Art Show Hours

We are pleased to announce the Art Show hours for 2011.

Thursday: 5:00pm to 9:00pm
Friday: 10:00am to :700 pm
Saturday: 10:00am to 7:00pm
Sunday: 10:00am to 2:00pm

List of Artists in the Art Show

Dark Natasha
Starman Deluxe
Chris Dame
Jessica Powers
Christine Knopp
Keith Waters
Sarah Clemens
Ruben Avila
Mindy Fraser
Emily Weichbrod
Bethan Davies
Tani DaReal
Ka'sharra Jackie Nilsson
Bad Dragon
Mark Patterson
Amanda Larsen
Cassandra Bruynseels
Jana Stout
Christy Grandjean
Sandra SanTara
Joseph Laser

Reserving Art Show Space

The RainFurrest Art Show is now open for applications, for an application, please click here

Art Show panels are $10 each. Our panels are approximately 4 feet wide and 4 feet tall; they are pegboards and we will be providing hardware such as hooks and clips for hanging your art on the panels. There will also be an 10% commission fee on all sales in the Art Show.

Half tables are also available for $10 for artists who wish to show 3D artwork. The 10% commission fee also applies.

Signing up for the Art Show constitutes acceptance of the RainFurrest Conduct Policy.

Art Show Requirements

All artists who wish to display their work in the RainFurrest Art Show are required to be registered Attending or Supporting Members.

If you will not be attending the convention, but will be sending your art to be placed in our show by an agent, we will allow it given explicit permission by you prior to the convention. You will be required to be a registered Supporting Member (or higher) and your agent will be required to be a registered Attending Member (or higher) as well. Agents will hang your art in your stead and manage all business transactions in your place, so please do not appoint someone whom you do not thoroughly trust to account for your business.

Mail-In Submissions

This year we will be accepting a limited number of mail-in artists. Please contact us for more information.

Artist Reception

During the convention, we will be hosting an artist reception in the Art Show. Our Patron members, dealers from the Dealers' Den, and artists showing in the Art Show are all invited to this semi-formal event. If you want to attend this "don't miss" event, register for an Art Show panel, a dealer's table, or a Patron membership.