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Status: Verified (10)

RFC 2426, "vCard MIME Directory Profile", September 1998

Note: This RFC has been obsoleted by RFC 6350

Source of RFC: asid (app)

Errata ID: 868
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Javier Godoy
Date Reported: 2007-03-18
Verifier Name: Alexey Melnikov
Date Verified: 2010-07-26

Section 4 says:

 ;For name=3D"AGENT"
   param        =3D agent-inline-param

   param        =3D/ agent-refer-param

   value        =3D agent-inline-value
        ; Value and parameter MUST match

   value        =3D/ agent-refer-value
        ; Value and parameter MUST match

   agent-inline-param =3D ""
        ; No parameters allowed

   agent-refer-param =3D "VALUE" "=3D" "uri"
        ; Only value parameter allowed

   agent-inline-value =3D text-value
        ; Value MUST be a valid vCard object

   agent-refer-value =3D uri
        ; URI MUST refer to image content of given type

It should say:

 ;For name=3D"AGENT"
   param        =3D agent-inline-param

   param        =3D/ agent-refer-param

   value        =3D agent-inline-value
        ; Value and parameter MUST match

   value        =3D/ agent-refer-value
        ; Value and parameter MUST match

   agent-inline-param =3D ""
        ; No parameters allowed

   agent-refer-param =3D "VALUE" "=3D" "uri"
        ; Only value parameter allowed

   agent-inline-value =3D text-value
        ; Value MUST be a valid vCard object

   agent-refer-value =3D uri
        ; URI MUST refer a valid vCard object


- Presumably, the comment from img-refer-value was copied, but it was
not modified.
- The correction is consistent with comment for agent-inline-value.
- The purpose of AGENT type is "To specify information about another
person who will act on behalf of the individual or resource associated
with the vCard." (Section 3.5.4)

Errata ID: 869
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Javier Godoy
Date Reported: 2007-03-25
Verifier Name: Alexey Melnikov
Date Verified: 2010-07-27

Section 4 says:

   ;For name="SOURCE"
   param        = source-param
        ; No parameters allowed

It should say:

   ;For name="SOURCE"
   param        = source-param
        ; Only source parameters allowed


Corrected the comment.

Errata ID: 870
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Javier Godoy
Date Reported: 2007-03-25
Verifier Name: Alexey Melnikov
Date Verified: 2010-07-26

Section 4 says:

 ;For name=3D"UID"
   param        =3D ""
        ; No parameters allowed

   value        =3D text-value

It should say:

 ;For name="UID"
   param        = "TYPE" "=" (iana-token / x-name)
        ; Only the TYPE parameter is allowed.

   value        = text-value


Section 3.6.7 (p. 23) "UID Type Definition" says:

The type can include the type parameter "TYPE" to specify the format
of the identifier. The TYPE parameter value should be an IANA
registered identifier format. The value can also be a non-standard

Alexey: edited as per feedback from Simon Perreault.

Errata ID: 871
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Javier Godoy
Date Reported: 2007-03-25
Verifier Name: Alexey Melnikov
Date Verified: 2010-05-25

Section 4 says:

   adr-type     =3D "dom" / "intl" / "postal" / "parcel" / "home"
                / "work" / "pref" / iana-type / x-name

It should say:

   adr-type     =3D "dom" / "intl" / "postal" / "parcel" / "home"
                / "work" / "pref" / iana-token / x-name


iana-type is not defined in given ABNF, but iana-token is. This is
the only reference to iana-type in the document, so it is likely to be a

iana-token =3D 1*(ALPHA / DIGIT / "-")
; vCard type or parameter identifier registered with IANA

Errata ID: 872
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Javier Godoy
Date Reported: 2007-03-25
Verifier Name: Alexey Melnikov
Date Verified: 2010-07-26

Section 7 says:

   FN:Frank Dawson
   ORG:Lotus Development Corporation
   ADR;TYPE=3DWORK,POSTAL,PARCEL:;;6544 Battleford Drive
   TEL;TYPE=3DVOICE,MSG,WORK: 1-919-676-9515
   TEL;TYPE=3DFAX,WORK: 1-919-676-9564
   EMAIL;TYPE=3DINTERNET,PREF:[email protected]
   EMAIL;TYPE=3DINTERNET:[email protected]

   FN:Tim Howes
   ORG:Netscape Communications Corp.
   ADR;TYPE=3DWORK:;;501 E. Middlefield Rd.;Mountain View;
    CA; 94043;U.S.A.
   TEL;TYPE=3DVOICE,MSG,WORK: 1-415-937-3419
   TEL;TYPE=3DFAX,WORK: 1-415-528-4164
   EMAIL;TYPE=3DINTERNET:[email protected]

It should say:

   FN:Frank Dawson
|  N:Dawson;Frank;;;
   ORG:Lotus Development Corporation
   ADR;TYPE=WORK,POSTAL,PARCEL:;;6544 Battleford Drive
   TEL;TYPE=VOICE,MSG,WORK: 1-919-676-9515
   TEL;TYPE=FAX,WORK: 1-919-676-9564
   EMAIL;TYPE=INTERNET,PREF:[email protected]
   EMAIL;TYPE=INTERNET:[email protected]

   FN:Tim Howes
|  N:Howes;Tim;;;
   ORG:Netscape Communications Corp.
   ADR;TYPE=WORK:;;501 E. Middlefield Rd.;Mountain View;
    CA; 94043;U.S.A.
   TEL;TYPE=VOICE,MSG,WORK: 1-415-937-3419
   TEL;TYPE=FAX,WORK: 1-415-528-4164
   EMAIL;TYPE=INTERNET:[email protected]


- "Profile special notes: The vCard object MUST contain the FN, N and
VERSION types." (Section 1) N was missing in the original information.

Errata ID: 1546
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Markus Lorenz
Date Reported: 2008-10-09
Verifier Name: Alexey Melnikov
Date Verified: 2010-05-21

Section 4 says:

   ;For name="SOUND"
   param        = snd-inline-param
        ; Only sound parameters allowed

   param        =/ snd-refer-param
        ; Only sound parameters allowed

   value        = snd-line-value
        ; Value MUST match value type

It should say:

   ;For name="SOUND"
   param        = snd-inline-param
        ; Only sound parameters allowed

   param        =/ snd-refer-param
        ; Only sound parameters allowed

   value        = snd-inline-value
        ; Value MUST match value type


There is no "snd-line-value" specified, but a "snd-inline-value" is.

Errata ID: 1548
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Markus Lorenz
Date Reported: 2008-10-09
Verifier Name: Alexey Melnikov
Date Verified: 2010-05-20

Section 4 says:

   img-inline-param     = ("VALUE" "=" "binary")
                        / ("ENCODING" "=" "b")
                        / ("TYPE" "=" param-value
        ;TYPE value MUST be an IANA registered image type

It should say:

   img-inline-param     = ("VALUE" "=" "binary")
                        / ("ENCODING" "=" "b")
                        / ("TYPE" "=" param-value)
        ;TYPE value MUST be an IANA registered image type


There is a closing parenthesis missing at the end of "TYPE".

Errata ID: 1549
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Markus Lorenz
Date Reported: 2008-10-09
Verifier Name: Alexey Melnikov
Date Verified: 2010-05-25

Section 4 says:

   ;For name="KEY"


   key-bin-param = ("TYPE" "=" keytype)
                 / ("ENCODING" "=" "b")
        ; Value MUST be a "b" encoded key or certificate

It should say:

   ;For name="KEY"


   key-bin-param = ("VALUE" "=" "binary")
                 / ("TYPE" "=" keytype)
                 / ("ENCODING" "=" "b")
        ; Value MUST be a "b" encoded key or certificate


According to sections 2.4.1 and 3.7.2 the KEY type value can be specified as "binary".

Errata ID: 1550
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Markus Lorenz
Date Reported: 2008-10-09
Verifier Name: Alexey Melnikov
Date Verified: 2010-07-26

Section 4 says:

   ;For name="SOUND"
   param        = snd-inline-param
        ; Only sound parameters allowed

   param        =/ snd-refer-param
        ; Only sound parameters allowed

   value        = snd-line-value
        ; Value MUST match value type

   value        =/ snd-refer-value
        ; Value MUST match value type

   snd-inline-value     = binary-value CRLF
        ; Value MUST be "b" encoded audio content

   snd-inline-param     = ("VALUE" "=" "binary"])
                        / ("ENCODING" "=" "b")
                        / ("TYPE" "=" *SAFE-CHAR)
        ; Value MUST be an IANA registered audio type

It should say:

   ;For name="SOUND"
   param        = snd-inline-param
        ; Only sound parameters allowed

   param        =/ snd-refer-param
        ; Only sound parameters allowed

   value        = snd-inline-value
        ; Value MUST match value type

   value        =/ snd-refer-value
        ; Value MUST match value type

   snd-inline-value     = binary-value 
        ; Value MUST be "b" encoded audio content

   snd-inline-param     = ("VALUE" "=" "binary")
                        / ("ENCODING" "=" "b")
                        / ("TYPE" "=" *SAFE-CHAR)
        ; Value MUST be an IANA registered audio type


There is an odd "CRLF" at the end of the "snd-inline-value" definition. No other definition for binary-values contains this.
The value definition was corrected to "snd-inline-value" as reported in Errata ID 1546.
I also removed an unmeant closing squared bracket in the VALUE-part of the "snd-inline-param" definition.

Errata ID: 1551
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Markus Lorenz
Date Reported: 2008-10-09
Verifier Name: Alexey Melnikov
Date Verified: 2010-05-25

Section 4 says:

   ;For name="EMAIL"


   email-type   = "INTERNET" / "X400" / iana-token / "X-" word
        ; Values are case insensitive

It should say:

   ;For name="EMAIL"


   email-type   = "INTERNET" / "X400" / iana-token / x-name
        ; Values are case insensitive


The email-type should contain a 'x-name' type instead of '"X-" word' for consistancy with tel-type, key-type and adr-type.
Although "word" appears several times, it is not defined at all!

Status: Held for Document Update (5)

RFC 2426, "vCard MIME Directory Profile", September 1998

Note: This RFC has been obsoleted by RFC 6350

Source of RFC: asid (app)

Errata ID: 1547
Status: Held for Document Update
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Markus Lorenz
Date Reported: 2008-10-09
Held for Document Update by: Alexey Melnikov
Date Held: 2010-05-21

Section 4 says:

   img-inline-value     = binary-value
        ;Value MUST be "b" encoded image content


   img-inline-param     = ("VALUE" "=" "binary")
                        / ("ENCODING" "=" "b")
                        / ("TYPE" "=" param-value
        ;TYPE value MUST be an IANA registered image type

It should say:

   img-inline-value     = binary-value
        ;Value MUST be "b" encoded image content

   img-inline-param     = ("VALUE" "=" "binary")
                        / ("ENCODING" "=" "b")
                        / ("TYPE" "=" param-value)
        ;TYPE value MUST be an IANA registered image type


There is a definition of parameter "img-inline-param" without any assignment to it. The correct definition of "img-inline-param" follows in the next line.

Alexey: Also added a missing ")" at the end of img-inline-param definition.

Errata ID: 436
Status: Held for Document Update
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Vincent Ricard
Date Reported: 2002-08-01
Held for Document Update by: Peter Saint-Andre

Page 33 says:

   ;For name="CATEGORIES"
   param        = text-param
        ; Only text parameters allowed

   value        = text-list

It should say:

   ;For name="CATEGORIES"
   param        = text-param
        ; Only text parameters allowed

   value        = text-value-list

Errata ID: 437
Status: Held for Document Update
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Vincent Ricard
Date Reported: 2002-08-01
Held for Document Update by: Peter Saint-Andre

Section 4 says:

   ;For name="NICKNAME"
   param        = text-param
        ; Text parameters allowed
   value        = text-list

It should say:

   ;For name="NICKNAME"
   param        = text-param
        ; Text parameters allowed
   value        = text-value-list

Errata ID: 438
Status: Held for Document Update
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Vincent Ricard
Date Reported: 2002-08-01
Held for Document Update by: Peter Saint-Andre

Section 4 (p. 33) says:

  ;For name="CATEGORIES"
   param        = text-param
        ; Only text parameters allowed

   value        = text-list


It should say:
;For name="CATEGORIES"
param = text-param
; Only text parameters allowed

value = text-value-list

Errata ID: 439
Status: Held for Document Update
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Vincent Ricard
Date Reported: 2002-08-01
Held for Document Update by: Peter Saint-Andre

Section 4 says:

   ;For name="NICKNAME"
   param        = text-param
        ; Text parameters allowed
   value        = text-list

It should say:

   ;For name="NICKNAME"
   param        = text-param
        ; Text parameters allowed
   value        = text-value-list

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