The Soft Moon 

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  • The Soft Moon are a post-punk band hailing from Oakland, California, United States who formed in 2009. The band are led by singer, songwriter and producer Luis Vasquez, they have released two studio albums since their debut in 2010, and finished work on their third effort in 2015.

    Gothic music remains one of the most misunderstood genres around. Y’see, ask an outsider about what they consider to be gothic music and they’re far more likely to talk about Marilyn Manson or Slipknot than anything actually gothic. What they don’t know is that rarely does it try to outright scare the listener. Truly gothic music is a far more icy and low-key proposition than most people seem to think it is, and continuing in the grand tradition of Joy Division and Bauhaus is Oakland, California’s The Soft Moon.

    Beginning in 2009 as the solo project of one Luis Vasquez, the project has grown and grown into something that Vasquez describes as its own separate form of reality. One that has a different set of rules, emotions and aesthetics to our own. An impressive thing to build out of one’s bedroom, I’m sure you’ll agree, and The Soft Moon really is the work of no-one else. As Vasquez was writing the first Soft Moon songs in his Oakland apartment, he was also learning how to record and produce them himself as well, putting them on the internet and attracting the attention of the Brooklyn, New York based label Captured Tracks.

    By the start of 2010, Vasquez signed to Captured Tracks and began work on his debut album, releasing his first two singles “Breathe The Fire” and “Parallels” in the process. His debut album was finished over the summer and was released on the 31st of October of that year (of course). By this point his music had gotten rave reviews by Pitchfork and many others, so by winter 2010 he’d formed the first incarnation of The Soft Moon’s live band and went out on tour to massive critical acclaim and constantly growing audiences.

    Since then, The Soft Moon have been one of the most acclaimed cult acts around, with a consummate live show and excellent records in the form of his 2012 effort “Zeros” and 2015’s “Deeper”. A lot has been made of the post-punk revival that has colonised indie rock in the 21st century, but The Soft Moon stand apart from most acts tied to that bandwagon. They are easily one of the most vital bands of that scene, and one of the few bands that can actually take you back to the genres heyday of the mid-80’s, and for that reason, they come highly recommended.

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  • The Soft Moon

    I spent the latter half of my college years in the mid-90s obsessed with all things industrial music, so anything contemporary that evokes even the slightest trace of the industrial vibe from about the mid-80s to the early 90s gets my heart racing. Last year when the Soft Moon’s new disc arose, Deeper, I was immediately turned on to the relatively subtle underpinnings of Trent Reznor’s vocal delivery on tunes like “Black” and “Being,” the urgency of “Far,” and the melancholic Depeche Mode mimicry of “Wasting” (my favorite song on Deeper, and one my favorite songs of 2015).

    The Soft Moon is a unique unit in terms of its make-up, musicianship, and performance chops. The band is basically the possession of Luis Vasquez, who conceived of the Soft Moon as a musical project geared to releasing some personal demons. After releasing a couple of singles in 2010, Vasquez signed with the Captured Tracks label, recorded a self-titled LP and several years later released a dark, gloomy, industrial, electro pop album – the brilliant Deeper.

    Suffice it to say, the Soft Moon’s live performance is solid and demonstrates an even darker, moodier, and harder side to the band than is evidenced in their studio recordings. Over the year I have been listening to Deeper, I considered the album akin to Nitzer Ebb’s subtle industrial sound, as well as Depeche Mode’s darker moments, like in Black Celebration.

    As the set began, a crowd member asked Vazquez how he was feeling. The band leader replied “better this time!” A reference to the Soft Moon’s last stop in Denver a year ago when the entire band had the flu. Given that experience, it was evident the guys seemed determined to throw all of their energy into this show. The primary strength of the Soft Moon’s live set is the group’s total reinterpretation of their recorded tunes into something more fitting for a concert setting. Vasquez has gone through a couple of live lineups, but I love the current composition of the band. Vasquez plays guitar and is joined by two other musicians, a drummer and bassist (who occasionally contributes to percussion). The Soft Moon began the set with the first tune on Deeper, “Black,” featuring pre-recorded synths working as a backdrop to both the drummer and bassist pounding out drum beats colliding against Vazquez’s whispery vocal delivery.

    The live set was not simply a vehicle to promote Deeper, as the band dug into the Soft Moon’s earlier catalogue. Interlaced with the live interpretations of newer tunes were songs from the self-titled disc like “Circles” and “Dead Love.” Many of Vazquez’s earlier compositions are instrumentals, the interpretations of which fit the vibey mood of the show. At a couple of points, such as when the band performed “Wrong,” Vazquez pulled out an old garbage can and wailed away on it to reproduce the great percussive groove on Deeper. My only regret is that the Vazquez refrained from performing my album favorite “Wasting” during the encore, out of either sheer exhaustion (understandable as all of the band members really threw their energies into the performance), or perhaps because the more subdued tune didn’t really fit the tone of the show. In any event, the Soft Moon delivered a great live overview of their intriguing catalogue of songs.

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  • The stage is dark as night and smoke drifts eerily across the lower section of it, tendrils reaching out towards the audience. With a cry, Luis Vasquez starts the show, strumming his guitar and singing. As the music starts, lights flash on and off to the beat, making the musicians look fragmented and more than a little creepy. The Soft Moon often puts on a light show during their concerts, which visually adds a lot. The audience loves it, and are on their feet dancing and cheering before the first line has been sung. Luis Vasquez, a musician, singer, songwriter, and producer, started The Soft Moon , a neo-post-punk band, in 2009. Early on, Vasquez released two singles, “Parallels” and “Breathe The Fire”, then expanded the band, adding bass guitarist Justin Anastasi, drummer Keven Tecon, and synthesizer Damon Way. They produced their first studio album, The Soft Moon, in 2010, followed in 2012 with their second and most recent album Zeros. They have also produce multiple singles, including “Evidence” and “Feel”, the latter of which was self released in 2014. The Soft Moon have a grunge/punk feel, and that coupled with their unique light shows make them a must see for Nirvana, Sonic Youth, and Pixies fans.

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  • Nous ne sommes pas restés jusqu'à la fin. Un bon groupe certes mais je ne partage pas les critiques très enthousiastes sur leur prestation et sur le groupe en général. Déception donc. Peut-être que ça tient au fait que suite à l'annulation de Bjork cet été au festival de la Route du rock, je ne m'y suis pas rendu, j'attendais plus de ce groupe qui par ailleurs propose un post-punk intéressant mais pas vraiment passionnant.

    Ce n'est pas de la cold wave "réchauffée" mais il n'y a pas de quoi casser deux pattes à un canard.

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  • Honestly,beyond words,amazing!

    So much energy & talent I this band.

    Best show I've ever been to in my entire life,no contest.

    I already can't wait until the next time they come through.

    I've waited years to see the soft moon and I can honestly say this show exceeded my already high expectations.

    The opening acts were sick as fuck too!

    So thankful I was able to have this experience

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  • I saw him live at the Chapel and then saw him outside after the show. I complemented him and he ignored me when I was a foot away talking to him then he hit on my GF. It was great seeing her annoyed and seeing her shut him down. I don't listen to him after that. He's so full oh himself. I don't recommend EVER seeing him live. There's so many graceful artists out there that appreciate fans.

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  • Uno de los mejores directos del momento.

    Su estilo podría recordar a la época de los directos del downward spiral de NIN, tintes claustrofóbicos a lo bauhaus o la melancolía de la mejor época de The Cure... pero The Soft Moon tienen un estilo que los hace únicos... y contundentes...

    Merecen ser cabeza de cartel, y lo serán pronto.

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  • Amazing live!

    Awesome vibe and astounding performance! Crazy moves and dance on the stage with the guitar!

    The sound was perfect and every note was penetrating you with their vibe.

    The lights were also a big part and helpful to this experience as they were perfectly suited to the music experience and the whole atmosphere.

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  • TSM never disappoints. Banging on aluminum trash cans, skull crushing crescendos and an encore that had me pumped like football player entering through the hall to the field. I highly recommend checking them out if you can.

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  • The live was terrific! Not just a live concert, but a sensorial experience!

    I’m already looking forward to seeing them live again! I paid 15€, but it was worth it!

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