
Dude. Where’s my Thanos Car?

@clubpenguinkiller / clubpenguinkiller.tumblr.com

Thanos Car Wins Piston Cup

what are we? some kinda danganfurry?

anyways thank you to all the people who enjoyed my little doodles! Click here to see all the designs close up!


Pile of danganronpers 3/3

Finally done with the whole V3 cast ! Took me much more time than what I expected but I'm happy I managed to get trough it :)

Added few rough and dumb sketches that were lying around because why not.


for the last time i DON'T have ADHD!!!!!!! i'm just always daydreaming because of my whimsical nature, i make impulse decisions because i love spontaneity, i forget things from before because i live in the now, i get everywhere late because i'm a free spirit, my place is a mess because i'm a creative type, and i'm tapping my foot because i'm feeling the rhythm of life babey! what do you MEAN you found my wallet in the oven


It’s gotten so fashionable on tumblr to hate on The Beatles but who else is going to eat rotten wood and contribute to soil fertility in complex forest ecosystems?


You take the blue Eggman MDMA pill (158.4 mg), the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red Eggman MDMA pill (162.8 mg), you stay in Eggmanland, and I show you just how meddlesome that hedgehog is

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