When Saints Go Machine 

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Concert proche de chez toi

Singapore, Singapore Changer
  1. nov


    Copenhagen, Denmark

    VEGA - Musikkens Hus, Store VEGA

En tournée loin de chez toi

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Prochains concerts (10)

  1. oct


    Aalborg, Denmark

    Drivhuset, AKKC

  2. oct


    Odense, Denmark


  3. nov


    Kolding, Denmark


  4. nov


    Aarhus, Denmark


  5. nov


    Køge, Denmark


  6. nov


    Grenå, Denmark

    Pavillonen Centersalen

  7. nov


    Skjern, Denmark

    Remisen Skjern

  8. nov


    Copenhagen, Denmark

    VEGA - Musikkens Hus, Store VEGA

  9. nov


    Copenhagen, Denmark

    VEGA - Musikkens Hus, Store VEGA

  10. nov


    Herning, Denmark



  • When Saints Go Machine is a Danish electro- pop band consisting of NIkolaj Vonslid, Jonas Kenton, Simon Muschinsky and Silas Moldenhawer.

    In 2007 Silas Moldenhawer (drums), Jonas Kenton (synth, vocals), Simon Muschinsky (keys) and Nikolaj Manuel Vonsild (vocals) formed the group When Saints Go Machine in Copenhagen, Denmark. In 2008 When Saints Go Machine released their first, self-titled EP, followed a year later by the release of their debut album, “Ten Makes A Face.” That same year the group took part in the Denmarks Radio Program 3's "P3 Gold" contest, being awarded the title "P3 Talent".

    In 2010 the group toured and made an appearance at the Roskilde Festival in Denmark. Later that same year the group signed with the German record label K7 Records in October 2010 for publications outside of Scandinavia. The following year they released their second album entitled “Konkylie,” which peaked at number 3 on the Danish charts. The album was so well accepted by fans and critics alike that in 2012 they were awarded a Steppeulv Award for Best Producer.

    In addition to being a part of When Saints Go Machine, Moldenhawer and Kenton are also a part of the group, Kenton Slash Demon. The two groups, however, have two different sounds with Saints Go Machine having a soulful sound, as opposed to the more house driven sound of Kenton Slash Demon. Peaking at number 5 on the Danish charts, When Saints Go Machine released their fourth studio album in 2013 entitled “Infinity Pool.”

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  • I hadn't seen When Saints Go Machine in ages. So when I heard they were playing less than 20 minutes away, I grabbed tickets. I got the day off work (not an easy task) and made sure I'd be there, rain or shine.

    The place was pretty awesome- bright lights in a dark room, flashing purple. The singer was in a sweatshirt- real casual for a tour! Everything on stage glowed purple, I think it was black lights- the writing on his sweatshirt was practically glowing.

    The audience was pretty tame compared to other concerts I've been to, mostly just enjoying the music rather than screaming and jumping. I definitely got the feeling they had a lot of respect for the band and their intensity, usually crowds will scream over the music and that didn't happen here. It was all about listening and enjoying it.

    The venue ended up pretty crowded and warm, but not uncomfortable so like every other concert in existence. I would recommend the place. I had a ton of fun at the concert, it's not often I get to take a day off to see a favorite band like this. I can't wait for them to come back.

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    Par Anonymous
  • Great koncert. When saints was fantastic. Copenhagen Phil was amazing. The atmosphere was amazeballs. The concert hall was shemezing.great great evening. Also the lightshow build around every song was really good.

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Concerts passés

  1. juil

    18Arrow right icon

    Tisvilde, Denmark

    Musik i Lejet

  2. nov


    Copenhagen, Denmark

    Den Grå Hal

  3. nov


    Aarhus, Denmark


Voir tous les concerts passés

Concerts et billets pour When Saints Go Machine près de chez toi en 2024-2025

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When Saints Go Machine n'a pas annoncé un concert près de chez toi mais va jouer 10 concerts dans 1 pays en 2024-2025. Voir tous les concerts.
