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Concert proche de chez toi

Singapore, Singapore Changer
  1. oct


    Stockholm, Sweden

    Nalen Stora Salen

En tournée loin de chez toi

Sois le premier informé lorsque cet artiste joue près de Singapore, Singapore

Rejoigne 38,339 fans qui reçoivent des alertes de concert pour cet artiste

Prochains concerts (7)

  1. oct


    's Hertogenbosch, Netherlands

    Theater aan de Parade

  2. oct


    Heerlen, Netherlands

    Theater Heerlen

  3. oct


    Ghent, Belgium

    Club Wintercircus

  4. oct


    Stockholm, Sweden

    Nalen Stora Salen

  5. nov


    Barcelona, Spain

    Sala La Paloma

  6. nov


    Montreuil, France

    La Marbrerie

  7. nov


    Saint-Étienne, France

    Unknown venue


  • Bombino

    Bombino’s history is a turbid one. From the culturally rich Tuareg people in Saharan Africa, Omara "Bombino" Moctar was exiled from his native Agadez, Niger, after the 1990 Tuareg Rebellion. Whilst in exile in Algeria, he picked up a guitar for the first time and began delving into the back catalogue of Jimi Hendrix to teach himself chords and manoeuvres. He floated around northern Africa, playing guitar and working as a cattle herder until repatriating in Agadez in 1997. In 2007, a second Tuareg revolution broke out. Two of Bombino’s bandmates were killed by the government and he was forced to seek refuge again until peace was restored in 2010. Bombino’s are songs of protest, oppression and resistance that reflect greatly on his tortuous beginnings as a persecuted cultural minority and a suppressed creative talent. Although he sings in the Tuareg language, Tamashek, his songs are potent and chilling in their delivery. No one dares shift a muscle throughout his hour-long set. He is a self-taught virtuoso, shaping complex rhythms and blistering licks. His talent has been recognised by Robert Plant and The Black Keys and he’s been recruited for international festival line-ups across Europe and the States.

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  • Failed to see Bombino's concert last December.2014 in Lisbon due to personal reasons it was a surprise to know that he and his band would be in Rotterdam in the week that i was working in Amsterdam.

    Train from Amsterdam to Rotterdam, checked in early, had a Jupiler and waited for the gig. Started about 10 minutes later than the scheduled hour(08:30 pm).

    An accoustic introduction with all the band in the frontline was good enough to warm up the ambience. The rest of the concert was a mix of psychadelic, rock, guitar technic. An excellent drummer and good vibes was enough for a show that lasted for almost 2h.

    Bombino's is on my playlist. Can't wait to see another gig!

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  • It's always a great pleasure, to hear and see them. Nice people,men as well. We ,my friends as well, are very into Bombino. But the more famous they get,the more it's get a bit difficult to keep the quality..?! But still, they are great.(;

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  • Perfect Show!!! Generous artists! Even with the technical problems they showed great professionalism !

    I was really happy to be part of this show! I recommand it! Hope they will have more shows in Paris city!

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  • Vu plusieurs fois ... juste génial !!! Un mélange des genres magique ! Un guitariste hors norme !

    A ne surtout pas rater si vous aimez le rock qui déménage ! Une expérience inoubliable !

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  • Loved it. Bombino is magic. They started with a couple songs from his earlier records which are calmer and more African. Then they played the new record songs and everyone went crazy dancing.

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Concerts passés

  1. oct


    Tilburg, Netherlands

    Schouwburg Concertzaal Tilburg

  2. oct


    London, UK


  3. oct


    Cardiff, UK

    Wales Millenium Centre

Voir tous les concerts passés

Concerts et billets pour Bombino près de chez toi en 2024-2025

Veux-tu voir Bombino en concert ? Trouve les infos sur les billets de tous les prochains concerts de Bombino en 2024-2025.

Bombino n'a pas annoncé un concert près de chez toi mais va jouer 7 concerts dans 5 pays en 2024-2025. Voir tous les concerts.
