Fully-Featured Enterprise Hosted SCADA / IIoT

Fully-featured enterprise remote monitoring solution for industrial applications

Fully-Featured Enterprise Hosted SCADA / IIoT

SCADACore Live is an enterprise SCADA / IIoT solution for industrial applications. The system is fully-featured with powerful trending features, intelligent voice / SMS / email alarm callouts, a wide-range of devices, drivers, and data import and export support, all packaged in an all-inclusive hosting package that is vastly more affordable compared to other solutions on the market.

  • Fully-featured charts, callout, exports, and asset tracking.
  • Quickly connect your device to retrieve remote data

  • Allows the viewing of device data, as well as control of remote devices anywhere

  • SCADACore Live provides real-time online monitoring for your application

  • Directive 017 / AER Compliance

  • 24/7 support

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Want to know more?

The SCADACore team provides a fully-featured enterprise solution for all your Cloud IIoT needs. We provide great value for our clients, lowering their monitoring costs by millions per year.

  • Do you want to know where your assets are?

  • Do you need to know how your assets are operating?

  • Do you need remote security to ensure the safety of your products and personal?

  • Do you want to make your job easier?