
♑So you were never a saint 🔥

@capricorn-season / capricorn-season.tumblr.com

🚺 ♑️ 【Lima, Perú 🇵🇪 || Woman || 92'Line】 Being a woman is not a feeling nor a identity. "If sex isn’t real, there’s no same-sex attraction. If sex isn’t real, the lived reality of women globally is erased". - J.K ROWLING ♀️🦅

He’s being cleaned, not just pet, but judging by that big contented rumble you can hear, he’s quite enjoying it!


When you’re a prehistoric dinosaur and it’s scritches time


brushie brushie brushie 

It really is fascinating that basically every animal on earth that has some sort of skin integument enjoys a lil scratch. I mean it makes sense but like. Humans evolved from social grooming animals and we have perfect little grooming hands and basically everything on earth with scales, fur or feathers can basically be convinced to let us give them free back scratches. Humans don’t even get anything out of it other than the satisfaction of helping out. We’re just really good at it. What a useful creature to be put on a planet full of animals who can’t reach their backs.

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