
Stede’s slutty shoe bows

@breeyn / breeyn.tumblr.com

Good Omens, OFMD (Stede is my darling), Loki, and Mothman. I make fanart and original art, don’t ask me what it’s called I have no idea. It’s made of sequins and paint and stitches. You can check my ig/tt if you wanna see more @breeynmccarney 🖤

There is gonna be an uptick in my original art posts on this Tumblr, since some people have lost access to ig and twitter. I hope that’s cool with you, it’s not all good omens art 🖤 I don’t have side blogs, this is my main. Who knows, maybe some of you will like it? <one nervous tear trails down my face>


in 2025 let’s bring back being enthusiastic on ao3. leave a comment on every chapter. leave kudos and, if necessary, leave “double kudos” in the comments. tags and notes on bookmarks. the whole nine yards. let’s show fanfic authors how much we love them.


Fun fact: this behaviour creates more stories.


Another take I saw going around when Season 2 was still airing (and I've seen snippets of it popping up to this day, it rises and falls with the Discourse), was that Izzy was "protecting the crew from Ed".

Look. I'm not getting into all the many many examples of that not being true, because people more eloquent than me have made posts talking about this. The short version is that we never see any on screen evidence of Ed physically harming the crew until he goes fully suicidal and forces them to kill him. Up until that point, he's mostly moping around in his cabin, snorting rhino horn (which is textually treated like cocaine) to get him through raids, drinking alone, crying, and playing with the cake toppers, and overworking the crew. Izzy steps in at the last possible second, to stop Ed from literally killing the crew and himself (and by extension Izzy). Even if Ed was harming the crew (and let's be clear, we have no evidence he was), why would Izzy care??? That's just typical pirate captain shit, according to Hornigold and Ned Low. And Izzy very much approves of "typical pirate shit", it's the reason he begs the crew to "just kill him" instead of saving his life after Ed shoots him. Because what's the use in a First Mate critically injured who might not be able to fight/go on raids anymore? Useless crew members get discarded, that's Izzy's pirate philosophy.

And speaking of Izzy's pirate philosophy.

Izzy didn't save/protect the crew. Stede did.

The crew are overworked, miserable, distraught, grieving the people they've lost and people they might never see again. They care about each other so much. And what do they do? Jim tells Fang a story to cheer him up. Jim and Archie refuse to fight to the death, choosing love over violence. They save Izzy's life even though Izzy is literally begging them to kill him, because Izzy might be a piece of shit but he's still a member of their crew. And that must make Izzy so angry, if he even realizes. Stede isn't around but his personal philosophy and ideals are so strong that even when he leaves the ship he doesn't leave the ship. Stede's influence is all over The Revenge. Ultimately, it was found family that protected the crew. Not Izzy.


This. The bit about Stede. It's astonishing to me how many people missed this. Stede laid all that groundwork, showed them the better way to pirate. The sweet way they refer back to Stede's philosophy over and over. "Creative projects give them a way to work through it" -> making the leg together. He teaches them that trauma is a thing, and it's something that can be acknowledged and healed instead of just an inescapable way of life. How my boy got so little credit for the work he did when he wasn't even there is unreal.


anyway. Fang giving Ed a big healing hug because I think that should happen at some point. big fan of Ed letting himself be friends with Fang because I think that friendship would be so vital and healing for Ed to build now that he’s not Fang’s boss anymore. and because Fang is a sweetie who should have one million friends to love and be loved by


This is me right now. I have three fics to finish like... immediately - and I spent all last night making notes in a new long fic 😑


so im hearing @astolat is god??? what's your 10 commendments my liege

  1. You shall seek out and enjoy art (which fanfic is) that gives you pleasure
  2. You shall not feel guilty for spending time on art
  3. You shall comment when you can with joy
  4. You shall share the art you find that makes you happy
  5. You shall not envy the size of your neighbor's fandom or pairing
  6. You shall support your fellow fans in making art that makes them happy even if it is not to your own taste
  7. You shall make art of your own to your own taste
  8. You shall love your art however imperfect because it is yours
  9. You shall share your art in whatever way you can with joy
  10. You shall not covet your neighbor's hits or comments or kudos

My best stab! lol


Yep.  It also correlates extremely strongly with an increasing decrease of violent crime.  One of the symptoms of low level constant lead exposure is increased aggression and volatility. 


“Unknown scientist”? That was Clair Cameron Patterson.

Gas companies are still so mad at him he’s “unknown scientist”, know his name


Daily reminder that health and safety standards like these are what politicians mean when they talk about “deregulation.”

Patterson died 5 December 1995.

Petition to make his date of death a Tumblr holiday celebrated by talking about cool shit the gas and petroleum industries don’t want us to know about, and fighting to continue his work.


Happy Clair Cameron Patterson day!


Oh, hey, it’s almost Clair Cameron Patterson day!


I think about him all the time. Thank you sir


Women can write m/m. Men can write f/f. Asexuals can write filthy smut. Lesbians and gay men can write m/f. It's all arbitrary anyway. Who give a shit.

"Oh but they don't have an experience of-" I don't have any experience committing or solving murders either but that's still mostly what I read and write about.


I've never banged an alien but here we are.

You've never banged an alien yet! There's always time!

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