Bear's Den 

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  1. Mär


    Cologne, Germany


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Kommende Konzerte (9)

  1. Mär


    Gateshead, UK

    Glasshouse International Centre for Music

  2. Mär


    Edinburgh, UK

    The Queen's Hall

  3. Mär


    Manchester, UK

    Bridgewater Hall

  4. Mär


    London, UK

    Royal Albert Hall

  5. Mär


    Cologne, Germany


  6. Mär


    Amsterdam, Netherlands

    Royal Theater Carré

  7. Mär


    Amsterdam, Netherlands

    Koninklijk Theater Carré

  8. Mär


    Brussels, Belgium

    Cirque Royal Club

  9. Mär


    Brussels, Belgium

    Cirque Royal


  • Consisting of only three members, Bear’s Den is a folk rock and indie rock band from West London in England.

    Andrew Davie, Kev Jones and Joey Haynes first formed Bear’s Den in 2012 in West London. The band set out on their first tour in 2012 in the United States with Ben Howard, Nathaniel Rateliff and The Staves. The tour was the subject of a documentary “Austin to Boston,” in 2014 by James Marcus Haney and premiered at the 58th BFI London Film Festival. In 2013 the band also went out to tour Australia to support Matt Corby in October 2013.

    Bear’s Den released their first studio album on 20 October 2014 by Communion Records, an artist led label founded in 2006 by Kevin Jones and Mumford and Sons’ Ben Lovett and producer Ian Grimble. The band has also re-toured the North America to support various other bands, such as Mumford and Sons, Smoke Fairies and Daughter, as well as headlining tours themselves. To promote the release of their “Islands “ album, Bear’s Den set out on tour across Europe in October 2014. In June 2014 Bear’s Den received a monetary prize for earning the Momentum Deezer Award from the PRS (Performing Right Society) for Music Foundation, a foundation that is a UK copyright collection society and performance rights organisation. To

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  • Bear's Den

    Hier mein Review für das Bear’s Den Konzert vom 14.09.17 in Bochum. Ich habe die Bären bereits im Oktober in der Essigfabrik Köln erlebt und war schon dort einfach nur begeistert. Umso glücklicher war ich, als ich gesehen habe, dass sie in meine Heimat kommen.

    Zunächst einige Worte zur Location. Die Zeche Bochum ist eine eher kleine und somit sehr gemütliche und persönliche Location. Alleine aufgrund dessen war dieses Konzert für meinen Geschmack noch um Längen besser, als das vergangene in der doch recht großen Essigfabrik. Etwas unglücklich konzipiert war allerdings, dass nach dem Auftritt der Vorband sämtliche Instrumente einmal quer durch die Halle transportiert werden mussten.

    Nun zum wichtigsten, der Band. Ich habe eine Vorliebe für kleine Bands und das Genre Singer-Songwriter und habe schon viele Konzerte in dieser Richtung besucht. Und ich muss sagen, dass das Konzert von Bear‘s Den das beste war, das ich bisher besucht habe. Ich durfte noch nie eine Band kennenlernen, die derart talentiert ist und so wunderschön harmonisch klingt. Hervorzuheben sind hier besonders die beiden Lieder, welche die Jungs unplugged gespielt haben, eines davon mitten in der Menge. Hier ist Gänsehaut garantiert! Sehr magisch war auch, als beim Lied Isaac das ganze Publikum mitgesungen hat. Den gelungenen Abschluss machte dann Agape, das wohl bekannteste Lied zu dem dann nochmal richtig gut getanzt werden konnte.

    Ich muss sagen, obwohl das Konzert keinesfalls kurz war, war ich schon etwas traurig als es vorbei war. Von mir aus hätte es noch Stunden so weitergehen können. Doch das unvergessliche Erlebnis bleibt erhalten und überwiegt letztendlich natürlich. Ich habe Bear‘s Den nun bereits zweimal erlebt und werde sie auch ein drittes, viertes und fünftes Mal besuchen, wenn sie in der Nähe sind. Ich kann jedem diese einzigartige Band nur ans Herz legen, völlig egal von welchem Musikstil man sich angezogen fühlt. Es war einfach nur toll!

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  • After Matthew & The Atlas left the stage it was finally time for Bear’s Den to come on stage, they opened with some up tempo songs from their new album. Which I, to be honest, hadn’t listen to that much before but I really liked them so I’m planning on listening to them more for the upcoming weeks. Later on the pulled out some old song’s, where I and the rest of the audience was very enthusiastic about, everyone started singing along which gave a lovely atmosphere throughout the rest of the evening. With some of their more popular songs the band decided to do some acoustic numbers, which was very beautiful and made the whole hall turn quiet. Later on they also decided to do an acoustic number in the audience, it was a real goose bump moment. In the end the band decided to do five additional songs, which is a lot. Ending with my favourite song (Magdalene) so I was really happy. The entire performance of the band really surprised me, the music they make is quite emotional but somehow they managed to give the entire night a really positive ‘fibe’. The band wasn’t just good with the audience but their music was also qualitatively good. The singer had an lovely voice, and didn’t miss a single note. The guitar and trumpet and saxophone sounded incredibly beautiful, even the banjo seemed to blend right in with the performance.

    So, I had an lovely evening in the Melkweg and I would definitely recommend anyone to go and see this band live. They don’t just give a good show but they are able to create an unique kind of atmosphere in the audience which I everyone should be able to experience.

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  • Three burly dudes clad in thick sweaters and toques: not exactly what you’d expect from an indie-folk outfit from London singing emotionally heavy folk rock tunes about love and loss. Of course, this is exactly what you get with Bear’s Den, the kind of honest and approachable guys you could see yourself being friends with.

    Having started their career signed to Communion Records as the openers for fellow indie/rock/folk acts like Matt Corby, Daughter, and probably the golden ticket, opening for Mumford and Sons at London’s O2 arena, Bear’s Den possess that unique ability to produce an intimate performance that’s infused with raw energy and adaptable to any sized stage. As they’ve graduated from an opening act to headliners, Bear’s Den have found their place on stage at both festivals and smaller venues, endowing the crowd with music from three EPs including Without/Within, Agape, and their latest addition, Elysium, keeping the folk indie spirit alive throughout.

    They get into the music without getting completely lost in it, giving the crowd an open invitation to wholeheartedly indulge in their performances. The heartbreaking Sahara is the perfect example of their ability to convey honest emotion on stage, and you truly get the sense that they’re doing it for no one but themselves.

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  • The number one in my top 5 live bands. Having had the privilege of seeing them in some minuscule of venues this was the largest I’ve seen them play (not including the festivals). They were as feeling inducing as ever.

    A fault of my own, which I have grown to live with, is always making the wrong choice when it comes to where to stand/shop queues/lanes of traffic... at a gig, standing at a not so triumphant 509 in my heels, it’s normally behind the tallest person in the place (or some bel£&nd (yes, I do believe it’s justified here) wearing a fedora inside... to a gig... where people will no doubt be behind you wanting to see. You aren’t in the band... take it off!). There I stand, full view of the show, fellow five footers as far as at least my eye-line could see. Fate, it seems, had another plan for me. Stood directly behind was, as at every gig, the lad who’s too smashed, too early and now thinks he’s at Slip Knot, loudly expressing his dismal view of the lack of moshing, dancing, shouting and such the like... at a folk gig. Once, even trying to start a crowed-wide clap along... which failed. Dreadfully.

    Both band and venue were the nuts, as ever... Cretins and fedora wearers aside.

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  • Undoubtedly London outfit Bear's Den are one of the most considered and well crafted indie/folk outfits to have emerged on the scene in quite a number of years. Although the group have only released one album so far it instantly won over fans on both sides of the Atlantic and the boys were invited to tour alongside Ben Howard, Daughter and Mumford & Sons.

    It would seem clear they have taken lessons from their support slots and worked them into their own performance style. The likes of 'Elysium' is a somber and restrained affair as the band members stand duly lit and strum out melancholic melodies whilst putting further emphasis on their vocals and harmonies. Meanwhile early single 'Above the Clouds of Pompeii' is a far for anthemic affair with stomping riffs and an emphasis on crowd interaction. There is a real sincerity about this band and it feels as though they are making music they truly believe in throughout the evening. Commercial success has not come yet but if the likes of 'Agape' and 'Writing on the Wall' are anything to go by it is merely a matter of time and fortunately they have a solid and vast following completely behind them already.

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  • I've seen the bears several times now and I've been to Brixton Academy many times and, honestly, I've no idea what went happened with the configuration but the audio levels seemed completely out of balance. The bass guitar reverbed massively and the drums were overcooked, to the point that they both drowned out the brass and vocals. The singing too was impacted, lacking the usual sharpness and clarity I'd expect from a BD audio set up and the harmonies were at times indistinguishable.

    The highlight, therefore were the tracks performed acoustically, in this case 'Sophie' and 'Gabriel' and indeed, they both sounded beautiful. Disappointed that 'Gabriel' appears to have replaced 'Bad Blood' though, as this is one of the most delicate harmonies from the Islands album.

    I'm a big fan of both albums so overall I still enjoyed the show but can't help but believe that with a few tweaks to the sound design, this would have been an absolute stunner of a gig.

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  • Hands down one of the most joyful performances I've seen in years. The chemistry and obvious strong friendships between Davie, Christophe, and Kevin are palpable. I don't think I stop smiling the entire show. Though the audience was a bit rude at times, you could tell just how happy Bear's Den made everyone in attendance. They were personable and very present - it was easy to tell just how much they enjoy what they do and that they went extra mile to make this show (and I'm sure all of their shows) special.

    Also, Gill Landry was impeccable. His story telling and kindness confirmed everything I have ever believed about him - he is not just A man, he is THE man. Being in the presence of such a seasoned, humble musician was refreshing.

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  • Wow! What a night! The boys were absolutely amazing at the O2 in Bristol and played a fantastic mix of songs from their first and second albums. The crowd were so chilled they played two songs completely acoustically which was just magical, and the tour band fit right in the mix - have to say Cris was amazing, but so was everyone else! Even though I had an exam the day after it was SO worth every second because it's an experience I'll never forget. Really good mix of support acts that were astounding also, but Bear's Den were just mind blowing. If you're into folk/indie/rock then these guys won't let you down - there aren't enough words to describe how good the concert was!

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  • Wonderful performance by a band with real people you'd probably want to hang out with, who just happen to be amazing musicians. Voices never offkey, best volume I've ever experienced in any venue and they really think about the audience experience. Nice flow of old and new tracks. These guys have real voices that sound as good as they do on their recordings without autotune. They even did 2 songs entirely acoustically- no mics even- just their voices and their non-electric instruments. You can tell they have a passion for what they do and love to share it. Definitely will see them again in concert any chance I get.

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  • What an amazing, and heart felt performance. The energy on stage was tangible and it was obvious that this was their passion. The intimacy of the venue only added to their set. I was extremely impressed they were able to perform songs like Sophie acoustically and sang in the middle of the crowd unmic-ed. It almost felt like a group of people coming together for something greater than this. I will see them whenever they are close by. What a wonderful, special night. It doesn't hurt that I was right next to the stage either.

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Vergangene Konzerte

  1. Dez


    London, UK


  2. Nov


    London, UK

    Union Chapel

  3. Nov


    London, UK

    Union Chapel

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Bear's Den Tourtermine und Tickets 2024-2025 in deiner Nähe

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Bear's Den wird derzeit nicht in der Nähe deines Standorts auftreten – hat aber vor, 9 Konzerte in 4 Länder in 2024-2025 zu geben. Alle Konzerte anzeigen.
