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  1. Apr

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    Atlanta, GA, US

    Shaky Knees Festival

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    Toronto, ON, Canada

    Phoenix Concert Theatre

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    Hamilton, ON, Canada

    The Studio (formerly the Studio at Hamilton Place)

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  • Japandroids

    It should go without saying that I love live music. I've already seen some fantastic shows this year but in my own personal marking system it seems the very best gigs, the elite 11 out of 10s, are those where I end up sweaty and knackered after jumping up and down like a loon in front of the band. I'm 43, I should probably know better, but this gives me as much pleasure as almost any other activity I can think of. This was one of those nights. It WILL be the best gig I go to this year, it's possibly a contender for my all time top 5. The band were brilliant, the audience (after a little encouragement) were brilliant, the venue was brilliant. I woke up the following day aching all over and smiling from ear to ear.

    Japandroids show at CAMP the previous week had been excellent (a 10) but I'd not got involved with the mosh pit that night so it didn't quite tip over into the exceptional. I was determined to get a bit more involved tonight and with the crowd a little static during a blistering "The Boys Are Leaving Town" decided I'd better get stuck in early. I made my move down the front for "Younger Us" and by the end of that tune it seemed most of the rest of the audience had joined me. This was more or less the same set as the week before but the sound was cleaner and Brian & Dave were clearly up for the final show of their UK tour. The older songs got the best reaction but the new songs sound just as good and just need a little bit of familiarity to be loved just as much.

    Early on one of my compatriots down the front had called for "Darkness On The Edge Of Gastown" and the band were happy to oblige. Having crashed through an explosive version of "Heart Sweats" they followed it up with "Gastown" and allowed the requester up on stage to sing it too (see dodgy pic below). My ability to remember lyrics is shocking so fair play to the guy who knew all the words and did a great job.

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  • One of the best shows I've ever been too if not the best. The horseshoe was a perfect venue for them and the sound quality was amazing. I couldn't believe how good two guys could sound live. They opened up wet hair then a bunch of new stuff which sounded great and can't wait till it comes out. They jumped into fires highway and then straight into adrenaline night shift. Then bouncing back from old to new with continuous thunder to young hearts then the boys are leaving town to younger us. Then they went into house that heaven built so you knew the shows end was near but then after tore it up with that, they went a little crazy with for the love of ivy with Brian jumping into the crowd where I caught him and held him up while he jammed away on his guitar. After they said their goodbyes and thanks, went out into the crowd and hung out with everyone. I got to meet him a lil bit and get some pics. Real chill and down to earth people. I told him to come down to buffalo sometime and hopefully they do. I can't wait to see them again.

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  • First European show in three years, in the smallest venue you could ever dream of seeing them in.The band were as charming as ever and laid into the new songs like they'd been playing them forever.

    My face melted, basically. <3

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  • What a great show! Japandroids were so energetic and exciting, I had an amazing time. The mosh pit was particularly fun, everyone in the crowd was really involved. Really hope I can see them again soon.

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  • Fierce and energetic. This band brings amazing energy that will leave your face melted in a puddle by the end of the show. A fun punk show to see in any venue.

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