John Mark McMillan 

  • En tournée : non
  • Prochains concerts 2024 : rien

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Singapore, Singapore Changer

Concerts passés

  1. nov


    Chattanooga, TN, US


  2. nov


    Nashville, TN, US


  3. nov


    Atlanta, GA, US

    Vinyl at Center Stage

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  • John Mark McMillan

    The singer/songwriter industry is extremely competitive, from artists singing on street corners, to singing in their church bands, but John Mark McMillan managed to break away from this and make his mark with his alternative rock, and contemporary worship music. He opened the show by introducing himself and his band, and immediately jumping down off the stage to play a track right in the middle of the audience. He asked us to raise our hands in the air and sing along with him. It was an incredible start to the show, and the entire audience were united straight away.

    Even the songs that I didn’t know, I found myself singing along with everyone, as his choruses are incredibly catchy, which was wonderful. His band were also incredible, and watching the violinist who seemed incredibly young playing some incredible riffs whilst singing along was a showcase of genuine talent. McMillan is also an incredibly talented guitarist, and it was great to see him play live, rather than just on the recordings.

    The harmonies that all of the instrumentalists provided on top of McMillan’s vocals were wonderful, and added another layer of beauty to his songs. He focused mainly on Borderland, his newest album, which was a great choice, as many people hadn’t heard it performed live before.

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  • John Mark McMillan was absolutely incredible to see live. Together him and his crew put on an amazing show! Not only is it filled with mass amounts of talent and vulnerability but it is drenched in the love of God.

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