'I am a person, you are not' is such an interesting line in retrospect because to me it reads more like assurance. What was once contextualized as a brutal gut-punch to Helly is now the words of a deeply repressed individual struggling to uphold her family's suffocating name. "Helly" is a free thinker, rebellious, impulsive, destructive, and she has allies, friends, people who care about her. "Helena" is constantly viewed through a screen, a perfect corporate construct of a personality she performs at will. Seems more like Helly is a person, Helena is not.
WORK IN PROGRESS...of something...for class...haha....
I’m so√﹀\_︿╱﹀╲/╲︿_/︺╲▁︹_/﹀\_︿╱▔︺\/\︹▁╱﹀▔╲︿_/︺▔╲▁︹_/﹀▔\⁄﹀\╱﹀▔︺\︹▁︿╱\╱﹀▔╲︿_/︺▔\︿╱\︿︹_/▔﹀\_︿╱▔︺\︹╱﹀▔╲︿_/︺▔\╱﹀╲▁︹_/﹀\_︿╱▔︺\︹▁︿⁄╲︿╱﹀╲
um................... can i help you
it's been too long since I tried to draw an anime dragon girl... I'm sane again now
remember in 2007 or 2008 when emo was at its peak and gay marriage wasn't legal and so we had boys in eyeliner and skirts making out with each other at the mall in protest. i think we need this again
i know the floppy haired emo boys of 2006 and 2007 are in their late 30s now and perhaps even their 40s and they have jobs in tech and middle management but PLEASE. we need you. we need you to dye your hair black and put your fucking snakebites back in and paint your nails and go to the mall and kiss each other
i dont care that you have a wife if she's cool she'll get it
who are you in your head?
it’s not easy being the naked in the window transsexual neighbor but someone has to do it
whoa. kitty cat blep // piece done for starrysnepfox!
haven't been to a mooseheads game in person for over a year and apparently they made some changes to the arena.... the main one being a gigantic moose bust that flashes red eyes and shoots smoke out it's nose when we score
update: it's eyes turn green when the other team has a penalty
Encounter: junior league hockey god
Pleasure Machine
[study - photography by hollywood_bruisers]
Cozy reading time with Gengar
and they were fairies ❤️