Tom Odell 

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    Auditorium Parco della Musica - Cavea

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  • Popular singer/songwriter from Chichester, West Sussex, UK, Tom Odell had a meteoric rise to success after the release of his debut album, impressing with his emotive vocals and delicate, keyboard driven songs.

    Growing up listening to the likes of Elton John, David Bowie, Bob Dylan and Jeff Buckley, Odell developed a strong passion for music, a passion he followed after abandoning plans to study at the University of York, instead choosing to take a place at the prestigious Brighton Institute of Modern Music (BIMM). During his studies, he formed the band, Tom and the Tides, yet after finishing his studies at BIMM, he decided to pursue a solo career.

    Attracting the attention of pop star Lily Allen, she signed Odell to In the Name Of, a subsidiary of Columbia Records. Odell soon got to work on his first recordings, releasing the EP, "Songs From Another Love" in October 2012. He made his television debut on the popular show, "Later… with Jools Holland," through which he impressed viewers and music critics alike.

    His debut album, "Long Way Down," arrived in June 2013, capitalizing on media hype and achieving a number one record in the UK. The album was widely successful throughout Europe, breaking into the Top 40 in several countries.

    Following the success of his debut, Odell embarked upon a national tour in the UK, helping to support his album. In 2014, Odell covered The Beatles' track, "Real Love," for John Lewis' annual Christmas advert, gaining further publicity for the artist. Upon its release as a single, the track debuted at 21 in the UK Singles Chart before rising to number seven.

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  • Tom Odell

    No one can work a piano like Tom Odell. It didn't matter that it wasn't the most convenient instrument to move around with, Tom played with so much energy that made the crowd ecstatic. One could visibly see how passionate he is about music by the way he pounded on those keys and captivated the audience with his voice. I became an avid fan of Tom Odell after the release of his short film for his single "Another Love." I began listening to all the songs I could get access to on YouTube, and I couldn't get enough. My respect for him grew even more when I learned that he is only in his early twenties. Plus, the fact that he's British makes me love him even more. I was determined to see Tom when he made his way over to the States. I got to see Tom Odell in the fall of last year at The Subterranean, which is a very cool venue that has multiple levels. It was really intimate, and the audience could get really close to the stage. The room had low lighting, and there was a staircase on the stage that lead up to second floor. For the opening act, the band came down the stairs onto the stage, so the audience assumed that Tom Odell would do the same thing before he came on. Instead, to our surprise, he and his band walked through the crowd from the back towards the stage. As Tom worked his way towards the stage, everyone was clamoring to be near him, and I was close enough to reach out and touch his back! Once everyone realized what was going on, there was a lot of cheering and excitement that filled the air. Tom started out with "Grow Old With Me," filling the whole building with his hauntingly beautiful voice, and of course, the lovely chords that he was playing on the piano. His band mates sang backup, and one of them played the upright bass for some of the songs. Tom can perform like no other. He was full of passion and was not afraid to play his heart out on those keys. Long before he performed "Another Love," his hair and shirt were drenched in sweat. I could tell that he was so surprised about the turnout of the crowd and how enthusiastic we were throughout the whole concert. I was immensely impressed with how good everything sounded live. He and the band even did this cool freestyle thing, just playing music before starting a new song. Afterwards, Tom said something like "we didn't plan that," with a sheepish grin on his face. Tom even looks younger in person, but he played like he had been doing this for decades.

    The encore was literally amazing. I didn't know any of the songs that Tom played, but that didn't stop me from dancing. He and the band got so into it at the end. Tom kicked his chair away and continued to play standing up. Near the end of the last song, Tom pushed the microphone away from him and just started banging on the keys, making beautiful music with his band. When they finally finished the show, Tom paused and waved out to the crowed, with a look of both tiredness and excitement. That show left my sisters and I speechless; we didn't know what to do with our lives. On the way out of the venue, a worker was passing out hard copies of Tom Odell's album, Long Way Down, and you best believe we grabbed a few. My sisters and I thought to ourselves, the only possible way to end this amazing night was to meet the man himself... A half an hour later, Tom came strolling across the street to the group of people waiting to meet him. I am so excited to hear what he does next in his career!

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  • Firstly I was disappointed to discover that there was no band with Tom for this gig. Given the rather high price of tickets I would have expected more. Add to that a venue with no bar, refreshments or toilets, a 40 minutes wait for Tom to come on, it wasn't the most comfortable of occasions. Putting 700 people in a room and letting just stand there and wait is taking the p***. I know it's not Tom's fault but I do wonder when artists will start taking the comfort and atomsphere of the venue into account when agreeing to do a gig.i think audiences are just taken for granted and treated badly.

    As for the music and Tom himself. Well, it's a different experience with no band. Tom seemed to suggest we were privileged to be hearing the songs on Thier naked/original state. I'd suggest it's about money. In the UK I have paid half this price, had a support band and a full band with Tom. Maybe this is just ripoff Hong Kong?

    With no band the songs are a lot more laid back and meloncholy....and a little lacking in variety after a while. We got to here a new song, as yet unrecorded. So that was nice.

    Tom was quite chatty at the start which was nice but less so later and there were a lot of salient pauses between songs as if he didn't really know what to do next. Vocally and piano wise there were a few off moments but that's ok, it's live.

    So overall, a little disappointing but it won't stop me buying his music again, as it's a lot better future I will be a little more careful when deciding to go to see him, bases on venue, price and whether he has a band.

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  • Tom Odell’s youthful appearance is the first thing you notice about him, but as soon as the music starts playing and you hear his voice you forget about all of that. He’s got an amazing talent way beyond his years and a wonderfully captivating voice.

    He draws inspiration from acts like Elton John, David Bowie, Radiohead, and Ben Folds, and you can catch elements from all of these artists in his music but Tom Odell’s music never comes off as derivative as he puts his own unique spin on it all. The crowd at the venue skewed heavily female, which is definitely a plus! The ladies were swooning over Tom Odell’s words the whole night and, well, to be quite honest I was too. I’m glad that my friends talked me into going because this isn’t my typical taste in music but he really won me over by the end of the first song.

    The show was a great event to just chill and hang out with cool people at. And to be honest, I don’t think that categorizing Tom Odell as an indie-pop musician does him justice as his songwriting is on a higher level than you would typically associate with that genre. His lyrics struck a chord with me and I definitely get the impression that he and I would really understand each other. Highly recommended!

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    Von Anonymous
  • Chichester singer/songwriter Tom Odell is a relative newcomer to the scene but with the support of both critics and a number one debut album, there is a large demand to see the young musician perform live. Following in the lines of Florence the Machine, Adele and Ellie Goulding, Tom Odell was awarded the Brits Critics' Choice and when seeing him live you can understand why.

    He has a huge amount of skill with his piano and it adds a depth to his alt-pop stylings on the likes of 'Can't Pretend'. The audience is entranced by his lively mannerism with a piano which has been commented to be similar to a young Elton John. He has a lot of passion during renditions of 'I Know' where you feel each note resonate with the audience.

    The songwriter is quite a shy frontman and keeps interaction to a minimal yet this does not seem arrogant, he is just a little out of practice on the circuit. He comes into his own confidence though as fan favourite 'Another Love' is sang back proudly by the crowd and Tom leaves with a huge beam on his face.

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  • First of all, the concert was lingered for an hour. But ok, everyone knows that performers never start on time. Than before Tom Odell performed a guy called Constantine. His music was ok but I couldn't say that I'd like to visit his concert. He has a great voice, but I wasn't impressed with the music, he sounds like Ukrainian other famous singer Ivan Dorn. I didn't find him interesting or unique. Moreover, the sound was terrible.

    After the warm-up came Tom with his band and from the first chords I realized that it will be great. And really, I liked the sound, improvisations and I was charmed by singer's charisma and voice. Odell really knows how to work with the crowd and he genuinely loves what he does. So, overall I'd give 8/10 for the concert due to warm-up and that I had to wait about an hour for artists to come. All the rest was actually remarkably.

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  • Watched Tom at The Cedar in Minneapolis. No disputing that Tom can write songs, sing, and play the piano, but the event as a whole was the dullest experience I have had at a live show. I hung in there to near the end but just couldn't manage to stay the whole way through.

    This was just Tom and his "Chum" from the UK. Unfortunately, the sound was poor and the chum could not be heard playing or harmonising above Tom's piano. It was a little better when he played guitar.

    When I go to a show, I expect to be entertained, but this was just such an underwhelming experience. Even the interaction with the audience, which was getting smaller as the show went on, was bordering on boring. Tom makes Leonard Cohen feel like Bruno Mars!. I read some other reviews that people were up dancing etc., but there is definitely none of that on this set.

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  • I got TO's first album pretty much as soon as I heard his first single. The last time I did that, it was Coldplay. He writes really good pop songs. He has disappeared off the radar since then, but this concert showed that he hasn't wasted those 2 years. He is a really dynamic performer and he is and will be a big star. Maybe he'll be big in his own right - he reminds me of Elton John when he's on stage; maybe he'll turn into Andrew Lloyd Weber because he writes such good songs and they undoubtedly have a classical edge. I'm not sure what he'll do. But he WILL be a big star. He has great talent and he'll be around in 20 years time.

    Good luck to the lad!

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  • At first, I didn't expect other musicians to appear on stage but they were well chosen.Especially Jane's Party...

    Seeing Tom Odell live is such a happening. I really really enjoyed it and would definitely go to another concert when he is back in town. The best about yesterday was that Tom didn't just sit at the piano all the time but jumped on it and walked around and you definitely saw that he had fun. And the location was fine too. Enough toilets for both sexes and spacious too so that you could even dance a while without pushing others.

    My pictures and videos of yesterday will remind me about the lovely evening.Thank you.

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  • THANK YOU Tom Odell for this memorable concert - it was simply breathtaking. As a huge fan (not a fangirl though) I was expecting a lot, and you simply gave me the perfect evening I couldn't even dream about.

    You played 3 of my favourite songs (Somehow, Concrete and Another Love) and I couldn't help but silently cry because your voice is just flawless - no one can deny you your enormous talent. Thank you for all of this - for making me so sentimental, for making me vibrate so much... Thank You. I hope I'll again have the chance to see you back in France.

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  • fantastic ! fantastic ! fantastic ! fantastic ! fantastic ! fantastic ! fantastic ! fantastic ! fantastic ! fantastic ! fantastic ! fantastic ! fantastic ! fantastic ! fantastic ! fantastic ! fantastic ! fantastic ! fantastic ! fantastic ! fantastic ! fantastic ! fantastic ! fantastic ! fantastic ! fantastic ! fantastic ! fantastic ! fantastic ! fantastic !

    (i wrote 'fantastic !' once, but the review had to be 30 words long .... so i copied it 30 times, not just to get to the 30 words, but also to describe how great it was)

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