Konstantin Korobov (Russian, 1985) - Agnus (2022)
this website is like a numbers station but for words
I think the biggest downside to having animal ears and a tail would be trying to mask your discomfort in public like imagine trying to play it cool in customer service but your tail keeps bristling
manager: you're not wagging enough
manager: stop tucking your ears back every time a customer raises their voice it's upsetting them.
So this is your second counseling for raising your hackles at a customer, a third will result in termination.
kinda freaks me out btw that my boyfriend became my best friend soooooo quickly. I’ve known him for less than six months we’ve been dating for like 2
bilbo baggins
Finished watching hunter x hunter so now it’s off to readingthe manga but I had to drawmy sons before that . .
Today, tomorrow, and forever after
to people who live alone hey when does the fear of home invasion stop
just had a couple knocking at my front door 💀😱 didn’t open it to see what they want but it scared meeeee
hello white christian male pro lifer. i have put a womb inside of you containing a minority child which you will birth in 48 hours. this is not a saw trap just my insane niche fetish.
something so SINISTER about people on airplanes these days. people just straight up not using headphones unless an attendant suplexes them through the bulkhead. 7 am flights, where we'd ALL woken up at 4 am to catch the flight, but instead of sleeping peacefully, there's always one FUCKIN person who leaves their window half-open-- gotta make sure the obliterating light burns the skin off my eyelids. the goon in the back who speaks so loudly his voice penetrates my noise cancelling headphones. a little girl coughing between breaths for about 2.5 hours without covering her mouth. i was close to deplaning D.B. Cooper style.
to people who live alone hey when does the fear of home invasion stop
[about to give you head] [doesn't know how to talk dirty at all] umm the huge cock store called they said they want this back
people say they like when I paint sakuatsu kiss so please accept this small tribute as thank you