
With the Lights Out, It's Less Dangerous


Here we are. Now, entertain us.

so strange to me that some people aren't bisexual

i can understand having strong preferences one way or another, but not experiencing even mild passing attraction or sexual curiosity in regards to the strange wide range of human gender? bitch im borderline asexual and even i get it

also women and men? basically the same thing??? there's so much overlap!!! u all look like relatively hairless ape-adjacent bipeds to me. i have to squint to see it

like, not even just a little bisexual? even just in your head, as a concept to play around with? out of mild curiosity? to amuse yourself on a rainy day?

loving the people in the notes with "I'm only attracted to one gender and honestly it confuses the heck out of me also." i think i get it now. arbitrary human condition is arbitrary. go kiss your lovers in the rain




Please don't do this. Literature is art. The words that make up a novel are carefully crafted out of someone's living soul. They are intended to be read one after the other in that order. The phrases and sentences are designed to make you feel something, to let you live, if only briefly, in the life of another.

Giving that art to AI might give you a story, but it will never, ever duplicate the art of the experience.


Sometimes I think you just have to do your laundry and the dishes and take out the trash and put clean sheets on the bed and hope that tomorrow is kinder


Something something- Ranma and Akane first meeting is how all of Ranma obssessed would be sutiors meet him. Let me explain- the formula for how Ranma ends up with his none harem (because he dont like them hoes). Is they all pick one form of Ranma to like and refuse to get to know the otherside.

Ranma and Akane first meeting, Akane is only really interested in female Ranma as a friend. Akane was super happy to have a girl partner to train with. (Theres a whole ass post to be made about Akane life, before Ranma and his father moved in.) Shes so alone which is weird- Akane is not disliked by the female body of her school. Akane is popular! Again why is she the only one doing any form of fighting. Thinking of it now i dont think akane has friends "friends".

But its clear, she wants a connection in fighting with another girl. When Ranma turns out to be a guy, and her fiance. The illisuion of having a friend of the same gender to do matarial arts with is broken. But this in turn has more to do with Akane current gender experssion and hang ups. (We can't get into yet-). This rejection makes Ranma retaliate.

Its only when Akane comes to terms with her own personal problem, does she fully accept Ranma. This moves her out of the space with the other would be suitors. An into a lane of her own one, Ranma contuines to go back into. But there something there in that small space of Akane and Ranma first meeting.

Its so hard to pin point/explain it. Its a deep loneliness on Akane end that isnt really explored outside that small window when she had long hair. Theres also a fic to be made about Ranma hiding his male identity to hang out with Akane more.

The tendo house becomes way more lively once Saotome moves in. The dojo is used more often, its not just Akane trainning by herself. The long hair seems to repsent everything a girly girl should be. The- you have to be more lady like, a lot of unneed pressure Akane puts on herself with that long hair. Ranma a high fem girl popping up probably felt like vindication in Akane eyes. Look see a girl whos is super feminie can do martial arts as well!! Only to have that betrayed, when the girl turns out to be a guy. An then you say a bunch of shit you dont mean. Resetting your relationship to negative 10. But! There something so idk how to explain it. There something there-

Ranma and Akane fall in love in that first meeting.

Maybe its different type of love, maybe its only from Ranma end. But there something so undefinable about it, that makes it feel like love. Love at first sight, rejection, and then the rest of the show is reconciliation. It feels like this is the first time Akane has ever liked someone outside of the doctor dude. Which was probably really jaring for her. Ranma has spent all his time trainning i dont think romance even crossed his mind, let alone a friendship. Akane becomes one of the only character (im being hyperbolic) that accepts Ranma as both guy and girl. In that single isolated moment breed so much.

I don't think they ever have a moment like that again. Akane and Ranma from that point onwards are never truly left alone. When they are its interpurted, or they're going somewhere- Especially! With serious moments. It really does feel like their first meeting they fell in love, broke up, and tentatively got back together.


How do Americans still think this is a logical way to handle healthcare


Umm if you've followed the news at all the past few weeks you'll see that they don't think this is a logical way to handle healthcare. Like, at all.

I think a lot of the "How do Americans" (hell insert any country) questions miss the whole part where we are not actually in charge here.

It's like instead of saying "Why did that toddler's dad smack him for no reason?" They ask "Why does that two year old let his dad do that? "


I love the raven cycle because you have Richard “how dare you imply that I sleep with my friends” Gansey, Blue “I will not have sex with anyone except maybe Gansey in some faraway hypothetical future” Sargent, and Henry “I’m Henrysexual” Cheng making up a fantastic ace spec trio and then there’s Adam “I need to take your clothes off” Parrish quietly lusting after every attractive person he sees. This is the queer rep that I live for.

And that’s not even mentioning Ronan “I don’t care for lamps” Lynch.


Imagine meeting the most handsome goofiest genderweird butch you've ever seen and she has a dedicated probably monogamous boyfriend who to be fair is actually a pretty cool dude and you're devastated that you can't shoot your shot. Then you find out that up until last year boyfriend was certain he was gay and then he met this handsome goofy genderweird butch and was like oh I like women. Or at least women who are also men sometimes. So I'm bisexual. Also to make things more confusing they're both veterans who are actually pretty staunchly anti-military and hate every admiral they've ever encountered and the butch only went into the military because she desperately needed healthcare coverage for her father and the boyfriend was like. A legacy military brat who realized this is all pretty fucked actually. Congratulations you have encountered modern day Mulan and Li Shang


I think a corollary to this is I don't want my fandom experiences to be unique, I want them to be sincere

That's why I enjoy reading the same tropes over and over again. Those authors are writing those stories from a genuine love of both the tropes and the characters.

It's why I enjoy 17 gif sets about the same 3-second interaction on screen. Each one of those sets was pulled and recoloured and captioned and adjusted because each one of those gif makers wanted to capture that moment and celebrate it.

It's why every "I'm glad you enjoyed it" reply makes me smile when I get one on a comment I left. Because I know replying to comments is hard and kind of awkward, but I also know that the author really *is* glad and I'm happy that I could let them know I enjoyed their work.

I love things that are new, sure. But I also love things that have been done a million times already because I know the person doing it loves that thing too. I love the love they're showing. I love the genuine joy and celebration and community it fills me with.

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