Events in China resources

Because China uses different social platforms than most other countries, we have some different process in place especially for the region. This guide will help navigate you through bringing TEDx to your area.

Things to Remember

The TEDx pre- and post-event process are a bit different for events in China. Here’s what’s different:

Before your event

  • Fill out your TEDx Event Page on (You can fill it out in Chinese.)
  • Create a Weibo page for your event.

After your event

  • Upload your talks.
  • Update your TEDx Event Page on (You can fill it out in Chinese.)

Best practices for Weibo

How to use Weibo

  • Use the full name of your event on Weibo.
  • Upload your event logo as your Weibo avatar.
  • Post only TED and TEDx related stories,talks,events.
  • Interact with your audience. Answer their questions!

What to avoid on Weibo

  • Sponsor promotion.
  • A Weibo name that doesn't reflect your event.
  • A clipped version of your logo as an avatar.

TED TEDx pages

Weibo examples

Chinese language resources