Signs of Suicide

Warning Signs of Suicide in Teens and Youth

Teens exhibit many warning signs when suicide is at the forefront of their minds. Warning signs of suicide may include:

  • Feelings of sadness or hopelessness
  • Anxiety
  • A decline in school performance
  • Loss of interest in social and sports activities
  • Sleeping too little or too much
  • Changes in weight or appetite
  • Giving away treasured possessions
  • Inability to concentrate or think clearly
  • Discouragement about the future
  • An increase in drug or alcohol use
  • Talk of “going away” or wanting to end it all
  • Suddenly becoming very cheerful and happy after being depressed for a long time

What Should You Do If You See Suicide Warning Signs?

If you notice a friend or family member exhibiting some of these behaviors or warning signs of suicide, contact a trusted adult immediately, or call our free suicide helpline.

If you aren’t sure if the behaviors you see are normal or not, don’t be afraid to call. Occasional anxiety or moodiness is normal in almost everyone, especially teens, but if the signs you are seeing come on suddenly, are extreme, or seem out of character, talk to someone. Someone talking about suicide always deserves going to an adult or calling our suicide hotline.

Sometimes people with chronic suicidal ideation can go through many up-and-down cycles of feeling suicidal, and if someone is frequently threatening or talking about suicide, it can start to feel like they are just doing it for attention. The truth is, they are doing it for attention, because they need someone to help them. Take every mention of suicide by someone exhibiting these warning signs seriously.

Calling our suicide and crisis hotline is confidential. We can help you navigate this difficult and emotional situation. Call our free suicide helpline at 214-828-1000.