[Image ID: Screenshot of @dina179's GoFundMe campaign, showing the title, banner, organizers, amount raised and previous donations. The website's bakcground is in white white all the letters are black and the "share" and "donate now" buttons are yellow. /end ID]
[Image ID: Screenshot's of the latest donations from Dina's campaign. The last two donations came from two anonymous donors, eight to ten weeks ago, with the amount of seven and five dollars respectively. The background is white, while the text is black. /end ID]
You see this? Do you see this correctly? Dina's campaign hasn't gotten any new donations for over one week.
Do you think palestinians have all the time in the world to wait?
Do you think palestinian mothers have all the time in the world to wait to be able to provide for their children?
Do you think palestinian children can wait for basic necessities such as food, clothing, water and medication?
The genocide hasn't stopped a bit. The IDF won't stop attacking the palestinian population. And one of the higher-risk groups are children.
Dina (@dina179) is a mother of three who has been fundraising for many months, but her campaign has barely gained traction and constantly stagnates.
She gave birth to her youngest, Farah, under bombing. Her older kids, Noor, who's 7, and Omar, who's 5, have suffered from skin diseases, anxiety, fear, and try to support their family by bringing food.
Dina herself has been through a lot of physical and emotional pain, trying anything to be able to protect and care for her children. But she's only one person who can only do so much.
Right now, she needs to reach, at minimum, $17,167 to provide winter clothes for her children. She has been unable to reach this goal since october. And, at maximum, she needs $17, 425 for extra food (in case of famine) and blankets.
You can also donate via Paypal, refer to dlxxv's post!
Please help Dina and her children survive!
Tagging for reach under the cut