Name Type PP Att. Acc. Effect
Absorb 20 20 100 A GRASS-type attack. It adds half the HP it drained from the target to the attacker"s HP.
Cotton Spore 40 -- 85 Spores that cling to the target, sharply reducing the opponent"s SPEED.
Giga Drain 5 60 100 Half of the HP drained from the target is added to the attacker"s HP.
Leech Seed 10 -- 90 Plants a seed on the target Pokémon. It slowly drains the target"s HP for the attacker.
Mega Drain 10 40 100 A GRASS-type attack. It adds half the HP it drained from the target to the attacker"s HP.
Petal Dance 20 70 100 A dance-like attack that lasts two to three turns. The attacker becomes confused.
Razor Leaf 25 55 95 A GRASS-type attack that uses sharp-edged leaves. Likely to get a critical hit.
Sleep Powder 15 -- 75 Induces sleep. A Pokémon will stay asleep for several turns if an item isn"t used to wake it.
SolarBeam 10 120 100 Strongest GRASS-type attack. Energy is absorbed in the first turn, then fired on the next.
Spore 15 -- 100 Special spores are scattered from mushrooms. If the foe inhales them, it will fall asleep.
Stun Spore 30 -- 75 Special move that causes paralysis. The victim has a one-infour chance of immobility.
Synthesis 5 -- 100 Allows HP to be restored by the sunlight. In battle, half the user"s max HP is restored.
Vine Whip 10 35 100 A GRASS-type attack. The Pokémon uses its cruel whips to strike the opponent.