captainsblogsupplemental reblogged
captainsblogsupplemental reblogged
It’s what at the what now?
captainsblogsupplemental reblogged
Andrew Robinson on playing Garak for the first time.
star trek heritage post (June 2nd, 2023)
captainsblogsupplemental reblogged
Garashir nation???? We're back???
Shut the fuck up. SHUT THE FUCK UP
captainsblogsupplemental reblogged
fucker! we wanted to trek those
star trek heritage post (August 26th, 2023)
captainsblogsupplemental reblogged
It should also be noted that there were other people paiting in this scene and data had something good to say about all their pictures. So Picard was ready for a compliment and got roasted.
captainsblogsupplemental reblogged
Lovers’ Quarrel
captainsblogsupplemental reblogged
Because I’ve already had lizard babies with Tom and that’s enough baby adventure for me in this quadrant of space