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Concert proche de chez toi

Singapore, Singapore Changer
  1. oct


    London, UK

    HERE at Outernet

En tournée loin de chez toi

Sois le premier informé lorsque cet artiste joue près de Singapore, Singapore

Rejoigne 216,839 fans qui reçoivent des alertes de concert pour cet artiste

Prochains concerts (5)

  1. oct


    Liverpool, UK

    Arts Club

  2. oct


    Manchester, UK


  3. oct


    Birmingham, UK

    Zumhof Biergarten

  4. oct


    London, UK

    HERE at Outernet

  5. mai


    Bristol, UK

    Bristol Beacon


  • Unkle

    OK, so I'm a die-hard UNKLE fan and will generally try to see them every time they play near London. I guess it comes from them being a studio project for so long before being a live band that there is still some sense of novelty seeing them live.

    When they are on form, they are astonishingly good. They have always been a revolving line-up, from DJ Shadow to Rich File to Pablo Clements, with James Lavelle as "creative director" (he occasionally sings but mainly looks moody in a hat whilst fiddling about with a sampler). But what Lavelle does best is to get amazing collaborators involved, combining great music with cutting edge design (which has evolved over the years).

    This occasionally all comes together at special gigs such as Union Chapel in 2008 with the Heritage Orchestra, where they reimagined their back catalogue as orchestral works with stunning lighting from Warren Du Preez and Nick Thornton Jones.

    From the look of it, the upcoming Meltdown gig (June 2014) will be equally special, with collaborations from across the history of UNKLE (with the sad exceptions of Rich File and Pablo Clements - there's always some internal politics involved in UNKLE it seems). So, a live experience that is always at least interesting and enjoyable, and occasionally incredibly memorable.

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  • Disappointed to be honest.

    Sound was great, good music and fantastic replacement vocalists but...

    It could have been so much more. Hardly a great showcase of a collaboration with Kubrick family. Lacked expanse of visuals in the setting.

    Having Lavelle telling the crowd to "loosen the f@$# up" wasn't necessary. Passion from the crowd usually comes with the passion the artist puts in, so standing at the back, not really being involved and being very lacklustre just isn't enough.

    As disappointing as waiting for the re-release of Psyence Fiction

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  • An Unkle fan from the start. I’ve lived and breathed the jouney and jumped at the chance to see them yesterday at the royal festival hall, London, April 2019.

    What can i say. Visceral, amazing and beautifully arranged. The tunes and the visual show were incredibly put together. Was impossible to sit down when ‘restless’ dropped and the place erupted. Leila Moss as guest in the second half of the show absolutely make this gig truly epic. Im struggling for words to sum it all up.

    Thank you James Lavelle.


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  • Great gig in great surroundings, really liked the fact Unkle played their old stuff from the start and mixed it in with the new album tracks, rather than just going through the new album only.

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Concerts passés

  1. oct


    Glasgow, UK

    St Luke's

  2. oct


    Leeds, UK

    Project House

  3. sept


    Hamburg, Germany

    Mojo Club

Voir tous les concerts passés

Concerts et billets pour Unkle près de chez toi en 2024-2025

Veux-tu voir Unkle en concert ? Trouve les infos sur les billets de tous les prochains concerts de Unkle en 2024-2025.

Unkle n'a pas annoncé un concert près de chez toi mais va jouer 5 concerts dans 1 pays en 2024-2025. Voir tous les concerts.
