



I’ve noticed something with Matt Walsh where he seems to occupy a complete fantasy world and then posts as if everyone else lives there too. The GOP has continually been losing court challenges to their anti-trans laws, and support for trans people among the general public remains high; the GOP’s obsessive focus on culture war issues like trans people is one reason they underperformed across the board in 2022. None of this post is even remotely borne out by empirical observation

the right largely does not try to actually engage in the issues the left is discussing what they do is create an imaginary strawman to voice the issue, dont research it, and argue against the position of the unresearched strawman, then assume they have won because their hand puppet did a bad job of refuting their one sided logic


local bunny climbs scaffold to check out queer liberation march, notices camera, smiles 🏳️‍🌈😛✌️🏳️‍🌈


does marvel really need to think long and hard about why their comic books aren’t selling when they got assholes like nick spencer spouting pro-nazi rhetoric on twitter

Baffles me that someone who is openly pro-nazi can look at the marvel comics and not be incensed given how anti-nazi they’ve always been.

Jack Kirby would have kicked the crap out of Nick spencer


"ccute baby bunny compilation" "cutest rabbit videos!" "cute bunny so sweet every video" NO. i want FUNNY rabbit. i want rabbit STUPID compilatiom. I want every video of a rabbit thumping over some inane thing . i want a compilation of ever rabbit thats ever jumped in a trash bin. show me the goddamn animal


omfg i forgot that i never showed tumblr my greatest achievement. my pride and joy, my pi-ass de résistance

you're welcome

if you reblog this i am kissing you on the mouth. no that is not negotiable. we are in love now. we are dating. we are planning the wedding. i will be with you on your wedding night


Amended for the rest of the world

There are people that care. Please reach out.


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