
Cat Bountry vs. Soup

@catbountry / catbountry.tumblr.com

Hello I am Cat Bountry and I am LITERALLY SATAN

i'm happy for you that you've been able to be more yourself and get out of the kind of mindsets that lead to just miring yourself in drama and details abt other people's lives. i spent a lot of time in the same and similar places myself and i genuinely hope for your happiness and well-being. :) just wanted to say that!


Thank you! I'm trying my best. Glad to hear you're also getting through it.

I don't know if I'll ever feel completely at ease with myself, but I feel like right now, I'm closer than I've ever been.


Trying to reblog several different posts only to find that I'm blocked happening way more to me than usual in the past day or so.

I'm not actually going to look to see if there's some kind of new callout post making the rounds, but I am going to be annoyed and make a post complaining about it into the void.



porn isn't evil or misogynistic you just grew up culturally christian and are scared of sex

like yeah it can be a brutal industry and i don't want to minimize the issue of people being filmed or sexualized against their will but like. dudes making sex tapes together isn't going to kill you. sex workers performing or offering full service because it's their job and they like having money isn't a social justice issue you need to get red-faced and give yourself a migraine about. all work and employment is exploitation, the porn industry isn't special, you're just uncomfortable with it because you haven't unpacked your prejudices toward sex workers.

i have a degree in film and pornography was part of the curriculum when i was in university. we studied porn as a legitimately recognized body genre and a medium of art and entertainment. it's just sex on film. like im a genre abolitionist in many ways but you can't claim that porn isn't a real genre of film and tv, you'd have an army of academics frothing at the mouth eager to explain to you exactly how and why you are wrong.

my degree course was taught primarily by gay men and lesbians btw. an older butch woman led the porn modules. i have terfs in the notes of some of my other posts claiming that porn is just a result of sex depraved pervert men and i just want to add that it doesn't matter who is making or consuming or talking about the porn. you are going to find people of all genders and sexualities and experiences or lack thereof who have their own relationship to pornography and tacking "but icky cishet men that just think about sex all the time!!!" onto your tags doesn't make your aversion to sex any more socially justified

also if you seriously think that someone filming themselves fucking is a form of misogyny you might be a bit stupid.

"Sex workers are often exploited!" yeah workers in a great many industries are. Workers in all industries should be protected, including sex work. Pretending sex is somehow special and sex work is not real work does not help exploited workers.


I made friends with someone online like two years ago, and I was in the process of unlearning a lot of transphobic behaviors and beliefs I'd picked up and didn't want to have anymore. A lot of people who were new that I tried to make friends with would reject me for ever having thought any of these things in the first place. I thought I found someone who was accepting of me and willing to look past my, um, past and see me for my present.

The biggest red flag put up was when we got into a legitimate argument over sex work, specifically prostitution (I don't know if that's the accepted term for it nowadays, but fuck it, I'm old). At the time I found it incredibly bizarre, because for me it was an issue of bodily autonomy and yes, noting that workers in any job have their bodies exploited, why should it be different when it involves one's genitals? But she insisted that all prostitution was rape with no exceptions, that sex workers were just victims who didn't know what they were doing and they couldn't possibly consent if there was a financial incentive (which of course included porn), and all sex was like, sacred or something. My insistence that there should instead be protections from sex workers was flat-out ignored. It was like talking to a brick wall. She absolutely refused to hear me out. I eventually just dropped it because I was sick of talking in circles and chalked it up to her self-professed childhood trauma.

This would bother me for the next several months before it was revealed that she was not only a TERF, but like a hard-line one who had gathered up me and mostly a bunch of trans people pretty much for the purpose of trying to either convert us to our ideology or sow seeds of doubt amongst the trans users in this server, which was most of them.

It's been almost two years since we last spoke and I've since come out as nonbinary. She's apparently still on her TERF shit, which is both sad and hilarious given that TERFs absolutely would not like the kind of shit she drew, and the kind of people who would like her art are usually some flavor of queer with a lot of that being in regards to gender. She really boxed herself into a corner.

Moral of the story is, if somebody is being incredibly weird about sex workers, maybe don't continue hanging around them because holy shit.


I just wanna shout out all of the genuinely kind and wonderful people that still associated with me when I was at my absolute worst, hurting other people because I hated myself. I have talked at length on my blog about my remorse for the things I thought, said and did, and how it affected my mental health. Every time I piss somebody off, all my past transgressions that I regret get brought up, and now it's being used against my friends, who didn't know about what I was doing, whose friendship helped keep me from slipping further and further into nastier, more toxic places and relationships.

And I think anybody trying to paint them with guilt by association because I noticed somebody was an asshole and said so and now they're fucking flailing because now people don't like them as a direct result of their behavior should be fucking ashamed.

How fucking dare you.

This is why nobody liked your toxic, unpleasant, and yes, misogynistic ass, including the person who helped you write that callout post you made. They're using you to punish the person who removed them from their position of power that they liked to abuse and are now crying because they got called out for deleting evidence. You're a sucker and also you behave like an actual child despite being legally an adult, and I do not respect you one iota. Not because of your mental illness, though I admit, I saw it as a red flag. And I love that you use a post of me working through my own experiences as an SA survivor (and not including the follow-up where I fully came to terms with what happened to me) to paint me as a monster. Not like the way I deal with it is actually way more normal than you'd like to admit.

I'm not going to say your name. You do not deserve the attention. Neither does your snake-in-the-grass friend.

Fuck you.


I want to let people know that while I know my reputation precedes me, I appreciate the people who recognize that I am trying to be a better person. It can be disheartening feeling like I've torched my own reputation forever and feeling like I'll never be able to get grow past this, but there are people out there who believe people can get better and it really helps me keep going forward, even when I trip up and face plant.

Thank you for extending that kind of grace to me. I want to be able to do the same for others, even if it's hard.

This is going to seem kind of odd but you know who's been the most inspiring to me in terms of trying to better myself? Danny Brown. Not even kidding. And it started from this clip.

This, of course, led me down a rabbit hole, and this was how I found out that Danny had gotten involved with trolling Cyraxx, though he's had interest in other lolcows.

Cyraxx is a YouTube-centric lolcow who would be pitiable for being sickly and clearly having a cognitive disability of some kind, but he's also an asshole who steals other people's work, cheats on his girlfriends, hits women (including his elderly grandmother), and also sexts underage girls and allegedly sexually assaulted a blind kid at a sleepover back in high school. He's an asshole, to be sure, but he also has trouble doing basic, 1st grade level math, and has the frame of someone who could be knocked over by a strong gust of wind. He has a dedicated community of trolls who milk him for content, and as is the case with a lot of people who are in a similar vein to Cyraxx, many of them will justify their trolling because of the deplorable acts committed by their victims. But also, it's worth noting, that Danny would admit that his addiction to Kiwi Farms and trolling was in part fueled by being stuck inside during the COVID lockdown, as well as his struggle with substance abuse and poorly dealing with his trauma. He admits "hurt people hurt people," and realized this while also achieving sobriety.

I can't fully identify with everything Danny was going through, obviously, but I will admit that a big part of me getting sucked into lolcow culture did come from a place of deep insecurity, and my mental health deteriorated as I felt stuck in this space. Seeing a fellow artist who is weird and unconventional (two traits that immediately grab my interest) go through this world, wind up where I did, and come back out while still having an appreciation of even weirder shit online? It struck a chord with me. Danny's never gonna read this but... thanks dude. Atrocity Exhibition is fucking awesome. Your laugh is infectious. I would love to put you in a room together with Rich Evans.

Totally unrelated video.

One last note, something that is so relatable is that, while he no longer participates in trolling, he can't help but check in on Cyraxx when something significant happens, even though he knows that he really shouldn't. It's like me with Chris-chan for real (though not as much these days, the post-merge saga has been pretty bleak).

I feel similarly about Ethan Ralph when I hear that some significant thing has happened with him, though there hasn't been much that has really drawn me in since he got his ass beat and his purse stolen in Portugal twice in an attempt to confront Andy Warski, a fellow Internet Blood Sports veteran. If you have absolutely no idea what the fuck I am talking about, you live a blessed life and you should keep it that way, it's too late for me.


I want to let people know that while I know my reputation precedes me, I appreciate the people who recognize that I am trying to be a better person. It can be disheartening feeling like I've torched my own reputation forever and feeling like I'll never be able to get grow past this, but there are people out there who believe people can get better and it really helps me keep going forward, even when I trip up and face plant.

Thank you for extending that kind of grace to me. I want to be able to do the same for others, even if it's hard.

This is going to seem kind of odd but you know who's been the most inspiring to me in terms of trying to better myself? Danny Brown. Not even kidding. And it started from this clip.

This, of course, led me down a rabbit hole, and this was how I found out that Danny had gotten involved with trolling Cyraxx, though he's had interest in other lolcows.

Cyraxx is a YouTube-centric lolcow who would be pitiable for being sickly and clearly having a cognitive disability of some kind, but he's also an asshole who steals other people's work, cheats on his girlfriends, hits women (including his elderly grandmother), and also sexts underage girls and allegedly sexually assaulted a blind kid at a sleepover back in high school. He's an asshole, to be sure, but he also has trouble doing basic, 1st grade level math, and has the frame of someone who could be knocked over by a strong gust of wind. He has a dedicated community of trolls who milk him for content, and as is the case with a lot of people who are in a similar vein to Cyraxx, many of them will justify their trolling because of the deplorable acts committed by their victims. But also, it's worth noting, that Danny would admit that his addiction to Kiwi Farms and trolling was in part fueled by being stuck inside during the COVID lockdown, as well as his struggle with substance abuse and poorly dealing with his trauma. He admits "hurt people hurt people," and realized this while also achieving sobriety.

I can't fully identify with everything Danny was going through, obviously, but I will admit that a big part of me getting sucked into lolcow culture did come from a place of deep insecurity, and my mental health deteriorated as I felt stuck in this space. Seeing a fellow artist who is weird and unconventional (two traits that immediately grab my interest) go through this world, wind up where I did, and come back out while still having an appreciation of even weirder shit online? It struck a chord with me. Danny's never gonna read this but... thanks dude. Atrocity Exhibition is fucking awesome. Your laugh is infectious. I would love to put you in a room together with Rich Evans.

Totally unrelated video.


I want to let people know that while I know my reputation precedes me, I appreciate the people who recognize that I am trying to be a better person. It can be disheartening feeling like I've torched my own reputation forever and feeling like I'll never be able to get grow past this, but there are people out there who believe people can get better and it really helps me keep going forward, even when I trip up and face plant.

Thank you for extending that kind of grace to me. I want to be able to do the same for others, even if it's hard.


One of these days I'm gonna get completely zonked and write out an entire fucking essay on why Mister Metokur sucks and I don't like him, but I feel like I could just say "he kickstarted the internet dumpster fire that was GamerGate" and have justified my position completely.

So fucking tired of orbiting communities that talk about internet weirdos/drama and seeing creators kiss the fucking ring of some guy just because he's got a voice for radio and surrounds himself with people who are stupider than he is so he can toss them aside as soon as they inevitably do some stupid bullshit that he can make fun of and feel justified in doing so, like Sargon of Akkad and Ethan Ralph, all while lamenting that internet culture has changed since the 2000's and people on the internet like furries now more than they like otaku.

Oh yeah and he's using James Somerton's suicide note as an opportunity to expose Hbomberguy for shit he did nearly two decades ago and shame him for "troll's remorse." If I didn't highly suspect that this is another ploy by James to manipulate people into feeling sorry for him, I'd probably be more disgusted, but it proves this man just operates on pure spite. Like yeah, I get it, overly-performative troll's remorse is fucking cringe, but you're on a podcast with Null making jokes about "stinkditches" and saying unambiguously racist shit while laughing (in a video conveniently deleted from YouTube from September 17th, 2022). And if it weren't for Jim's army of asskissers, I'd probably be way more open about this sort of thing. But who's even reading my Tumblr at this point anyway?

The first time I remember being alarmed by him was that video he did on that creepy pedo who looked at photos of kids in bathtubs, and he was in a call with this guy and some girl said pedo was friends with, and Jim lost his patience and called her a "hole" and to shut up. People kiss Metokur's ass over this video. I don't even know if any action, criminal or otherwise, was taken against the dude and it was just an exercise in lording not being a pedophile over some deeply disturbed guy who probably had some kind of mental disability.

I am pretty much always going to have a fixation on strange internet people, internet drama, and horrifying nightmare people given unrestricted internet access. This is a character flaw of mine. I have tried to view these people more fairly in recent years, though to be honest, there's quite a few of them that are pretty goddamn hard to feel sorry for. But I also recognize a lot of my fascination was probably, at least partially, trollshielding; if I join in with the people making fun of these people, that means I won't be a target. It was a survival strategy learned from childhood and I'm not proud of it. But I also can't do the full troll's remorse because some of those people I talked shit about really were awful people. That doesn't make it okay when I would be snarky and judgemental towards people that didn't deserve it. Trying to stop a pedophile or helping shed light on a zoosadism ring doesn't make you a good person because even bigots hate pedos and people that torture animals. Congratulations on having the faintest resemblance of a conscience, it'd be nice if you could show that same outrage on behalf of black people and trans women. But we know you ain't doin' that.

Also I swear to god if somebody refers to him as "daddy Jim" and they're not taking the piss I'm gonna give them such a pinch.

P.S. James is very likely alive, btw. Who could have seen the serial liar and manipulator telling lies and emotionally manipulating people?

I feel like I could have articulated myself better in the last post but I wanted to drive home how not-dead James is. Sorry, Jim, your former associate who wants nothing to do with you didn't get somebody to commit suicide, and you sounded a bit too eager for that to happen.

Spiteful motherfucker. Incapable of feeling shame or remorse. I don't think this man has apologized for anything in his life (hyperbolic ((I sure hope))).


One of these days I'm gonna get completely zonked and write out an entire fucking essay on why Mister Metokur sucks and I don't like him, but I feel like I could just say "he kickstarted the internet dumpster fire that was GamerGate" and have justified my position completely.

So fucking tired of orbiting communities that talk about internet weirdos/drama and seeing creators kiss the fucking ring of some guy just because he's got a voice for radio and surrounds himself with people who are stupider than he is so he can toss them aside as soon as they inevitably do some stupid bullshit that he can make fun of and feel justified in doing so, like Sargon of Akkad and Ethan Ralph, all while lamenting that internet culture has changed since the 2000's and people on the internet like furries now more than they like otaku.

Oh yeah and he's using James Somerton's suicide note as an opportunity to expose Hbomberguy for shit he did nearly two decades ago and shame him for "troll's remorse." If I didn't highly suspect that this is another ploy by James to manipulate people into feeling sorry for him, I'd probably be more disgusted, but it proves this man just operates on pure spite. Like yeah, I get it, overly-performative troll's remorse is fucking cringe, but you're on a podcast with Null making jokes about "stinkditches" and saying unambiguously racist shit while laughing (in a video conveniently deleted from YouTube from September 17th, 2022). And if it weren't for Jim's army of asskissers, I'd probably be way more open about this sort of thing. But who's even reading my Tumblr at this point anyway?

The first time I remember being alarmed by him was that video he did on that creepy pedo who looked at photos of kids in bathtubs, and he was in a call with this guy and some girl said pedo was friends with, and Jim lost his patience and called her a "hole" and to shut up. People kiss Metokur's ass over this video. I don't even know if any action, criminal or otherwise, was taken against the dude and it was just an exercise in lording not being a pedophile over some deeply disturbed guy who probably had some kind of mental disability.

I am pretty much always going to have a fixation on strange internet people, internet drama, and horrifying nightmare people given unrestricted internet access. This is a character flaw of mine. I have tried to view these people more fairly in recent years, though to be honest, there's quite a few of them that are pretty goddamn hard to feel sorry for. But I also recognize a lot of my fascination was probably, at least partially, trollshielding; if I join in with the people making fun of these people, that means I won't be a target. It was a survival strategy learned from childhood and I'm not proud of it. But I also can't do the full troll's remorse because some of those people I talked shit about really were awful people. That doesn't make it okay when I would be snarky and judgemental towards people that didn't deserve it. Trying to stop a pedophile or helping shed light on a zoosadism ring doesn't make you a good person because even bigots hate pedos and people that torture animals. Congratulations on having the faintest resemblance of a conscience, it'd be nice if you could show that same outrage on behalf of black people and trans women. But we know you ain't doin' that.

Also I swear to god if somebody refers to him as "daddy Jim" and they're not taking the piss I'm gonna give them such a pinch.

P.S. James is very likely alive, btw. Who could have seen the serial liar and manipulator telling lies and emotionally manipulating people?


Hi, I'm the one who made the Respawn of the Dead page on Fanlore. I'm sorry about the misinformation about you being an admin and it's fixed to be accurate now to say you were just a mod.

And I'm sorry about not disclosing that you've since distanced yourself from that site. Thats now in there too. I respect you as a fic writer both for your fic (loved the TF2 Harlan Ellison and Steven King-inspired ones) and because it's impressive that you've kept your username for so long. I think that literally everyone who's been online long enough can theoretically be "canceled" on the Internet if everything they've ever done was connected to only one pseud, including myself. Fandom's honestly a minefield that doesn't take to cultural changes at all. The culture of, say, 4chan, Tf2chan, those things, it's so different compared to today. Same with Kiwifarms when it was just known for being the CWCwiki. One day, the culture of social media will be just like those, and I think being able to own up to who you were then to compare with how you are now, as a better person, is a respectable skill to have.

I don't know everything you've done, (I know some of the Vade thing and some of what's on the receipt blog,) but it seems some Fannish people just see "Kiwifarms" and think you're supporting the site as it is currently, which wasn't what it was back in the 2010s. I tried to be very neutral since I figured TF2 Tumblr/Twitter would find my article first, but now it's more positive on you and your body of work on there. I'm sorry that the article brought up old wounds, hopefully all misinfo on it is fixed now.


Wow, I actually wasn't sure if I'd get a response. Thank you for being so considerate, for enjoying my fic, and being so understanding. I used the same pseud for years because, well, I'm proud of Respawn of the Dead, warts and all. I don't want to distance myself from it and I'm okay with it being my legacy. Also I'm just absolutely lousy at hiding myself. If I changed my name, people would figure out it's me, so I don't really bother.

If you don't mind, just for the sake of fandom oral history, I'd like to expand upon the period of Medic being a Nazi in fandom. This might be interesting to you as somebody interested in TF2 fandom lore.

Medic being a Nazi was assumed by a lot of fans, due to him fitting a bunch of "Nazi mad scientist" tropes. This remained the case until fans went to Valve's headquarters and straight up asked an employee if he was, to which they were told "no." And then people stopped writing Nazi Medic (for the most part) because it wasn't canon. People still made art but again, we did not know the horrors that the future had in store for us.

It really is wild to think how drastically things have shifted politically online since the late 2000's, when nobody could have predicted that being a Nazi would be anything but the most fringe of fringe, and these people would be regarded as internet sideshows to be gawked at and trolled. Also, Respawn of the Dead was written around the time Inglorious Basterds came out, so there were a lot of sexy Nazis or repentant Nazis in certain fandoms at the time.

There was a TF2 fic, I believe it was called Do No Harm, that legit had Medic working in a concentration camp in a position where he felt like he had to work there or he'd be shot, and he ate human flesh given to him by an evil, Aryan Nazi OC. I don't know if the author distanced herself from the work, because she did re-work it to make it into an original novel that she sold on Amazon. I absolutely could not see anything written like this now that wasn't some kind of dogwhistle, but the author was pretty progressive, actually. So much so we had a fight while I was in my anti-SJW phase and she did not appreciate me bringing up the things she wrote about that emphasized the humanity of a Nazi character, who in all fairness, did deflect in her story. I'm sure she's probably put a lot more distance between herself and that story in the years since, given the way things have gone since Trump's presidency. I wouldn't know, though, since we don't talk, and haven't in nearly a decade.

The person who wrote that is probably forgotten by anybody who wasn't in the fandom at the time, even though she was known for this fic and it was praised almost universally when it was being updated. But she was not the only one doing this. I cannot emphasize enough just how far in the past Nazis felt to us. At the time, being a Nazi was a stupid way of thinking that would never come back outside of attention-hungry edgelords co-opting its imagery, especially in America, an allied nation that loves using Nazis as villains in its media. If you told any of us in 2009 that fascism and white nationalism would make a comeback in America, we would not have believed you unless you were counting neoconservatives and evangelical white Christians as Nazis, and while I think a lot of those people are now pretty much that nowadays, back then it would have been a little bit of a stretch. But the thing is, the white supremacy on an institutional level was always there. We didn't really notice it until it started being pointing out, and at the same time, a bunch of fuckin' white nationalists and neo-Nazis just started popping up all over the place because someone with blue hair and pronouns told them a video game character having her titties out was bad or something. I'm still not entirely sure how that escalated that quickly, but Jesus Christ. It's a shame "clown world" got used mostly by right-wing people online because the label feels pretty apt and also applies to them a lot more. There is something deeply pathetic but also kind of hilarious about filming yourself letting a gas stove burn, or shooting cases of beer to own the libs.

I think most people that used TF2chan are pretty progressive now, a lot of them have come out as some flavor of queer, and the use of "-fag" as a suffix is frowned upon in the official TF2chan Discord server as being incredibly childish and cringey. We were all young adults but clearly we had a lot of growing up to do. I think it is important to point out that a lot of this edgelord shit done at the time, while hurtful and not cool, was done by a lot of people who hadn't figured out who they were yet, and weren't really bad people. Dr. Tanner, who was actually the first person to write a TF2 longfic and beat Respawn of the Dead by at least a few months with the first version of The Lessons (which is gone now), got cited by name in an interview with an old TF2chan user for being really racist, sexist, homophobic and transphobic, only to completely turn around once he came out as trans. I think a lot of this behavior kind of functioned as a shield, because there was still a separation between the internet and real life. Now, there's more people on the internet with less websites people visit, and fandom spaces where everyone is an adult are harder to find. Everything is very politically charged now. The right-wing is further to the right than it was even when I was a teenager and a young adult during Bush's presidency, which given that we got into two forever wars under his administration, is insane to think about. It doesn't feel real, but it is.

So yeah, that's why nobody writes or draws Medic as a Nazi anymore, and that's a good thing. Sorry for the tl;dr.

If you have any questions about old TF2chan and TF2 fandom, I'd be happy to answer them.


I think I'm so sensitive and testy tonight because last night I learned a suicide attempt I thought I intervened in and stopped was actually a lie, followed by the person who did it killing off a sockpuppet representing a sibling as a lie and also to hurt the members of the server, and I'm so fucking mad right now.

It happened again.


Found out Respawn of the Dead has a Fandom Lore page with some criticisms of the fic (fair, it's really dated and I would change a lot of it were I to write it in current year) and myself (I will never be rid of the shatbountry blog).

I wasn't an admin on Kiwi Farms. I was a mod. I was not very powerful and would have other mods push me around if I dared tread onto their turf.

Criticize me all you want, but you could at least be accurate.

I think I need to learn to let go.

No more talking about Kiwi Farms and going on at length about how bad it was for me. No more rambling self-pity about how I torched my own reputation and I have no one to blame but myself. No more worrying about what other people think of me.

I'm nearly 40. I'm too old for this.

I think I'm always going to be a divisive figure online, no matter what I do, because I am inherently problematic. Even now, I am making art that is controversial, but it is mine, and it is an expression of myself. People will hate me no matter what; some for good reasons because I hurt them. Some because of misinformation. Some because they find the stuff I am making right now to be disgusting. And some because they really were bastards and I pissed them off. I need to fight the urge to defend myself every time somebody criticizes me online because it stems from this belief, this learned response, that if I can explain myself well enough, I won't get screamed at or hit. Hurt people do hurt people, but that doesn't excuse hurting people. I am sorry. I'm sorry to the people I hurt. I wish I could take it back. I want to do better but I know people will still hate me because I am just fucked-up and broken and will never function correctly. I think that's why I took refuge in audacity, in shock, and why I still do it. Because the kinds of people who make that kind of art know.

I'm tired of feeling sorry for myself and talking in circles. If you guys catch me talking about this shit again, call me out. I need to stop. I need to heal. I don't want to torch everything related to the Cat Bountry name and start all over because it feels like it's me, and I'm not good at hiding myself. This is me, messy and complicated.

I want to believe people are capable of redemption. I have to. But I don't know how, and I don't know if people would even listen or think I'm sincere.

I don't know, I don't know. Thank you to the people that listen. It means a lot.

I've really gotta stop doing this to myself.


Found out Respawn of the Dead has a Fandom Lore page with some criticisms of the fic (fair, it's really dated and I would change a lot of it were I to write it in current year) and myself (I will never be rid of the shatbountry blog).

I wasn't an admin on Kiwi Farms. I was a mod. I was not very powerful and would have other mods push me around if I dared tread onto their turf.

Criticize me all you want, but you could at least be accurate.


I am no longer associated with Kiwi Farms or Null and I do not wish to discuss either. They are both cringe af. Null sucks and will turn out like Lowtax at the rate he's going. Do not message me about Null ever again.


This is the third time I am writing this post because I feel like the idea I'm trying to convey keeps slipping away from me as I keep piling on context, and really, all it is... is just making excuses. I held transmed beliefs and questioned the validity of nonbinary gender identities back on Kiwi Farms. Now, I feel like if circumstances were slightly different, I probably would identify as enby.


The only reason I don't is because my feelings towards being a woman are pretty neutral. All of my problems I had in regards to gender growing up was not so much being a girl, but being constantly told by other girls and older women that I was being a girl wrong. Being a woman is perfectly fine with me; it's the sexism and policing of what is acceptable gender expression I have a problem with.

I don't think I can fully identify as queer, even though most of my friends are and I feel like they get me, so I feel perfectly at home. At the end of the day, I am fine with being a woman, and I am exclusively attracted to men. And I hate to say it, but it's cis men and maybe AMAB enbies who are okay with presenting more masculine. I just really, really like dicks. I don't really like vaginas, even though I imagine most people who would look at me and how I dress myself would assume that I am. And I know this, because I have been called homophobic slurs in public.

Is simply being gender nonconforming enough to be queer? I'm not sure, because I don't know if I'd ever be in a relationship that would be in danger because of legislation being passed. I could, however, see myself getting shit for my gender presentation, because I get people trying to clock me as either a trans man at the start of their transition or genderqueer. I'm in a pretty blue state, in a college town, surrounded by a lot of people younger than me who are overall much more accepting than I had been at their age, though, so realistically, I'm probably not in danger of being targeted for possibly being queer. Would that make me queer adjacent, though? I don't fucking know, but at the same time... I feel at home hanging around a bunch of queer folks. One of my friends joked that I'm straight, but I'm pretty gay about it. There are a lot of times where I will feel like one of the only cishet people in a group. Maybe it's because I've refused to give up the general subculture aesthetic and have been wearing graphic tees, ripped jeans and Chuck Taylors since high school, and I'm not going to stop anytime soon. I still get mistaken for being in my 20's so I am going to ride that shit into the ground, baby.

Things have changed a lot. Culture has changed. The internet has changed. I've changed. Everybody's on the goddamn internet now, including a lot of people who seem utterly clueless about its culture and history. I don't have anybody in my circles of friends that would ever identify as "anti-SJW" anymore. There is no debate in any of the circles I'm in on the validity of trans people at all, or nonbinary people. I look to those who I might have either associated with loosely or engaged with their content, and they just seem like they spiraled into increasing extremism, and for many of them, it doesn't seem like it's just to keep the grift going. They're true believers. And a part of me finds it kind of sad, actually, because they're going to just be miserable fucks for the rest of their lives if they keep their current trajectory. The momentum of the trans rights movement is not going to stop. Normies are getting sick of politicians focusing on transgender people. And within the trans community itself, the infighting has pretty much stopped because of just how tight the screws are being turned as conservatives go all out on the last socially acceptable group they can go against. They're being much more blatant about their bigotry in a way that's so flagrant, it would have been unthinkable ten years ago. We've got bigger problems.

Why am I even writing all of this out? I don't know. It's not like these posts are going to show up on Google when people look me up and see "callout" after my username in the suggestions. But it's important to me to map out these thoughts, I suppose, because actually changing means a lot more than grovelling and saying sorry to be accepted by people who wouldn't be willing to hear me out in the first place. I don't even think I fully regret being on Kiwi Farms; I more regret sticking around as long as I did, and if you've been paying attention to me posting about major life events I've been dealing with recently, you may have noticed I kind of have a problem with sticking around toxic people or places out of some misplaced sense of loyalty.

I guess I'm just stubborn.

TL;DR I feel pretty bad about not believing nonbinary identities weren't valid because I feel like I almost kind of sort of feel that? Also trans rights forever and ever,


In the past month or so I have been reworking my FAQ and BYF pages and wow, it is weird seeing the stuff that I said years ago and how alien it seems to me now. I feel like I've mellowed out considerably. I know people are still going to be mad at me or afraid of me because of ignorant or hurtful shit I said in the past, or the fact that I stuck around Kiwi Farms as long as I did. I'm not very good at hiding myself, and while I could completely start from scratch just to get away from the legacy of a callout blog and years-old receipts... I feel like I almost can't. All that shit, having done that, being able to look back on it... I feel I've grown as a person. I'm not a different person, but I'm a person who has had new experiences that has altered their perspective. I said and did those things. I could Delete Fucking Everything, but the internet never forgets. It wouldn't undo the things I said and did.

At the same time, though, there are some people who I beefed with who I still think are bad people and I don't want to fucking apologize to these bastards. I just won't talk about them publicly anymore since they were never worth my time in the first place. Fuck them.

But there are definitely individual people that I wish I could apologize too, people who were my friends, good people that I hurt because I was on some bullshit. I don't know if they'd want to hear from me, though. I can understand if they don't, and to be honest, I'm a little afraid to reach out to some of them for fear that they might dismiss me immediately. But if you think you might be one of those people... maybe we can patch things up. I feel an apology means more when it's personal, and you're not saying it in front of an audience of people. I don't want my apologies to be performances. I want them to be sincere. I also don't want to come across like I'm asking for pity or buttpats, either. I've grown, time marches forward, the past cannot be changed. So too do I go forward... edging ever closer to my 40's oh god help.

... I should be asleep but I feel completely wired and I've had the same fucking Dave Matthews Band song stuck in my head for the past two days and I fucking hate Dave Matthews Band, this is an act of divine retribution for my past sins, fuck you fuck you fuck you.


I've updated the FAQ on the side of my blog. I hope this clears some things up for some people.

I'm getting really sick of talking about Kiwi Farms, you guys.

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