
  • En tournée : non
  • Prochains concerts 2024 : rien

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Singapore, Singapore Changer

Concerts passés

  1. sept


    San Francisco, CA, US


  2. sept


    Edmonton, AB, Canada

    FRIDAY - Full Festival - DAY PASS

  3. sept


    Edmonton, AB, Canada

    The Starlite Room

Voir tous les concerts passés


  • I saw Tamaryn play live at a small packed venue in New York City, New York. Not only is she absolutely gorgeous and from New Zealand, but she can really captivate and audience. She didn't say much between songs, but the music definitely did the talking for her. I loved watching her dip and sway around the stage like some kind of reptile. Her voice combined with the droning background guitar and entrancing drum beats really can hypnotize. I loved the low level blue lighting in the building with the accented greens on the stage. It made for an awesome visual to watch this brilliant display of music being performed. The crowd didn't really dance energetically, it was more of this sort of droning sway type of movement, which I happily joined in on. The venue and show softly spoke of melancholy and the guitar strummed and bent its way into our own sort of awkward heaven. I would do it again in a heartbeat. The atmosphere was loving, entrancing and visually stunning all at the same time. I couldn't get the songs out of my head for a week straight after, and I was perfectly content with that. I absolutely loved it.

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Malheureusement il n'y a pas de concerts prochains pour Tamaryn en 2024.

Songkick est le premier à découvrir nouveaux concerts. Donc, si ton artiste préféré n'a pas de prochains concerts en ce moment, rejoins Songkick pour suivre Tamaryn et recevoir des notifications instantanées lorsqu'un concert se passe près de chez toi, comme 39139 autres fans de Tamaryn.
