh” and think nothing more and do nothing more about it.

2. Many people see the change from iding as bi to gay/lesbian as a fine shift but think moving from gay/lesbian to bi is comphet. That’s shit.

3. There are countless people who date/sleep with people outside of what their label suggests. This is not actually a personal attack against you and does not require the same behavior from you. Looking at a queer man and a queer woman kissing is not forcing comphet on you.

4. Anyone who actually tries to force you to date/sleep with a person or demographic is a dogshit person for not respecting your comfort and boundaries BECAUSE of going against your wishes, not because it would lose you points on the Blizzard Diversity Wheel or rob you of your Gold/Platinum Star

5. Please understand what compulsive heterosexuality is and stop applying it to queer people being queer in ways you don’t like and aren’t part of


Do not quit alcohol cold turkey

Do not suddenly stop drinking alcohol as a new years resolution if you have been consistently using alcohol most days

Your body gets used to the presence of the alcohol as a sedative in your system

Suddenly removing the sedative you are chemically accustomed to is like suddenly removing the wall you are leaning on - you will topple over

You brain electricity gets overexcited

This causes seizures

This causes sudden onset dementia (Wernicke's encephalopathy)

This causes brain damage

If you use alcohol often (even in moderate amounts)

Or in large amounts

Or you have ever noticed you get shakey tremors and anxious when you stop drinking

Then your body is chemically dependant and you need to be very careful coming off alcohol otherwise you will cause brain damage

Slowly wean down the amount you drink over days or weeks

Talk to a doctor about your goals to quit and ask about support options

Medically supported withdrawal is a lot safer

If alcohol withdrawal goes badly there is a 15% chance it will kill you.

Do not go this alone

You deserve to be safe

Please reblog this or other similar posts and talk about it with people around you

Support your friends to be safe

Remember the Cold Turkey Rule:

Quitting drugs can make you feel like you're dying

Quitting alcohol can make you actually die

Do No Do This Alone

You Are Worth Helping

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