Answering questions with Android

Question answering example app in Android

This tutorial shows you how to build an Android application using TensorFlow Lite to provide answers to questions structured in natural language text. The example application uses the BERT question answerer (BertQuestionAnswerer) API within the Task library for natural language (NL) to enable Question answering machine learning models. The application is designed for a physical Android device but can also run on a device emulator.

If you are updating an existing project, you can use the example application as a reference or template. For instructions on how to add question answering to an existing application, refer to Updating and modifying your application.

Question answering overview

Question answering is the machine learning task of answering questions posed in natural language. A trained question answering model receives a text passage and question as input, and attempts to answer the question based on its interpretation of the information within the passage.

A Question answering model is trained on a question answering dataset, which consists of a reading comprehension dataset along with question-answer pairs based on different segments of text.

For more information on how the models in this tutorial are generated, refer to the BERT Question Answer with TensorFlow Lite Model Maker tutorial.

Models and dataset

The example app uses the Mobile BERT Q&A (mobilebert) model, which is a lighter and faster version of BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers). For more information on mobilebert, see the MobileBERT: a Compact Task-Agnostic BERT for Resource-Limited Devices research paper.

The mobilebert model was trained using the Stanford Question Answering Dataset (SQuAD) dataset, a reading comprehension dataset consisting of articles from Wikipedia and a set of question-answer pairs for each article.

Setup and run the example app

To setup the question answering application, download the example app from GitHub and run it using Android Studio.

System requirements

  • Android Studio version 2021.1.1 (Bumblebee) or higher.
  • Android SDK version 31 or higher
  • Android device with a minimum OS version of SDK 21 (Android 7.0 - Nougat) with developer mode enabled, or an Android Emulator.

Get the example code

Create a local copy of the example code. You will use this code to create a project in Android Studio and run the example application.

To clone and setup the example code:

  1. Clone the git repository
    git clone
  2. Optionally, configure your git instance to use sparse checkout, so you have only the files for the question answering example app:
    cd examples
    git sparse-checkout init --cone
    git sparse-checkout set lite/examples/bert_qa/android

Import and run the project

Create a project from the downloaded example code, build the project, and then run it.

To import and build the example code project:

  1. Start Android Studio.
  2. From the Android Studio, select File > New > Import Project.
  3. Navigate to the example code directory containing the build.gradle file (.../examples/lite/examples/bert_qa/android/build.gradle) and select that directory.
  4. If Android Studio requests a Gradle Sync, choose OK.
  5. Ensure that your Android device is connected to your computer and developer mode is enabled. Click the green Run arrow.

If you select the correct directory, Android Studio creates a new project and builds it. This process can take a few minutes, depending on the speed of your computer and if you have used Android Studio for other projects. When the build completes, the Android Studio displays a BUILD SUCCESSFUL message in the Build Output status panel.

To run the project:

  1. From Android Studio, run the project by selecting Run > Run….
  2. Select an attached Android device (or emulator) to test the app.

Using the application

After running the project in Android Studio, the application automatically opens on the connected device or device emulator.

To use the Question answerer example app:

  1. Choose a topic from the list of subjects.
  2. Choose a suggested question or enter your own in the text box.
  3. Toggle the orange arrow to run the model.

The application attempts to identify the answer to the question from the passage text. If the model detects an answer within the passage, the application highlights the relevant span of text for the user.

You now have a functioning question answering application. Use the following sections to better understand how the example application works, and how to implement question answering features in your production applications:

How the example app works

The application uses the BertQuestionAnswerer API within the Task library for natural language (NL) package. The MobileBERT model was trained using the TensorFlow Lite Model Maker. The application runs on CPU by default, with the option of hardware acceleration using the GPU or NNAPI delegate.

The following files and directories contain the crucial code for this application:

Modify your application

The following sections explain the key steps to modify your own Android app to run the model shown in the example app. These instructions use the example app as a reference point. The specific changes needed for your own app may vary from the example app.

Open or create an Android project

You need an Android development project in Android Studio to follow along with the rest of these instructions. Follow the instructions below to open an existing project or create a new one.

To open an existing Android development project:

  • In Android Studio, select File > Open and select an existing project.

To create a basic Android development project:

For more information on using Android Studio, refer to the Android Studio documentation.

Add project dependencies

In your own application, add specific project dependencies to run TensorFlow Lite machine learning models and access utility functions. These functions convert data such as strings into a tensor data format that can be processed by the model. The following instructions explain how to add the required project and module dependencies to your own Android app project.

To add module dependencies:

  1. In the module that uses TensorFlow Lite, update the module's build.gradle file to include the following dependencies.

    In the example application, the dependencies are located in app/build.gradle:

    dependencies {
      // Import tensorflow library
      implementation 'org.tensorflow:tensorflow-lite-task-text:0.3.0'
      // Import the GPU delegate plugin Library for GPU inference
      implementation 'org.tensorflow:tensorflow-lite-gpu-delegate-plugin:0.4.0'
      implementation 'org.tensorflow:tensorflow-lite-gpu:2.9.0'

    The project must include the Text task library (tensorflow-lite-task-text).

    If you want to modify this app to run on a graphics processing unit (GPU), the GPU library (tensorflow-lite-gpu-delegate-plugin) provides the infrastructure to run the app on GPU, and Delegate (tensorflow-lite-gpu) provides the compatibility list.

  2. In Android Studio, sync the project dependencies by selecting: File > Sync Project with Gradle Files.

Initialize the ML models

In your Android app, you must initialize the TensorFlow Lite machine learning model with parameters before running predictions with the model.

A TensorFlow Lite model is stored as a *.tflite file. The model file contains the prediction logic and typically includes metadata about how to interpret prediction results. Typically, model files are stored in the src/main/assets directory of your development project, as in the code example:

  • <project>/src/main/assets/mobilebert_qa.tflite

For convenience and code readability, the example declares a companion object that defines the settings for the model.

To initialize the model in your app:

  1. Create a companion object to define the settings for the model. In the example application, this object is located in BertQaHelper.kt:

    companion object {
        private const val BERT_QA_MODEL = "mobilebert.tflite"
        private const val TAG = "BertQaHelper"
        const val DELEGATE_CPU = 0
        const val DELEGATE_GPU = 1
        const val DELEGATE_NNAPI = 2
  2. Create the settings for the model by building a BertQaHelper object, and construct a TensorFlow Lite object with bertQuestionAnswerer.

    In the example application, this is located in the setupBertQuestionAnswerer() function within BertQaHelper.kt:

    class BertQaHelper(
    ) {
        init {
        fun clearBertQuestionAnswerer() {
            bertQuestionAnswerer = null
        private fun setupBertQuestionAnswerer() {
            val baseOptionsBuilder = BaseOptions.builder().setNumThreads(numThreads)
            val options = BertQuestionAnswererOptions.builder()
            try {
                bertQuestionAnswerer =
                    BertQuestionAnswerer.createFromFileAndOptions(context, BERT_QA_MODEL, options)
            } catch (e: IllegalStateException) {
                    ?.onError("Bert Question Answerer failed to initialize. See error logs for details")
                Log.e(TAG, "TFLite failed to load model with error: "   e.message)

Enable hardware acceleration (optional)

When initializing a TensorFlow Lite model in your app, you should consider using hardware acceleration features to speed up the prediction calculations of the model. TensorFlow Lite delegates are software modules that accelerate the execution of machine learning models using specialized processing hardware on a mobile device, such as graphics processing unit (GPUs) or tensor processing units (TPUs).

To enable hardware acceleration in your app:

  1. Create a variable to define the delegate that the application will use. In the example application, this variable is located early in BertQaHelper.kt:

    var currentDelegate: Int = 0
  2. Create a delegate selector. In the example application, the delegate selector is located in the setupBertQuestionAnswerer function within BertQaHelper.kt:

    when (currentDelegate) {
        DELEGATE_CPU -> {
            // Default
        DELEGATE_GPU -> {
            if (CompatibilityList().isDelegateSupportedOnThisDevice) {
            } else {
                answererListener?.onError("GPU is not supported on this device")
        DELEGATE_NNAPI -> {

Using delegates for running TensorFlow Lite models is recommended, but not required. For more information about using delegates with TensorFlow Lite, see TensorFlow Lite Delegates.

Prepare data for the model

In your Android app, your code provides data to the model for interpretation by transforming existing data such as raw text into a Tensor data format that can be processed by your model. The Tensor you pass to a model must have specific dimensions, or shape, that matches the format of data used to train the model. This question answering app accepts strings as inputs for both the text passage and question. The model does not recognize special characters and non-English words.

To provide passage text data to the model:

  1. Use the LoadDataSetClient object to load the passage text data to the app. In the example application, this is located in LoadDataSetClient.kt

    fun loadJson(): DataSet? {
        var dataSet: DataSet? = null
        try {
            val inputStream: InputStream =
            val bufferReader = inputStream.bufferedReader()
            val stringJson: String = bufferReader.use { it.readText() }
            val datasetType = object : TypeToken<DataSet>() {}.type
            dataSet = Gson().fromJson(stringJson, datasetType)
        } catch (e: IOException) {
            Log.e(TAG, e.message.toString())
        return dataSet
  2. Use the DatasetFragment object to list the titles for each passage of text and start the TFL Question and Answer screen. In the example application, this is located in DatasetFragment.kt:

    class DatasetFragment : Fragment() {
        override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
            super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
            val client = LoadDataSetClient(requireActivity())
            client.loadJson()?.let {
                titles = it.getTitles()
  3. Use the onCreateViewHolder function within the DatasetAdapter object to present the titles for each passage of text. In the example application, this is located in DatasetAdapter.kt:

    override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): ViewHolder {
        val binding = ItemDatasetBinding.inflate(
        return ViewHolder(binding)

To provide user questions to the model:

  1. Use the QaAdapter object to provide the question to the model. In the example application, this is located in QaAdapter.kt:

    class QaAdapter(private val question: List<String>, private val select: (Int) -> Unit) :
      RecyclerView.Adapter<QaAdapter.ViewHolder>() {
      inner class ViewHolder(private val binding: ItemQuestionBinding) :
          RecyclerView.ViewHolder(binding.root) {
          init {
              binding.tvQuestionSuggestion.setOnClickListener {
          fun bind(question: String) {
              binding.tvQuestionSuggestion.text = question

Run predictions

In your Android app, once you have initialized a BertQuestionAnswerer object, you can begin inputting questions in the form of natural language text to the model. The model attempts to identify the answer within the text passage.

To run predictions:

  1. Create an answer function, which runs the model and measures the time taken to identify the answer (inferenceTime). In the example application, the answer function is located in BertQaHelper.kt:

    fun answer(contextOfQuestion: String, question: String) {
        if (bertQuestionAnswerer == null) {
        var inferenceTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis()
        val answers = bertQuestionAnswerer?.answer(contextOfQuestion, question)
        inferenceTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - inferenceTime
        answererListener?.onResults(answers, inferenceTime)
  2. Pass the results from answer to the listener object.

    interface AnswererListener {
        fun onError(error: String)
        fun onResults(
            results: List<QaAnswer>?,
            inferenceTime: Long

Handle model output

After you input a question, the model provides a maximum of five possible answers within the passage.

To get the results from the model:

  1. Create an onResult function for the listener object to handle the output. In the example application, the listener object is located in BertQaHelper.kt

    interface AnswererListener {
        fun onError(error: String)
        fun onResults(
            results: List<QaAnswer>?,
            inferenceTime: Long
  2. Highlight sections of the passage based on the results. In the example application, this is located in QaFragment.kt:

    override fun onResults(results: List<QaAnswer>?, inferenceTime: Long) {
        results?.first()?.let {
        fragmentQaBinding.tvInferenceTime.text = String.format(

Once the model has returned a set of results, your application can act on those predictions by presenting the result to your user or executing additional logic.

Next steps