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Version: 4.0

Stream Plugin


Streams are a persistent and replicated data structure which models an append-only log with non-destructive consumer semantics.

This feature is available in all currently maintained release series.

Streams can be used as a regular AMQP 0.9.1 queue or through a dedicated binary protocol plugin and associated client(s). Please see the stream core and stream plugin comparison page for the feature matrix.

This page covers the Stream plugin, which allows to interact with streams using this new binary protocol. For an overview of the concepts and the ways to operate streams, please see the guide on RabbitMQ streams.

Client libraries for the stream protocol are available on several platforms.

Note: items with a check mark (✓) are officially supported by the RabbitMQ Team at VMware.

Use Stream PerfTest to simulate workloads and measure the performance of your RabbitMQ stream system.

Enabling the Plugin

The Stream plugin is included in the RabbitMQ distribution. Before clients can successfully connect, it must be enabled using rabbitmq-plugins:

rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_stream

Plugin Configuration

TCP Listeners

When no configuration is specified the Stream Adapter will listen on all interfaces on port 5552 and have a default user login/passcode of guest/guest.

The port stream listener will listen on can be changed via rabbitmq.conf.

Below is a minimalistic configuration file which changes the listener port to 12345:

stream.listeners.tcp.1 = 12345

while one which changes the listener to listen only on localhost (for both IPv4 and IPv6) would look like:

stream.listeners.tcp.1 =
stream.listeners.tcp.2 = ::1:5552

TCP Listener Options

The plugin supports TCP listener option configuration.

The settings use a common prefix, stream.tcp_listen_options, and control things such as TCP buffer sizes, inbound TCP connection queue length, whether TCP keepalives are enabled and so on. See the Networking guide for details.

stream.listeners.tcp.1 =
stream.listeners.tcp.2 = ::1:5552

stream.tcp_listen_options.backlog = 4096
stream.tcp_listen_options.recbuf = 131072
stream.tcp_listen_options.sndbuf = 131072

stream.tcp_listen_options.keepalive = true
stream.tcp_listen_options.nodelay = true

stream.tcp_listen_options.exit_on_close = true
stream.tcp_listen_options.send_timeout = 120

Heartbeat Timeout

The heartbeat timeout value defines after what period of time the peer TCP connection should be considered unreachable (down) by RabbitMQ and client libraries.

A similar mechanism is used by the messaging protocols that RabbitMQ supports.

The default value for stream protocol connections is 60 seconds.

# use a lower heartbeat timeout value
stream.heartbeat = 20

Setting heartbeat timeout value too low can lead to false positives (peer being considered unavailable while it is not really the case) due to transient network congestion, short-lived server flow control, and so on.

This should be taken into consideration when picking a timeout value.

Several years worth of feedback from the users and client library maintainers suggest that values lower than 5 seconds are fairly likely to cause false positives, and values of 1 second or lower are very likely to do so. Values within the 5 to 20 seconds range are optimal for most environments.

Flow Control

Fast publishers can overwhelm the broker if it cannot keep up writing and replicating inbound messages. So each connection has a maximum number of outstanding unconfirmed messages allowed before being blocked (initial_credits, defaults to 50,000). The connection is unblocked when a given number of messages is confirmed (credits_required_for_unblocking, defaults to 12,500). You can change those values according to your workload:

stream.initial_credits = 100000
stream.credits_required_for_unblocking = 25000

High values for these settings can improve publishing throughput at the cost of higher memory consumption (which can lead to a broker crash). Low values can help to cope with a lot of moderately fast-publishing connections.

This setting applies only to publishers, it does not apply to consumers.

Consumer Credit Flow

This section covers the stream protocol credit flow mechanism that allows consumers to control how the broker dispatches messages.

A consumer provides an initial number of credits when it creates its subscription. A credit represents a chunk of messages that the broker is allowed to send to the consumer.

A chunk is a batch of messages. This is the storage and transportation unit used in RabbitMQ Stream, that is messages are stored contiguously in a chunk and they are delivered as part of a chunk. A chunk can be made of one to several thousands of messages, depending on the ingress.

So if a consumer creates a subscription with 5 initial credits, the broker will send 5 chunks of messages. The broker substracts a credit every time it delivers a chunk. When there is no credit left for a subscription, the broker stops sending messages. So in our example the broker will stop sending messages for this subscription after it delivers 5 chunks. This is not what we usually want, so the consumer can provide credits to its subscription to get more messages.

This is up to the consumer (i.e. client library and/or application) to provide credits, depending on how fast it processes messages. We want messages to flow continuously, so a good rule of thumb is to create the subscription with at least 2 credits and provide a credit on each new chunk of messages. By doing so there should always be some messages flowing on the network and the consumer should be busy all the time, not idle.

Consumers get to choose how the broker delivers messages to them with this credit flow mechanism. This helps avoiding overwhelmed or idle consumers. How consumer credit flow is exposed to applications depends on the client library, there is no server-side setting to change its behavior.

Advertised Host and Port

The stream protocol allows to discover the topology of streams, that is where the leader and replicas for a given set of streams are located in the cluster. This way the client can choose to connect to the appropriate node to interact with the streams: the leader node to publish, a replica to consume. By default, nodes return their hostname and listener port, which may be fine for most situations, but not always (proxy sitting between the cluster nodes and the clients, cluster nodes and/or clients running in containers, etc).

The advertised_host and advertised_port keys allow to specify which information a broker node returns when asked the topology of streams. One can set those settings according to their infrastructure, so that clients can connect to cluster nodes:

stream.advertised_host = rabbitmq-1
stream.advertised_port = 12345

The Connecting to Streams blog post covers why the advertised_host and advertised_port settings are necessary in some deployments.

Maximum Frame Size

RabbitMQ Stream protocol uses a maximum frame size limit. The default is 1 MiB and the value can be increased if necessary:

# in bytes
stream.frame_max = 2097152

TLS Support

To use TLS for stream connections, TLS must be configured in the broker. To enable TLS-enabled stream connections, add a TLS listener for streams using the stream.listeners.ssl.* configuration keys.

The plugin will use core RabbitMQ server certificates and key (just like AMQP 0-9-1 and AMQP 1.0 listeners do):

ssl_options.cacertfile = /path/to/tls/ca_certificate.pem
ssl_options.certfile = /path/to/tls/server_certificate.pem
ssl_options.keyfile = /path/to/tls/server_key.pem
ssl_options.verify = verify_peer
ssl_options.fail_if_no_peer_cert = true

stream.listeners.tcp.1 = 5552
# default TLS-enabled port for stream connections
stream.listeners.ssl.1 = 5551

This configuration creates a standard TCP listener on port 5552 and a TLS listener on port 5551.

When a TLS listener is set up, you may want to deactivate all non-TLS ones. This can be configured like so:

stream.listeners.tcp   = none
stream.listeners.ssl.1 = 5551

Just like for plain connections, it is possible to configure advertised TLS host and port. When TLS is used, the plugin returns the following metadata:

  • hostname: if set, the advertised_host, or the hostname if advertised_host is not set
  • port: the current TLS port

It is possible to override this behavior by setting together or individually the advertised_tls_host and advertised_tls_port configuration entries:

stream.advertised_host = private-rabbitmq-1
stream.advertised_port = 12345
stream.advertised_tls_host = public-rabbitmq-1
stream.advertised_tls_port = 12344