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  1. Sep


    Vancouver, BC, Canada

    Centre in Vancouver for the Performing Arts

  2. Sep


    Seattle, WA, US

    Moore Theatre

  3. Sep


    San Francisco, CA, US

    August Hall

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  • Basecamp

    I saw Basecamp at 7th Street Entry in Minneapolis on May 19, 2016. For those unfamiliar, it's a pretty small, intimate venue. There were less than 100 people at the show.

    Overall, I'd give them a 6 out of 10. There were good moments, but the lackluster ones stood out more than the good.

    First, they had minimal stage presence. It's hard for an audience, other than a wildly intoxicated one, to really get into a performance when a singer won't leave the mic stand and conveys minimal emotion while singing songs that are emotional by nature. Likewise, when your between song banter is checking in to make sure everyone is still doing alright, it's not a great sign.

    Second, the vocals left a lot to be desired. They were turned down way too low and were drowned out by the the pad and keyboard. Often times you either couldn't hear or couldn't determine what was signing and what was the backing loop. When I doubt, I assumed it was a backing loop.

    Finally, they didn't play Smoke Filled Lungs. How a band can not play one of its most popular songs is beyond me. This was particularly stage when they don't have a deep catalogue and threw in an Ace of Bass cover. When requested to play it as an encore, the crowd was told that they couldn't play it since they didn't have it? Meaning they didn't have their filler loops, so wouldn't even attempt it? Really disappointing.

    Based on this, maybe a 6 is too high, but I want to give them the benefit of the doubt. It was a less than packed house on a Thursday night and their records are some of my favorites of the last year. Unfortunately, the records didn't translate well to the stage, at least on this night, and left me wanting more (which was filed by listening to Smoke Filled Lungs and wondering what could have been on my drive home. I would still see them again, and will if they come back to Minneapolis, but was definitely expecting more.

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  • These guys were brilliant! When they came out there rocked from the beginning and the vibes were awesome throughout. Plus they came out on time and did their thing and chilled with the crowd for a bit after. Would definitely recommend!

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  • This was such a good show! The venue was great for the set. I really liked the songs that they played. They are awesome and I hope I see them again soon!

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