We invest in





Providing capital is not unique. Who we are, how we partner, and what we value is.

Building a company is hard. The entrepreneurs with whom we partner have done the difficult work of transforming a vision into something real. As investors, our job isn't to build these great companies. Our job is to find the teams who have and craft long-term partnerships that allow them to achieve more together than they could on their own.

What We Believe

We believe in collaborative, long-term partnerships. We believe the entrepreneurs we invest in are really good at what they do. We believe that growth equity is more than just capital. But most importantly, we believe in our values:





Traditional Silversmith Wheel
Traditional Silversmith Wheel

“Do the right thing. It will gratify some people and astonish the rest.”

Mark Twain

"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."

African Proverb

"I've learned that I still have a lot to learn."

Maya Angelou

“When others are greedy, be fearful. When others are fearful, be greedy.”

Warren Buffett

Silversmith invested the time to get to know our market and our company. This is so different from other firms. We can have thoughtful, comprehensive discussions without having to explain the basics.

Catherine Andersz, Co-Founder & Board Member, Apryse

It’s all about the people you work with, much more than just the name on the door.

Mike Lester, President & CEO, LifeStance Health

Silversmith is more of a family. They are real people who care. They care about one another, about their founders and the people at their portfolio companies. This is rare, if not unique.

Juli Spottiswood, Chairman, Onbe

Silversmith is just different from other firms out there. They are truly founder friendly and supportive in their nature. I know a lot of people say this, but they actually live it.

Jason VandeBoom, Founder & CEO, ActiveCampaign