
I won't let anyone touch me Don't they know I belong to my baby ?


New varg2tm dj smokey sampling ethel cain 2025 is already littt


٠صم صيع -

0 sordos dicen -

0 deaf and dumb



Like i could wake up without my desire pent up and coughing like an old man. The pipe sang like a bird. Funny enough I seemed to have lost all feeling in my heart, thoughts were sparse, clearly not surviving in isolation. Its possible I gained some greater sensitivity in my skin, although i had no one near to touch or touch me. And in that sense i was somewhat free, but i had misplaced freedom. I imagined it more as an internal probing. It was something of a personal event yet i had no words to speak it into existence really so it just was. I circled around it awkwardly, observing. I had no clue how much of a difference it could really make in the future, since I had no use for a future now. Retrospectively, i wish i had made good of the truth when i had it. Best thing was probably just to continue 


« The internet doesn’t work well in the jungle, it has its own communication network »

Drums or speakers

Messages tied to a monkeys neck


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